describe braps and post brappers

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Who would win in a brap off, Jenna Kittens Emma Ink

do the women actually enjoy doing this spot?

pillow ass

Attached: pillow ass.jpg (642x960, 41K)

Jenna queefs pretty often instead of farting. Emma is 100% pure brap

what are the odds she farted while she did that spot?

The fact that Emma ink never did a face fart clip is one of the most disappointing things ever


Someone post the pic of nia and Alexa eating breakfast where nia is drinking coffee and just got done eating beans and toast

Tough one. I give the edge to Emma since she's a veteran

poor Alexa. that car ride must have given her gas chamber flashbacks

based shoot brapfags
not into braps but it’s based that we have actual unironic brap fetishists on this board

Nia was probably getting revenge.

brap goddess

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>implying Nia didn’t give Alexa the old fart hotbox every time they drove together

Maybe they had brap offs.

Nia would win every time. Alexa can’t compete with all that brapcow

Sasha definitely loves to BRAP

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I'm sure they do. They all love each other's brappers. The wwe needs to make these spots more common so they can usher in the Brappitude Era.

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Dude I'm unironically a scatCHAD also

This board is truly Brappilled

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How come the pitfags didn't come out?

Compared to taking actual bumps, probably.
Hell half the time it's done they only make contact with the upper chest if not missing entirely.
Outside of gif related, almost no one is taking a brapper to the face.

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Loverachelle2 vs Selena Loca

My God just imagine the smell

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That one BrapChad who took requests and drew them was really based I miss seeing him on the /BRAP/ threads.

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he said he wonr post because jannie was a fag and banned him

I'm always lurking user
Also, yea I got banned for drawing that Rhea pic with the black cock but I'll post some stuff one day soon when I get the time and inspiration

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no braps

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Based braplurker.
Do you have pic related w/o said cock?

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What a Based and Brappilled BrapCHAD. You've done a great service for all the other BrapChads user. Stay based.

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Irrelevant af, but they’re cool in my book

They're beneath footfags

BrapCHADS buried those geeks and they haven't been out the undercard ever since

Unironically one of the top 10 posters in this boards history

Based and Brappilled

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Why do keep posting this braplett

This board gave me a brap fetush and I got my first every gf a while ago and we were sitting in the couch and she let one rip and I instantly got close and did a deep inhale it smelt bad and she got up and left afterwards haven’t talked since and that was 8 months ago so just wanted to say thanks a lot

don't lie on the internet

Have sex

don't ever forget BrapGod died for our sins
we must keep this Yea Forums themed brap fetish ASMR live on


I’m not lying I wish I was I’m so fucking lonely it was the last time I was actually happy

holy FUCK when was this?

>she actually said she was gonna ding-dong diddly brap
>that is followed by something that sounds like a brap
i'mma jack off to this later

some guy lied & said he got his GF to do it, but in reality, he went to /soc/ & PAID a sfa performer to do it

It's ok user she wasn't the one for you. I've met girls who were into the Brap fetish and it's great. You'll find a BrapStacy man just keep your head up and don't let her bring you down. Stay true to you. Stay a BrapChad. Bitches are a dime a dozen, but there's only one you.

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Thank you user one day my dream will be fulfilled


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Cute little brapper

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Which one wins a BRAP contest? I would pick Nikki.

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Asuka does it at every single house show and encourages others to join in

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BRAP submission

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reminder that the brap at the end was a a shoot

I can see Sonya enjoying taking them