Goldust's daughter looks like THAT??

Goldust's daughter looks like THAT??

Attached: CBSKOpLUMAAb-30.jpg (852x1136, 124K)

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>Goldust's daughter looks like Goldust
Ya don't say

Is that the mtf one

Why are there no sexy natural redheads in WWE?


>Huwhite people want to preserve this

Attached: 5878787445.png (405x300, 229K)

Is that his real daughter or the tranny?

This is necessary information

Incels bully natural red heads so much that by the time they're old enough they've already dyed it blonde. It's a damn shame.


Goldust has a daughter and a step-son
the step-son is the transgender one
pic related is his daughter

god I hope so

This was the girl him and Terri had, she was on TV a few times when she was little.

Holy shit she looks exactly like Terri

I'd fuck her face

Holy shit you're fucking blind

Is that Dakota Dust?

She looks like Terri before she took the bimbopill

Attached: DDl0I8_XcAAihyg.jpg (401x735, 68K)

Looks like Britannica from Glow.


Attached: 1550112813648.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

>tfw ywn get to marry her and have goldust be your father in law

I wish she'd computerize MY man of the 90s. By that i mean my ding-dong diddly ding-a-ling.

Shit, you're right... How do I marry his daughter lads?

>autistic racist virgins think they have an opinion on womens looks

have sex once or twice then come back to this board.

that's a look that could draw dimes
She's a natural

Does the carpet match the drapes? If you know what I mean

Buddy Murphy.

t. looks at a lot of nude gingers

wait what?



Attached: tumblr_ni1oa2bkgy1tihmddo1_500.jpg (500x480, 98K)

I want her to do my taxes..... and by taxes I mean my penis.