Bliss opens hour 3

>Bliss opens hour 3
>ratings drop to under 2 million viewers

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Inb4 that Blissfag starts frothing at the mouth

>state of that nose

She was in the second hour.

She was literally the first segment

KEK I hope that hoovefag off himself

Bexfag trying to do damage control.

See this thread if you want to see what non-waifufags are saying...


Friendly reminder that the highest rated 3rd hour or main event segment involving the women in recent memory was a Charles vs Sasha match and we all know Charles can't draw for shit

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She was in the third hour

Her match with Naomi was over literally 13 minutes before the 3rd hour even started
Meaning she was never in the 3rd hour

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No Sasha last night? Look at those ratings plummet

She had 4 segments on the show, 2 of them being an absolutely boring shit match. She might not be the cause of the decline but she sure as hell isnt a draw

Yea, her shitty match had people change the channel and not come back for the 3rd hour

>trying to cope the fact that your waifu is not a draw as Blissfags claim

Don't forget that the 'Bliss is a draw' meme all started with a title match agianst Sasha. Sasha was the draw along.

>Hour 3

Spotted your problem.

Wrestling should be 90 minutes long.

Dont care what Roaddog or whoever says about the adverstising bux. 3hr raw killed Raw dead. Its too much product, thats too long, an frustrating to watch too many days of the week now.

90 minutes of straight "Main-Event" caliber TV with video packages and STORY ANGLES.

Then everything else on the Network.

there wont be a show period. full stop. if this 3hr bullshit continues much longer.

Blisscels on suicide watch.

bexcel cope

Women’s wrestling will never be a draw

>Bliss is a dra-

they came back from commercial with Becky entering the ring for hour 3

>when your waifu is such an anti-draw you have to lie about when segments aired to cope
The absolute state of Bexcels

>still pretending Jewrat is a draw when it was Horse carrying her all along
So this is the power of Blissfags

WTF i love bliss now

>still pretending it wasn't Beko tanked the ratings
>bringing up the horse for no reason
So this is the power of reddit.

Ya seethe, Blisskek? Or ya gonna bump ya neck to sawdust like your waifu?

>being this mad
I never said Bliss was a draw, but she wasn't in the third hour, your transfu was and that's when ratings plummeted.

>Only 15 P and 28 R
>9 P From the same fag
Based Lexi working this fag in to a shoot

>checking shit like this
What a loser lmao

breh the blisskikes could join the Olympics with all these mental gymnastics

i thought she was the Crown Jewel...what happened?

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>being right is mental gymnastics
Cope harder, Your transfu is killing WWE

>he continues

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Have sex

Ratings plunged once viewers realized that lexi wasn’t taking off her socks


Mate you showed up to seethe hours later. Orton poster was right to call you out.

Only retards believed this.

blisscel and blissfag. lose weight.

Are you still pretending Bliss was in the third hour Bexcel?

>Bliss opens hour 3
She didn't though, Becky did

four segments? that's way too much for one wrestler.

her wrinkles turned viewers off

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>bexcels still blaming Bliss
most pathetic cope I've ever seen

The 2 hours Bliss was featured was 200k-300k above 2m viewers.
The hour Becky was featured was 110k below 2m viewers
Both their segments were promoted throughout the night, so it's not like people didn't know they were appearing, so "they tuned out because of her" takes make no sense given that viewers were told about both segments stayed through Bliss's but turned it off in the hour Becky was in.