>W-we aren't th-threatened by AEW, w-we swear!
>Le-let's just make sure you're n-not DM'ing C-Cody or Th-The Young B-bucks!

Imagine, JUST IMAGINE working for this company. Isn't this some sort of violation of United States laws?

Attached: passwords.png (427x394, 75K)

after shit like this, they still pull the independent contractor bullshit

t. John Oliver
Fuck off, cuck, this is a magapede board



Honestly, it's getting to the point that wwe is going to have to reclassify thier IC and lose on a lot of money



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unbased and cringepilled

They would NEVER win a proper lawsuit on the independent contractor stuff. Don't know why nobody has sued them over that shit yet

Ya mean Vince the old senile fag

I imagine Zack Ryder’s password being something along the lines of Footfucker85

Crinfe. Imagine white knighting pauletty on Yea Forums.
>muh NXT
NXT is for fat nu-male faggots. get the fuck of my board and go back to where you came from queerboi.

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Because WWE simply bleeds their prosecution out.
They dont "win", they just drag shit until their opponent's wallet cant take it anymore.

he was right and you can't say anything to refute it

>“I do believe that WWE has the right to control [Superstar] Twitter accounts. When you sign there you are told to give your password over to the digital media department and you are told not to give your password to any one else. So it’s possible that anything that pops up there in terms of pushing storylines those have been pushed by digital media, but they wouldn’t have to fall under the TV-PG auspices.”

Has nothing to do with AEW

So they have people log into their wrestlers' accounts to tweet storyline shit. Wow.

You’ll have to be the markiest of fucking MARKS to sign an extension or a deal with this company from this point

>E-drones have resorted to LITERALLY defending invasion of privacy of their employees

Jesus fucking Christ. It really, really is a cult. How utterly pathetic.

Attached: E-drone mental illness.png (1448x1180, 1.32M)

This is ripe for a juicy lawsuit. I know you're reading this, WWE talent (Manny).


holy fucking cringe

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>Literally a wave of people slamming WWE for these shitty practices.
>There's always that one fucking useless E-drone cuck who defends the company at all costs.

Why are people like this? Are they being paid to shill on WWE's behalf and damage control? Because there's literally no justification or defending this whatsoever, how can you possibly defend this?

Attached: passwords comments.png (425x593, 46K)

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Jesus this board is hilariously fucked

If you want out, just refuse to give it to them

This is old news. Ryback said no to them when he was still there.

e-drones are cultists

they've been doing this since 2016, Ryback said he didn't give them his password because he was already leaving

Their accounts are used to promote WWE business. The company should have control of them. Nothing stops the wrestlers from making personal accounts.

Thanks, Brennan. You my nigga

this dude actually got worked

Based Anita with the correct response

>I blame becky for this


Attached: 8592374633.jpg (336x644, 55K)

I don't know what this has to do with AEW but it looks really petty and embarrassing for WWE

It's fucking nothing

Same reason why draconian Terms of Service agreements are never challenged. Companies are banking on people not having the money to do so and they can waste a few million tying everything up in red tape before it ever reaches a judge.

The E is in it's death throes.

>E Drones will defend this

Not an argument
Also worked

>t. John Oliver
>Fuck off, cuck, this is a magapede board

Attached: E-Chads.png (585x587, 783K)

I-if I k-keep writing l-like this, p-people w-will f-finally l-like me and th-think I'm c-cool. Then I-I won't g-get stuffed into l-lockers anymore.


>stuffed into lockers
Holy shit how fucking old and out of touch are you? Nobody does that shit anymore lmao

Holy E-cel seethe

Fucking cringe. What a shitty fucking jab, jesus christ. Try again.

>Holy shit how fucking old and out of touch are you? Nobody does that shit anymore lmao

Right? What a fucking boomer, ahahahahaha. Must be one of the 7 remaining WWE fans, patiently waiting to die. OH NO NO NO NO NO.

Attached: Old e-drone retards.png (666x510, 69K)


Never mind that most high schools don't even have lockers anymore or don't use them. This dude is like straight 40+ posting on 4channel how pathetic can you get


I can see your hooknose, boomerkike.

This is true. I haven't had cable tv since 2015 and only use my ISP for internet. Cable / Satellite TV packages are a joke since you can just stream shit live if you know what you're doing and download VODs

Shit like this is why I want the company to die, fags like this will end up offing themselves

how old are you? just curious, bud


>t. John Oliver
Fuck off, cuck, this is a magapede board

Attached: Boy_with_Down_Syndrome.jpg (310x427, 29K)


Shit. I fucked that up so bad I got downs

>loving Israel this much

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You are more homosexual than Cody Collier

found the muslim also, worked

This is a violation of a human right, now whit all the social media lynching they ca't get away whith this.

Attached: dix.jpg (318x159, 8K)

Why aren't you a real fan?

Attached: IMG_20181107_142032_01~2.jpg (1440x1088, 194K)

If you were a based conservative, you wouldn't be happy with an organization impeding the right to free speech.


Imagine being an E-drone and defending this bullshit.

Imagine spending money for these shirts, and then wearing them.

Came to say this.

However, why have individual talent accounts at all if they're juat going to fuck off to their personal account and say whatever? I know the WWE wants as many advertising threads as possible, but if they're not attached to the talent, and reflecting the personality of the talent, there's no real difference between them and the brand...oh...wait...I get it now...


WWE and their brand obsession is killing the company. nothing creative has ever been better of with corporate meddling compared to with organic creation


conservatives are not happy unless they've got a billioanire's balls to suck on


I used to put the Hulu versions on, but since they cut all the matches and keep all the replays of whatever they thought was important at the show open. Which basically means that 45 minutes of the 90 minute show was Cole saying "Well, earlier tonight..." And the other half shitty promos setting up matches we never saw. It was fucking mind numbing.

when his loyalty to licking boots and his loyalty to free speech come in conflict his loyalty to the boot will always come first

Unironically crinfepilled

That's gunna be a yikes from me.

What about the belts dude?

The absolute state of (You)

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Holy cringe!

Attached: 1546714668826.png (399x322, 42K)

Hating jews is not exclusive of mudslims they have been expulsated from countless nations for a reason.


You'd think for people who recently got called out for how shitty they treat their talent they'd avoid something like this

The horrendous skin condition, hair line status, fuck even his glasses are filthy. Yes this is someone who matters

That explains a lot. I wondered how dense someone must be to sit through 3 hours of that mind-numbing garbage. It's people who grew up in the Attitude Era who keep watching in the pointless hope that it'll go all wacky and Un-PC again.

It's never happening.

Where's the wall Drumpfy?

Pretty much this.

Also this isn't new. They've asked for passwords in the past.

Then they should create new accounts for them when they sign where they already have the passwords. However, most of these accounts are individuals personal accounts that they renamed when they joined.
Regardless, this is totally retarded and if I were them then I'd just tell them I forgot my password.

>aewtist trying to do mental gymnastics since the whole bucks drawing dimes in mexico was proven to be a scam
tick tock cody

>The province of WWE
RENT mother fucking FREE


>right wing
>supporting free speech


Attached: rightwingmemehate.png (1680x1304, 239K)

Unironic yikes

Leftist hate free speech too; now you realize both sides are controlled by (((them)))

Leftists only hate people who use their free speech to insult minorities


Yes, they are brainwashed.

Enjoy your ban.

yowwy wowwy

Vince comes into your locker room and asks to see your phone, what do you do?

WWE might literally die in our lifetime.
Absolutely based

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They really think talent is going to be okay with the company spying on their personal lives?
Vince really is trying to drive all his talent away.

>it's okay to be racist

Pray to God he doesnt press "l" when using browser.

kek. wwe only just now realizing they should have been the ones creating these twitter accounts with their character names. "rebecca knox" can make her own personal account to be cringey on.

>being a MIGApede

Blumpf meme is dead you fucking boomer. We #yanggang now.

Attached: potatotrump.jpg (900x506, 38K)

>it's okay to silence people because mhu feelings.

get that circumcised zognald dick out of your mouth

>All these (you)s without rapeposting
Vince! Strap! Now!

what a fag

Attached: tumblr_nrenbvuzCQ1s01qkyo1_500.gif (500x327, 1.02M)

now that the dust has settled, was it a work?

I fucking hope so but in my heart I know it wasn't, there are unironic e-drones here, there and everywhere.

WEW u triggered super autistic Carter with this one.
You see Carter is a spic with dreams of coming to America. but he now knows. We don't want his ugly mexican ass.
So he replied to your post 20 times because it triggered him that much.

Good job

Excellent workrate, user.

I fear what crazy people like this will end up doing to the world.

Based pede working the libcucks into a seething shoot.


This coming from the most unreliable website other than wor

WWE employee morale is at an all-time low.

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Holy ducking based

The state of Jr

Somebody is ill get their nudes, bro.
Some air head diva will fuck up and have their nudes leaked, I bet it will be Sasha, Lana, Dana Brooke and Alicia Fox.

Mama mia, more leaks than a daycare.

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The only part of this that I don't get is requiring passwords rather than just using "teams" (where you give people access to your account without giving the account itself), or whatever the equivalent for the platform is. AFAIK all major social media platforms have something like it.
Social Media is something WWE pushes heavily to investors, it makes sense for them to want to have greater control over their social media presence, especially so they can delete shit if someone posts something that'll get them heat.
I wonder if it's only for accounts that they officially associate with their character though. I.E. if Rusev had @RusevBUL as his WWE twitter and @MiroslavBUL as his "personal" twitter, would they want access to the latter as well.

They don’t want their independent contractors following AEW.
based Vince

>Barber, I'd like the Doug Funny
>Say no more, sir.

>unironically proving that wrestling is for retard hicks with 0 IQ

Based nonceposter

Bullshit they've always bent over and spread their asshole as wide as they can. It's just that everyone other than brock and adr are fucking retarded carnies

If I was working for WWE I would tell Vince to fuck off. What the fuck can he do, fire me? Well I heard Cody is always looking for a bump guy.

glad you were able to finally post something without caps lock mauro, next could you try talking knto the mic instead of yelling?
