Is agua the Carter of the weebs?

He's responsible for every single meme and derailment of every weeb general in Yea Forums. Much like Carter he might be already dead and people are just impersonating him but nonetheless, very much like Carter, he reshaped the very foundation and culture of the weeb generals of Yea Forums.

Attached: aguakun.png (400x602, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't browse Yea Forums. Their mods are too good at quelling shitposting. Can't even post a god damn frog.

Why does he larp as Komatsu Nana on twitter?

Literally who?

I feel like it's just one autist who have so much free time in his life working the joshi fans who are known for being brainlet easily-triggered retards by falseflagging, samefagging and shitposting.

Attached: 1541572355404.jpg (365x370, 26K)

Agua hates puro twitter, so he gets a pass.

i have all the weeb generals filtered so i don't care

agua is based

We are all agua

This guy definitely weighs 380lbs at minimum

agua is the man, false fans beware

the pedophile from the joshi threads

agua is the fire that smolders in the souls of all redpilled joshi fans. occasionally those flames are fanned into a roaring inferno of shitposts

Agua is what we should all aspire to be. Best Poster in the world.

Is that the gook from the movie with braps and zombies

Some tard who got banned from /wooo/ (like most Yea Forums people) so he came to shit up this place.

Agua is cool. You ask him for match recommendations and he pulls out a spreadsheet with dates.

Op is a stalker who has been derailing all the joshi threads for the last year because 2 years ago Agua gave his waifu a 1 star match or some dumb shit

Attached: ddtwrestling.jpg (767x767, 79K)

the only times I've ever been sure it's him, he's been alright. the guy just likes joshi and is an enthusiastic promoter of it. what's worse is the hordes of spergs who never shut the fuck up talking about him and saying youre agua, shut up agua, agua this and agua that, it doesn't make any sense and its annoying as fuck

Attached: 1546317073966.gif (380x214, 1.98M)

Guilty looking post



Attached: D4tQN2HUIAA3olb[1].jpg (1200x900, 117K)

>le shut up agua!!! xD

fuck off with your low quality gay cancer memes faggot

This shit is why Agua is so great. He's managed to work these people into an absolute seethe. Just by posting images of Joshi and having a bout tracker.

I've been accused of being him for a post I made and I didn't even know who the fuck was he at that time.

guilty looking post

please, please stop shitposting. for fucks sake.

the op of the joshi threads saw all the wolfcuck posting and decided to parody some guy on twitter the same way and use it to stimulate activity in his threads, old news

why is that asian guy grabbing that manlet's penis?

>Based Zonbi asu

Attached: 98DC198A-2716-44A5-8319-ED53BC24D836-9122-00000C0B120A08F5.jpg (590x393, 53K)

Unironically this

Guilty looking posts

check the state of this guy seething because everybody thinks agua is a stand up guy

Guilty looking post

>G-G-Guilty Loking posts
The state of your COPE, mate. Just because we don't sperg over a Joshiposter like you doesn't make us Agua.

He's an idiot weeb with no life, but he's alright otherwise.

Don't think he got banned from there, he spends all day posting on every wrestling board.

that's Danshoku Dino. his gimmick is that he is a gay rapist and all his wrestling spots involve getting his ass out and trying to fuck the man he's wrestling with. Danshoku also means sodomy in japanese. his name is basically Sodomy Dan

The Joey Ryan dickspot was a counter DANSHOKU DIENO who does a gay nymphomaniac shooter gimmick but the gag is all his submissions are gay rape. Dieno told Joey Ryan to counter him with his "big American penis" and it got over with twitter marks because Dieno is based and can even get Joey Ryan over. He also had good matches with Joey Ryan. The guy is a legend.

>his gimmick is that he is a gay rapist

Who is we?

You'll have to be more specific

t. the falseflaging samefagging shitposting general-derailing agua larper

Who is this qt?



Go the fuck back to twitter puro faggot.

agua is the worst member of puro twitter because he spams threads on this board with his bullshit, at lest the other fags just stick to reddit where they belong

agua tried to stalk OP by messaging at least one random twitter account. When that person he messaged posted a screenshot of the message agua got so worked that he's gone into delusional overdrive these past few months accusing anyone and everyone of being OP. This has derailed almost every one of the stardom threads this year after he derailed most of the tjpw ones to begin the year. He also has accused who he thinks OP is of being the one to make pretty much any thread on this board involving a Japanese woman, which I find hard to believe and just grasping for anything he can get. I don't have a dog in this fight because I only look in the threads for cute pics of Mayu and Yuka, but I'm sure I'll be accused too. Just wish he'd stop being a faggot so I can get more of those cute pics.

he's just been on an autistic witch-hunt since he exposed himself by posting that KaGOATsu guy's twitter, and it used to be fun to laugh at him freaking out over every little thing but it's just tiresome now

yeah if he actually did just post match recs nobody would care (despite his shit taste), but when he does that type of autistic shit it provides nothing productive and just ruins the threads. I say threads because he never contains his autism to one. I saw "/oedo/ is not canon" posted in like 4 different threads within a few minutes when I was necrobumping Kevin Nash threads this morning. If he was just a shit stirring troll I'd have no problem, but he gets worked all the time and throws fits.

agua is the wolfcuck of the weebs, only he has a lot less ironic supporters


>Kevin Nash

Attached: charliemurphy.gif (220x167, 1.07M)

hi Aqua!

is this fag pretending to be a Japanese teenage girl who watches joshi? This is the most pathetic shit I've seen in awhile.

not only that but he spreadsheets his star ratings of matches like anyone cares. what a fucking nerd

this is a more solid comparison, but he's a lot cringier than Wolfcuck

he probably made this thread too


Yeah me too actually. Just asking for a rundown got me accused

Attached: agua.png (1045x787, 72K)

top kek


hey Aqua!

guilty looking post

the evidence is concrete

Contrary to how it's usually memed, most weebs (at least most male weebs) are the exact opposite of fat
he's more likely 150 pounds soaking wet

is agua the "japanese professional wrestler riho" and suruga mei poster?

yes, and all of the other similar garbage threads

>beta orbiting a weeb who beta orbits anything with slanted eyes
you people make r9k look like chads



Attached: D509E2D3-6B7C-4508-AA6E-FF79233C83C8.jpg (200x200, 7K)

holy fucking cringeola

he makes it so obvious too, I can't even imagine being that obsessed with someone

don't forget this classic

Attached: pedophile.png (845x1113, 252K)

Reminder that anyone who is that hardcore into joshi is 100% guaranteed also a pedo and will be caught with CP at some point.

Agua has more dimensions than that. He once told me about how he got really mad and stomped his pet cat to death. What I'm saying is, don't bully agua or he'll kill again.

hopefully he'll kill himself

I'll be completely honest, I've been interested in watching joshi before but I got turned off when everyone talking about it were mentally ill waifufags

don't judge the entire fanbase on the guy this thread is about, most of them just like good wrestling

95% of them are, and that's the only kind on here. If arguments don't revolve around themselves, they have nothing to talk about.

>most of them just like good wrestling

Attached: 1834862872.jpg (443x300, 21K)

They fuck up every single thread they have here and it's not just 1 person, it never is.

fair enough, 40% like good wrestling, most of the rest just like the pits and feet

>modern day joshi
>good wrestling
All modern joshi fans are pedophiles. If they tell you they are watching for good quality wrestling, they are liars. They are watching to see young women skimpily dressed and intentionally made to look like little girls/jailbait in revealing clothing and made to act like little children. To even call that joshi is insulting to actual good joshis of the past like Aja Kong. Manami Toyota, Bull Nakano, etc.
Modern joshi is almost all exclusively pedo bait.

ironically enough, the one thread he constantly tries to badmouth (oedo) usually doesn't have these problems since he stopped posting there. That's been enough to convince me most, if not all, of the derailing bullshit comes directly from him.

Go be wrong somewhere else, wannabe boomer

I watch modern joshi because I loved AJW and this is the closest we to it in today's wrestling. That and because Reiki Saiki is fucking hot


Kenny will save it

And you reply and egg it on why

that's your/their fault

>and because Reiki Saiki is fucking hot
good job outing your true motivations for watching right at the end there. Proving me right.

t. pedophile

this, I see who I assume is him bringing up /oedo/ and the people that post there all the time in different threads then I go there and they just post pics and talk about the matches and shit. I don't get it.


nope, I don't engage the autistic arguments. I just go to another thread when I see them because they almost always go on until the next thread gets posted.

>janny deleting everything
>this off topic circlejerk about twitter shit is fine

If they stopped when told to instead of crying how it's always agua somehow I'd believe it isn't them LARPing and causing shit themselves, because it's totally always not them whos tart it when he's mentioned out of the blue or to someone obviously not him. Suspiciously, the /tjpw/ bitching is full of posts within a minute of each other.

I've been baiting him having gay sex with me for 2 years, kinda willing to switch to bottom for him.-

so multiple people don't like him? I don't get what point you're trying to make because this thread proves that already.

I was watching joshi for years but I'm not autistic enough to go researching release dates and finding uploads of shows so I used to just watch along with the autists and some of them are alright, agua was always the worst one.

but you're just doing exactly what you're accusing them of doing by assuming anyone who complains about him has to come from that thread. He's been shitting up every joshi thread for years now so that seems like a reach to think that only people in one of the threads have a problem with him. As for the tjpw stuff I'm not sure what you're insinuating. If you're implying it's people from oedo then that just seems like you're using that thread as a scapegoat for no good reason, especially since it hasn't had a post in like an hour now. Not to drag this reply on more, but why are you defending this guy when he mostly just causes problems that ruin the threads he's in?

Where do I find the other 5% cuz they're not here


Momo Watanabe is better than Manami Toyota.

both are overrated and mediocre

It's one loser samefagging and trying hard to convince people he isn't the one ruining threads.

>no response
well I guess I know who it was then

>but you're just doing exactly what you're accusing them of doing by assuming anyone who complains about him has to come from that thread.
Because they're no different from him.

>He's been shitting up every joshi thread for years now so that seems like a reach to think that only people in one of the threads have a problem with him
It really is considering I've never said it was.

> If you're implying it's people from oedo then that just seems like you're using that thread as a scapegoat for no good reason, especially since it hasn't had a post in like an hour now
Find where I ever mentioned oedo.


>Find where I ever mentioned oedo.
you responded to this post about /oedo/ and you said "they"

Who the fuck is this? I've been here for years and this is the first time I hear about this person.


Based aguaACE!

Attached: D5eh9mJUIAYMhAi.jpg (899x749, 84K)


kek why do the miki posters work him into such a seethe?

here he is in one of Arisa Hoshiki's live videos begging her to respond to him

Attached: Miki lmao.jpg (386x388, 19K)

Attached: Maoko cringe.png (2048x1894, 1.55M)


he already saved puro by leaving it

is this the pedo from the joshi threads?

based Miki

It's become clear over over the joshi threads in recent days that agua isn't the problem but his schizophrenic stalker who never shuts up about him is

nobody other than agua would defend agua

schizophrenic stalker fingers made this post

accusing people of acting like you only makes you look worse, agua

I like him way more than you, you fucking sperg

I don't like him at all

trips of truth

Jesus christ all of you cunts fuck off back to wew

if he would this board would be much better

>damage control

any updates? has she responded to his messages?

That was an imposter. As agua says "Imitation raises the value of the subject while lowering that of the impostor"!

Attached: DPZboqXVAAEtzUH.jpg (1200x941, 160K)

>quoting yourself in third person
strange form of damage control

>agua's username and picture
nobody believes you lmao

Hi agua, I used your Kairi Hojo vs Toni Storm review today to explain the strategy behind a Kairi Hojo spanking webm, hope you don't mind!

You’re having a random twitter person who doesn’t know of your existence roam rent free in your heads.

nobody believes you

Guilty looking post

Back to /jp/, cross-boarder negro.

what even is /jp/? I just want this faggot out of Yea Forums

it's the otaku board

is that where aqua is from?

The Touhou containment board for Yea Forums.

Attached: 1488770966701.jpg (355x369, 83K)

he's from wew

Agua may be "from" wew or any number of other wrestling hellholes, but he is mentally from Japan. Only he, out of all the western joshi fans, truly understands the medium. I don't always agree with his opinions on match-to-match basis but I respect how much thought and commitment he puts in. We should all wish for another hundred like him.

I can't respect someone LARPing as a teenage Japanese girl

how fucking bitter and pathetic do you have to be to let agua live in your head this fucking much.

>thread still up
based agua drawing (You)’s

that's just pathetic

Agua makes those newscaster threads too right? If so, how does he have access to those Japanese tv channels and can he hook a brother up. I wanna watch some gaki no tsukai

he doesn't make them he just constantly bitches about them because he thinks his nemesis /Oedo/ OP makes them

guilty looking post

guilty of having to read this shit in the last 50 stardom threads, yeah ya got me

This samefagger is really upset.

agua thinks that he makes like half the threads on this board lol

>necrobumping and IP resetting for days

>damage control

what's Touhou?

Attached: 1543471778145.png (512x512, 548K)

Yeah, he started in obscure idol generals and was pretty infamously annoying. Some of the idols did crossovers with wrestling and talk shows with wrestlers so that was posted in the threads and he migrated here and to wew. He then became obsessed and has been posting all day every day on every wrestling community online for 3 or 4 years. I saw his earliest posts. He's also completely retarded and makes nonsense arguments like everyone who lurks on Yea Forums as if it's their job.

this explains a lot about why he's so bothered by the success of the Miki general and why he's so obsessed with he /oedo/ OP since he has made three generals that have run relatively smoothly for years now. I finally get it.

Yeah, a thread with actual discussion is the opposite of his threads. He's an image dumper like the kpop generals on mu or any thread on jp. If you actually discuss anything he'll get mad because it doesn't agree with his autistic reviews.
His vanity posts are most suited to reddit, but I remember people posting screenshot of him getting btfo on reddit for being an idiot, which really says a lot.

lmfao wait even reddit fucks his shit up? that's too fucking good

The only reason I know who he is is because I lurk around looking for retarded arguments because I make things about how stupid people act so agua is a gold mine. I feel bad because he's just a troubled little dude. I legit know half his life story at this point
I could literally put a name on and work him into a shoot if I wanted.

Names I've seen him get worked over are Kevin and Matt, and I think he killed his cat or something too but I haven't gotten the full story there.

Big fan of the cat story, but I can't remember the details.
There's another story of a girl inviting him to her house and he spent the whole time telling her he wants to watch joshipuroresu. It's almost cute.

The cat angle was a quote, lifted directly from a movie called Chokolietta (2014).
He tends to use obscure quotes from various forms of media and literature.

Attached: Chokolietta.jpg (1168x3944, 569K)

Masaki Suda is a good looking guy

Only agua would be able to make this claim, only 4 people where there for that story in a private chat. This is also more cringe that he larps as Japanese children.

weird that he'd reference a movie given how autistic he gets over ones from popular movies

what kind of life choices lead to this?

I think I was just shitposting at work.

there is no damage against agua. you are just making yourself look embarrassing by posting about him non-stop and claiming everyone is him

I want to know about his life story

I meant what life choices lead to pretending to be a Japanese child online?

Agua is probably a Kamen Rider W fan, he seems like he has good taste.

carters a faggot and im glad he's dead

Guilty looking post.

he's triggered by braindead children and thats all i need to know to understand that he's a dweeb and you're wasting your time talking about him
also this thread was made by him

Attached: IMG_7160+-+Copy.jpg (1308x1208, 604K)

kek this thread has lasted longer and has had more posters than all of agua's threads combined

agua changed his profile pic. shameful.

What the fuck? Did he fall in love with some other actress other than Komatsu Nana?

me on the right

>like most Yea Forums people
Speak for yourself, fag.

>He tends to use obscure quotes from various forms of media and literature.

Yeah he's literally the only person on Yea Forums joshi crowd that compiles all his match ratings and so if you say "can you reccommend me a Miyu Yamashita match from 2017?", he can very likely do that for you. I wish there were more fans like him here.

It's clear that this thread is made by the samefag who starts shit in every thread and has been for the last year because they are a mental case. It reminds me of that "Philmarillion" guy on Yea Forums

you are mentally ill and I prefer Agua to you because you have been derailing threads for a year now with your stalker campaign against him

>if I accuse him of doing something agua does it will make agua look good!


I thought agua was above whatever low brow pedo cartoon his new avatar is from

weird that he always criticizes anime posts then chooses an anime avatar

nobody believes you, agua is the one who stalks people and ruins every thread pinhead.

Kill yourself wewtist.

this faggot is the worst member of this board

guilty looking post

I'm not agua

Agua-sama is actually respectful to the business unlike most of these losers trying to make a name for themselves on twitter.


Attached: agua pls.jpg (636x1068, 88K)



based mizukun putting the purotwitter trannies on notice

>he types to appear Japanese
that's pathetic

this is somehow not the saddest thing he does

>they hated him, because he told them the truth


he just gets BTFO everywhere he posts, huh

nobody believes you

the evidence is concrete

based chadgua living in this stalker's head rent free

>this stalker
>70 posters

guilty looking post


with 200+ replies ya mental case

and 19 images ya pinhead

>getting destroyed by john
biggest L in history

>still necrobumping this shit in addition to running however many generals
Imagine the WEIGHT

it was on page 6

>invests more time on it with more regular bumps than I even assumed
Yikes, Imagine the weight and double it

I can smell you through the screen

what did he do to the cat?

Stomped on it because he was sent to live with his gay uncle

>molested by his uncle
this explains a bunch

Attached: Big Daddy Bitch.jpg (1618x1242, 1.11M)

Shame his uncle wasn't black, otherwise agua would have become a legend like Nash

maybe in the next life

>being more of a bitch than Nashetty
kek what a bitch

has he recovered from this one yet?

He's not wrong. Case and point the fans that were at the Stardom and Seadlinnng events. Agua at least respects the sacred traditions of puro wres unlike most of these unrefined western (and oven dodging Juden) fans.

agua has never been to a show so how do you know he respects any traditions? All I know of him is that he saves pictures from twitter and complains about people a lot.

Just because he doesn't take pictures of joshi's asses to posts them on his feed doesn't mean he hasn't attended events. He's not a narcissist like all these prematurely balding midlife crisis twitter sycophants.

agua seethes over anyone attending shows, he has a weird problem with people supporting joshi.

he's on here 24/7, he doesn't go to shows lol

why the fuck would anyone stomp on a cat?



imagine defending someone who doesn't take pictures of joshi asses

Because they've been sent to live with their gay uncle. Can't you read?

the absolute lowest form of human being

agua has admitted multiple times that he has never attended a wrestling show in his life. He has been obsessively watching Japanese wrestling for maybe 6 years on his mom's laptop.

lmfao what a fucking loser

but how does that justify hurting a cat?

what do you think his mom tells her friends what her son does?

I don't know, I've never been sent to live with a gay uncle. Maybe it makes sense in the moment.

>Attending wrestling shows, actively seeking out other losers of society
lel no thank you

is agua's gay uncle the cause of agua's homophobia and transphobia?

Agua-kun is not transphobic. Why would you say that when he specifically said so yesterday?

Attached: ivjioej.png (553x532, 269K)

he often criticizes people for using specific pronouns

and he call them genefreaks

which is ironic coming from the lowest form of human kind, agua

ASUKA gives me semis on a regular basis.
Not homophobic.
No transphobic.
Just don't like Puro Twitter.
Simple as.

Attached: D3TynzqUcAYiruc.jpg (1200x1200, 228K)

would you suck ASUKA dick?


yeah he isn't infamous for lying on this board or anything

I can't imagine what makes sense to an autist
She probably just says he's a dork


Attached: Dzsf-lOUcAAc2Zw.jpg (1635x2048, 242K)


But you're part of Puro Twitter, Agua! Do you not like yourself?

kek the guy makes up more shit than anyone on this board

Attached: D0f4RvUU8AAU4MZ.jpg (960x1706, 269K)

ASUKA is hot. Pity the girl preference and not male.

How is this shitty thread still up the fuck
asp really is bored virgin central

the man on the left is the one in this picture that gets agua hard lmfao

ya seethe droney cuck

She's a woman

ASUKA likes men

Attached: D0BZD-JV4AEFxz8.jpg (1538x2048, 546K)

>getting hard over Makoto's Hank Hill ass
I seriously hope, etc

>ASUKA likes men
Wait. Yeah, she played up the BIG LOVE angle in DDT, didn't she?

never looked past her tits so I wouldn't know about her ass

>ASUKA likes men
don't discourage agua like that


>She's a woman

Attached: 1528232489000.gif (172x174, 1020K)

>this thread has been up over a week

Attached: 1549325326989.jpg (854x310, 89K)

I've bumped it a few times to make agua seethe

nobody believes you

it brings awareness to the cancer that its the yoshi trash on this board

Attached: agua tweet.jpg (617x861, 73K)

this simp has never left his house

He wouldn't leave his house if his 10 favourite joshi were wrestling in his neighbours back yard for free.
He'd then complain about not being able to watch the match on samurai TV.


Wrestling on TV IS much better than seeing it live so that makes sense.

No it's not.

>Isn't overpriced
>Get multiple angles as close as you like, no danger of being sat in front of a post or ten miles away
>Don't have to be anywhere near wrestling fans
>Can order takeout if you feel like it
It's clearly superior. I'm sure paying for mark pics is a big bonus or something, though.

nah experiencing matches live tends to make them more enjoyable

The wrestling I've been to, because there is only one promotion in my country and I really, really do not want to see fat backyard slobs trying to "wrestle", even if the promoter is trying very hard and brought dudes from Hungary and Germany, is in Tokyo. I've been to Shinkiba 1st Ring, to Korakuen Hall, Tokyo Dome and to Shinjuku FACE. And all of these venues had somethign great to offer.
>Korakuen Hall
No bad seat in the house, been there for 4 shows and I've sit at several places, never close to the ring, but I always seen all the action, only once when there was one of those brawls where they go over the whole building. And seeing Kenoh was like seeing a red tornado or a storm cloud. It was awesome.
>Shinjuku FACE
So small, so intimate, watching Meiko enter the ring in Shinjuku was like a religious experience. getting Aja Kong thrown in your row of chairs was surreal and Mika Iwata is the most beautitful woman I have ever seen in person. The venue is great, because you feel like you can touch the ring even if you are at the seats that are the furthest from it. The aura of performers fills the room, because it is not too big. It felt awesome being there, very communal, I loved it.
>Shinkiba 1stRing
It was very cold outside, but throughout the show the building warmed enough that I almost fell asleep just before main event. Seeing Io Shirai stand on the top turnbuckle was great. Also only after being there live I was able to appreciate how hard these women hit each other. Even the girls in the first match worked very hard and stiff. I was suprised how much better the strikes sounded and looked, especially drop kicks, when witnessed live. And Io Shirai basically owned the whole building when she came out and during her match. She is one of those "larger than life", because she seems like a giant when she is in the ring. That is her world and you are only living in it.
>Tokyo Dome
The whole building shook when Naito was coming out.

For WWE maybe, and probably NJPW DOME shows for half the crowd. I don't go to WWE shows or Njpw shows so I don't care. Live wrestling is based.

you are both homophobic and transphobic, just because you say you aren't doesn't change the truth.

nobody believes you

has Arisa read your messages yet?

I'm not agua and nobody believes you or cares about the messages you sent Arisa while roleplaying as agua

nobody believes you


Uhhh mmm uhhh m.m


I'm aqua

yeah it's much more believable that someone cares enough to pretend to be agua and bug Arisa than agua just being autistic like usual

his damage control from getting exposed for harassing Arisa has been pretty interesting to follow

he's gotten BTFO'd on reddit too!? LMFAO


Attached: DyaKCk6VAAgWftL.jpg (4096x2730, 1.43M)

nobody believes you

I believe them

nobody believes you

actually everyone here has personally told me they do, all 90+ of them

No I didn't

everyone other than agua*

I'm not agua.

Attached: D5uBwYmV4AEuWuJ.jpg (994x1199, 171K)

If you've got a different opinion, you're Agua here. The sperghaus lives in their heads.

I am aqua

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Attached: D53dhJ_UIAACh9F.jpg (1200x800, 106K)

how many of agua's threads did this one outlast this week? 30?

you tell us, nobody else cares


kek he's already made another one so one of his threads will finally outlive this one