Meltzer: I have a rule that I never watch really good wrestling before Raw because it will expose to me how not-good it...

>Meltzer: I have a rule that I never watch really good wrestling before Raw because it will expose to me how not-good it is.


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I want to cum inside Cumiko

I dont even watch Raw
MeMeltzer btfo

paint that faggots insides white



>This comes from the guy Who rates Young Cuck's matches 5-star
Fuck WWMEME but lmao

the thing as much as e drones cry about Meltzer, he's far more lenient with them than other promotions. They're currently the worst tv wrestling show of all time and his response is "it was a show"

I hope she has a penis

Please tell me she has a cock


you tell me

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I dont think you know what irony is

>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result

I’m glad I left roasties alone 2 years ago
Take the trappill

Google image search got crippled because of SJWs

He should have a rule that he doesn't believe made up ratings just because they make one of his boys look good.

Ratings are literally available online

Whom is this fluid druid?

>tfw I unironically enjoy the shitshow that is RAM more than anyother shitshow that is the stuff Meltzer says is good

Attached: hogan.jpg (382x375, 74K)

And that's relevant how exactly


based and sports entertainment pilled


Post more of my Husbando pls.

but what will he talk about if he doesn't watch it? His subscribers literally just wanna hear him shit on WWE so they can shitpost on 4channel

Thats a girl

she looks like a manly malissa

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Search "cumiko"