What are the gayest moments in pro wrestling history?

What are the gayest moments in pro wrestling history?

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Every bit of Chuck & Billy

The summer of 92

probably this. wwe wasted some talent but jesus they had a goldmine with steiner who cares if he couldnt wrestle no more. the numbers dont lie and they spell disaster

Kiss my ass club

Is Vince a homosexual?

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This was a rip off from Rude/Warrior. Steiner is every way superior to Triple Cuck

The summer of '89

Well he did tell Scott Hall, "let me tell you about my first homosexual experience..."

It was Triple H that made it gay, Scotty was just there to show off his biceps to the chicks

the rape of Deadie Cuckuerrero in 89

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The Uso’s spying on the Revival taking a shower and the Revival shaving each other’s backs. It was so gay that I immediately turned off my tv.

Bi probably.

When the men touch

every AEW promo or every episode of Being The Elite

kek what a bitch

Unironically Brock and Angle.

wtf even was 2003 Smackdown

Rent free ya seethin simp

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>that dude in the back preping a chockeslam

This is the winner.
Billy and Chuck was gimmick with storylines built for it.
This is almost shoot unexplainable (think it was Steph’s idea if I remember correctly).

Mid 90's HBK was gay as fuck

Nah. Vince and Trips just love bodybuilding.

That entire feud had some insanely homoerotic undertones. There was even a segment during the go home show for the Rumble where Steiner just stripped Haitch down to his underwear.


This was miles better than that rumble match.

top fucking kek

I love Shawn but....

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Please elaborate.

BTFO Kevin bitch