Looking back, was this really as good of an angle as many wrestling fans claim it is?

Looking back, was this really as good of an angle as many wrestling fans claim it is?

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5 and 3 were better. But at least OP isn't an autist claiming 1 and 2 were anything but the worst in the series.

p4g > p5 > p3

Gaywads playing jarpigs

Who was the Jannetty?

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I love me some ding-dong diddly NEET braps

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You can make an argument for P2 (I don't agree with it, but you can make one)
Anyone saying P1 is clearly trolling.

IS is honestly my favorite but anyone claiming both 2s don't have massive issues is delusional, it's just contrarianism to act like the series hasn't improved hugely in some areas as it changed and evolved


>Yu Narukami has had his time in the spotlight. It's my time now, brother.
Based Hogan politicking the no-dime jabroni out of the main event, jack.

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But he draws fujo yen.

The real answer is Teddietty.

Best girl

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Top 3.
Still got Hifumi and Tae over Ann.

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Is there a better shooter in the business?

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>You can make an argument for P2
no , no you really cant

only 3 4 5 even matter

Best girl. I love her.

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Hifumi is the Jannetty is P5 waifus.
>Was originally going to be a Phantom Thief
>Got sidelined for Makoto
>Got sidelined AGAIN for Kasumi

All of them were Michaels

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Haruettty never drew a dime, bless her heart. Big Ballet Kasumi's gonna get the rocket strapped to her and be the Michaels of Michaels'.

Haru is unironically a bigger draw than Ryuji and Ann.

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kasumi probably won't end up with marie heat, but she's not gonna dethrone any of the more popular characters, especially not the ones that have fujo fanbases


last rpg game I ever played so I rate it very high