Vickie Guerrero: Chris Benoit should be in the Hall of Fame


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Vickie looking nice and thicc

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Boutta ding-dong diddly bust

>Layla in the back there knowing whats good


i waanna fuc kher

Benoit killed a child

It will never ever be celebrated

But if it was an adult then it's okay?

Fuck off Sullivan

Probably the same type of retard who won't blink at a human being murdered but cries when a puppy gets kicked

oh yeah, he also killed his wife.

But killing a children it's just the most coward thing you can do

They should induct him as part of a stable. Him, his wife, and his son.

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she ugly as fuck my 60 old mother look better then her kek

if he would've died in a hotel room like Eddie then there would be no problem celebrating his career, but they can't gloss over the fact that he killed his son and his wife then himself because his brain was scrambled

What’s more noble?
>Dying on a hotel floor due to years of drug abuse. Leaving your family to deal with your tax debt, alone and grieving.


>Deciding to end it, and knowing the pain it will cause your family. So you spare them suffering by taking them out with you.
Benoit is the real Chad here.

What if the childrens has a gun and is shotting at u?

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Benoit left 2 kids tho

I agree that abortion is disgusting


Kevin Sullivan killed a mother child and loving husband