>You don’t think women can wrestle men?
>You some kind of shitlord?
You don’t think women can wrestle men?
a threesome with those dudes would be paradise.
No I’m a sitlord. As in please oh lord sit on my face mommy
I sat through Tessa vs Dijak live. Boy was that a load of shit, and I don't even mind Tessa otherwise.
feed me your braps mommies
These two seem to have been hanging out a lot lately.
Impact's women's division is literally 6 girls so I imagine they spend a decent amount of time together.
I NEED my balls on that chin
>n-no I don't. Tell you what if you two can beat me in a match right now I'll change my mind.
Not really, since they tape multiple episodes at once then everyone flies back home for a couple or three months.
Imagine the smell
Here's the thing, even if they could wrestle. No one WANTS TO SEE THAT! Wrestling is fucking gay! It has one formula and it's been done to death.
Impact needs to bring back Steiner on commentary just to bury Jordynne Grace's fat ass.
He wouldn't do that, he is a big fan of her.
>muh girl power
An average man could easily beat up both of these geeks at the same time
I would love to see Tessa make Charlotte her bitch in WWE
I'm glad Tessa finally made a friend :3
>You don’t think women can wrestle
That's just a fact sweetie
I can literally beat any woman in a street fight. Except maybe a trans woman
Dios Mio..
tessa looks like the ideal choice for wonder woman
Wtf they look like theyre wearing masks
Shitlord incel
I think you probably get kod by Amanda Nunes user
Seething beta orbiter
I like both of them so I don't really care.
I find it kinda funny imagining Jordynne squashing Gresham.
What exactly is going on on the right there? That's the strangest face I've ever seen.
Tessa's got those high test genes from her pops
Ol pumpkin and pancake face bitches
got damn
Chyna did it
Frankly you need another freak like Chyna to make it believable but theres a reason its so hard to find women built like her
thats probably what hes into
topkek, I like Tessa even more
Nunes is 130lbs I KO her easy
i don't see how one can have such a huge chin and the other can have such a round moon face
Full moon and crescent moon.
Gonna ding dong diddly cum
Charlotte would have her buried ASAP. She doesn't want competition.
advertisers, jannies, pedomod and gookmoot BTFO
impact is based
Oh yeah, I bet you couldn't wrestle me to the ground and sit on my face. :^)
Goddamn Tessa is ugly as fuck, still would smash though.
Wow, that's some nice athleticism she's showing there.