Lio Rush heat in depth

>Mike Johnson pwinsider
>There's been a lot of talk about the future of Lio Rush. He was backstage at Raw last night, but was not used. There's been a lot of talk within the company that he's going to be shifted back over to WWE NXT in the near future. Rush has been a polarizing figure backstage for some time among other wrestlers, dating back to the November 2018 European tour, where as the junior member of the tour, he blew off what has long been considered standard backstage etiquette for the junior member of the roster on overseas tours, including being at the gorilla position after matches to provide water to talents as they returned from the ring as well as carrying coolers and drinks into the hotels where the roster was staying in order to set up a common area where everyone could socialize privately together. These sorts of menial jobs are often done to show respect to the locker room and the business and are usually passed on to the next junior member of the locker room when someone else is brought up to the main roster. Given that this was his first European tour, those responsibilities would have technically fallen on Rush’s shoulders.

>When several veterans tried to explain to Rush that he was making a mistake at the time, he blew off the advice and complained to WWE management, which didn't score him any points. Things calmed down in recent months, but there have been additional issues, including Rush allegedly bringing friends and relatives backstage without proper credentials and other moments where he has blown off counsel of senior Raw roster members. Rush has completely disappeared from Raw with zero explanation of the end of his on-screen relationship with Bobby Lashley.

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Bobby actually does pretty good in the Baron Corbin - John Lauranitis goofy promo way

in other words, acting exactly like a ...




>paying your dues for WWE
You're better off being a jobber in ROH

that's not a G


Based Lio working the carny camp

n old school wrestler that the numales responsible for the death of WWE who have the audacity to call themselves legends just for having been there for many years due to politics rather than ability are jealous of for not abiding to their totalitarian demands

he seems pretty based on not wanting to do stupid fucking traditions. who gets upset over him not handing out water bottles?
it just looks like male wrestlers are bigger divas than the women

you started out ok with the letter N , what happened?

>being at the gorilla position after matches to provide water to talents as they returned from the ring as well as carrying coolers and drinks into the hotels where the roster was staying in order to set up a common area where everyone could socialize privately together.

Fucking carny geeks

AEW can't come soon enough to get rid of this ridiculous, oudated, carny and toxic backstage wrestling environment.

NJPW does similar shit in their dojos with their juniors which is equally unacceptable in 2019.

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>e blew off what has long been considered standard backstage etiquette for the junior member of the roster on overseas tours, including being at the gorilla position after matches to provide water to talents as they returned from the ring as well as carrying coolers and drinks into the hotels where the roster was staying in order to set up a common area where everyone could socialize privately together. These sorts of menial jobs are often done to show respect to the locker room and the business and are usually passed on to the next junior member of the locker room when someone else is brought up to the main roster. Given that this was his first European tour, those responsibilities would have technically fallen on Rush’s shoulders
>When several veterans tried to explain to Rush that he was making a mistake at the time, he blew off the advice and complained to WWE management, which didn't score him any points
good for him. if it isn't in your job description, don't do it unless you are feeling really nice. wwe's high school sports team shenanigans are cringe and there is no reason anyone should be expected to do that crap if they aren't being paid for it. lio is based, the carny business is cringe

NJPW can do it because they actually make a few stars from their dojos, WWE is ultimate garbage that doesn't develope any talent and just wastes people time.

>muh water bottle
>muh respeck

Jesus christ, fucking carnies are the worst. Can guarantee you cash money nothing even remotely close to this takes place on WWE's corporate side in Connecticut

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you dont make over 15k a year right? or own your home?

Damn it bros damned if you do damned if you don't. I can see both sides of this. It reminds of when all the rock musicians act like drugged out dicks because they think that's what gets them notoriety. Rush mightve been retarded enough to think being overconfident and not budging would make vince see him as a star. Unironically it would have if he was 6'2 white or samoan

This shit sounds like wrestlers have been brainwashed into doing whatever it takes to save the company money desu. They could hire stage hands to do this stuff, build the rings, etc, but instead they make the wrestlers do it. Then if a new guy comes along and realizes that someone else should be doing this all the brainwashed guys go "no it's tradition we must do it"

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" not my job description, I ain't doing it not my problem "
" why dont i have a great job with benefits and a foreseeable retirement?"

Even guys like Lesnar who were anti social as fuck was all about respecting everyone else , it's one thing if he didn't know, but it makes it sound like he was refusing to do that kind of stuff , which makes him sound like he thinks he is better than everyone else as even the Veterans do those stuff

If you and your co workers go on a business trip and everyone besides you drives then don't be surprised if people see you are lazy and uncooperative, I am pretty sure even Enzo had no issues getting everyone water

literally a billion dollar corporation and they cant hire someone to do this instead

based Lio saying fuck your court and fuck your dues

So Lio is being demonised for not being a little fucking bitch boy? 100% the most based midget on the roster bar none.

Pic unrelated

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based real world earner. whenever these posts divide into people who understand you have to pay dues in all phases of life, and people who start the " not my job description " know instantly who makes it in IRL and who jerks off to izzy

>Get a $100k a year job
>Have to pay your own travel and board
>Have to do manual labour that isn't in your contract



Big Lio is right to refuse that shit

i'm not saying you should literally never help out or put some extra effort in but this is like an attorney in a law office doing janitorial work. lio was signed as a wrestler and not as a water boy

Bring him to court.

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and you can bet your ass the attorneys who want to keep their offices filled with clients will clean the office themselves if that what it takes to keep clients, and money, coming through the door. that's why there are billionaires lawyers and 1-800-INJURY lawyers.

So Leo is an absolute chad acting like a star and the soft sensitive sissy onions boys want it to be like a hippy commune where nobody makes any money.

>Surely I'll be fairly compensated for my hard work if I just keep my nose to the grindstone
That's not true in real life and it's triple not true in wrestling.

law offices have custodians. even in a normal workspace the only thing people worry about keeping clean is their own desk. everything else is part of the custodians job. lio is based for no selling the carny rules

>black man has heat for not performing slave duties

He’s employed as a wrestler not a fucking roadie.

I pretty much can nail every truth about you if that's how you live your life. it's ok. the world needs people like you too.

>backstage heat back then
>Go to Wrestlers Court, pay your Jack Daniels fine, and accept your pure strikes and the matter is dropped

>backstage heat now
>Whisper campaign started to ruin your career in the press
Defend this basedlenials

Tell me more about real life. Like how it sucks when they run out of funkos at hot topics? You seem very wise, have you ever worked for anything or just complain like a total pussy?

Holy shit. If he wanted he could use that to bury the Fed after he's released. Good I want to see this company squirm

The other wrestlers realize it's a fucked up system, but it's the one Vince wants because it saves him money. They pulled him aside to tell him that's just how things are around here, but Lio thought it was some shit that the other wrestlers came up with. So Lio went to complain to management about it, who obviously told Vince about it, and ever since then Lio has been on Vince's shitlist. Whatever happened recently was enough to push Vince over the edge and now Lio is done.

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you just are not a big thinker, and surely not a big earner. there is someone in that office who is thinking beyond all the cubicles and people and " their workspace"...those are the people you beg for days off and bitterly complain about their salary

based. you get it

ITT millennial homos that broke a thousand social injustices but never drew a dime, perpetually seething.

>you just are not a big thinker
i think you are retarded user seek help. if my boss needs something done that isn't technically in my job description i will do what i can to help but I know, and he knows, that i am not a water/errand boy. my boss is smart enough to not pawn menial tasks off on people who have actual work to do. the wrestlers can fuck off and carry their own water instead of pawning it off on their co-workers.

" my boss"... nailed it. one day you will be the boss. well maybe not but you get what I'm saying.

I know the vast majority of you guys either has no job, or only job experience at McDonalds or Seven Eleven, but it's not normal to have to bring water to your co-workers and pick up the trash of grown up people, if you're job description isn't specifically waterboy or janitor.

It's 2019 for crying out loud.

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It's about Teamwork rather than anything else , if you can't do small stuff for people who are drawing the house then how are you expected to be trusted with anything

Lip Rush is the final nail in the coffin!!!

No dude these inexperienced entitled faggots won't settle for that, it's beneath them!

>you know instantly who makes it in IRL and who jerks off to izzy
what if you're both

whatever if vince liked the guy he'd get a push but he's not his type so he won't

this is all just shit they can point to but really doesn't mean anything

>Y-Your a millennial numale if you don't carry the bags and coolers of Seth Rollins

The state of E-Drones

Mmmm, that's a lot of pure strikes.

I bet you're a faggot.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this shit is common in team sports too, not only wrestling. The youngest guys in the team clean up the field after training and carry the water bottles to the locker room. They do it for a year and younger guys come up to pick up from where they left. It's only polite and if someone flat refuses to do this, he deserves the heat

You're fucking retarded. I've worked as a solicitor for 8 years and none of what you have said is true. Stop larping you burger flipping autist. Use the 200 hours a week of wwe you watch to get a clue. Higher ups look for work ethic and dedication in things that matter. Not cleaning up an office. Anyone can do that just like anyone can get a bottle of water. It does nothing to demonstrate your value. It's the wrestlers being carnies ya ding-dong diddly dingus.

I bet you're a coked-up methhead that raises Jamals son.

" I aspire in life to be able to have all my duties and responsibilities be boiled down to a few sentences in a job description, and not have to ever do anything beyond that, fuck off boomers"
" you want fries with that sir?"

if you think the water is bad just imagine the kind of weird shit chorus line ballerinas have to do backstage

By drawing your own money

touched a nerve with the 1 800 INJURY description of you huh? it's ok. world needs shit lawyers too dude.

>if you can't do small stuff for people
it isn't about whether or not he can, but that he is expected to. if jasethy is getting out of the car after a show where he tweaked his shoulder and thus can't carry his bag then someone should help him. the issue is that lio wasn't hired to be an errand boy. it is a waste of his time and talent

being a janitor at a courthouse doesn't make you a lawyer, dweeb

I don't care about him not being water bitch but bringing a bunch of loud, stinking, filthy niggers backstage is not acceptable

Better that than a soft sensitive pussyboi.

or you can work in an "important job" and do ten times the amount of work in terms of stress and political bullshit for marginally more money while your bosses get buy boats. at least the fast food guy knows he's a cog. the office guy is a cog with identity issues

His wife is white and the one he was bringing. She's sexy as fuck too.

boom. headshot

>muh dues
Fucking carny faggots.

>Waste of time and Talent
Nigga what? He likely wasn't having a match at the time and was just hanging out with some D tier Rappers he brought into the Lockerroom without asking for permission

If he got shit for not being there while he was doing something important you might have a point , but it looks like he doesn't wanna do it at all

>Rush allegedly bringing friends and relatives backstage without proper credentials

He was bringing a pack of niggers that was constantly causing problems

the quality of the matches depends a lot on the amount of trust the wrestlers have for each other. you are depending on a guy to not paralyze you several times a night. thus the team aspect comes into play. small sacrifices like carrying water and respecting vets are the building blocks of trust and comradery among the active roster. if you're too good for teamwork, you're too good for the team. why should the team do anything for you in return?

First Enzo, now Lio
what is it with these manlet MCs?

>hurr worked
Keep taking the autism bucks my man so you can pretend you have any kind of clue on an anonymous Chinese backgammon board.

could you go into detail what the 7th word of your response means? never seen it before


well, enzo was over and moved a shitload of merch, so he was making the most of the protection this offers. lio probably has the mistaken assumption that you can fake it til you make it

>hey seth your working lio tonight
>idk michael. he didn't carry my bags into the hotel last night and didn't shake my hand when he came to the arena today
>holy hell better not book him he could break someones neck
you sound like an retard


I like how the first time this was reported it was just his wive being backstage with him. Now it's his friends and relatives.

I bet in 2 weeks, it's his wive, friends, relatives, his kids kindgarden class, the Cincinnati zoo and the 86 Denver Broncos.

At least Enzo has a lot of friends and even a lot of veterans liked him , he probably said some things that others misinterpreted as seeing the Business as a joke , he just has a personality that not even can handle

Even Bully Ray who Let Enzo in RoH would have gotten Lio fired if he did this shit there

Lio Rush isn't making it with the wolves

asshole you made me click on a whatculture link


Nobody would care if it was just his wife backstage. If he had a gang of hoodrats? That would be a problem

>I should be the top guy! I'm Lio Rush! Didnt you guys see my epic match where I no sold a powerbomb off a ladder through a table? I paid my dues.

The e-drone meme is real. This thread shows there's people out there ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to go on the Internet and defend every single action made by the WWE even when it's rumors and stuff they haven't seen for themselves.


Hi Lio. Got time to shitpost since you atent on TV (again)?

>People were kinda siding with Lio a couple days ago
>Put out some rumors that makes him look bad
Based carny game

tagging and bagging

All sports have these types of rules though. NBA rookies are have to carry bags and pick up breakfast. The WWE at least has chores that help everyone and not just the talent.

>On February 18th, 2017, Rush made his debut for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla at "Only Kings Understand Each Other"


How the fuck?


E-Drones in this thread really believe that you should carry the bags of shitters like Seth Rollins lmao

>o-other sports do it s-so its okay

>He literally bring his wife to work

Try to do that in the real world and see what happens

" its..its in my job description I can bring my wife"

Its ok when Paul does it.

and now you get the point of the many posts here explaining the difference between being the boss mentality and "not my job" mentality. holy fucking based.

hes Black Enzo

with zero the talent or charisma


Women and Rush's people are ungrateful

Niggers and shitz

>he blew off what has long been considered standard backstage etiquette for the junior member of the roster on overseas tours, including being at the gorilla position after matches to provide water to talents as they returned from the ring as well as carrying coolers and drinks into the hotels where the roster was staying in order to set up a common area where everyone could socialize privately together.
So he's not a cuck. I think I like him now.

Wrestling fans are pathetic lol

He will be if he keeps bringing his wife around the boys.

Are you guys forgetting that NJPW does the same exact thing lol?

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If Bobbo is so Great then why won't he Civilise & Educate His Ward?

You’re trying too hard, gotta make your shit believable

Is Filthy Tom right?

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t. discord tranny

But who do you know has ever said no to all of it and been pushed?

don't they use the dojo guys for that? I'd actually expect it for those guys, not guys on the main roster


Yes for a guy who will remain a poor washed up mma fighter. But you guys will eat this up cuz he does a show with Brian!

That's what he means. Shingo Takagi isn't doing all that, but a young boy or a new guy coming in wanting to learn under them like Juice Robinson will.

>don't they use the dojo guys for that
Hahahaha if the e does it I'll cry and cry, bbbbbbut wait my new japan waifus do this too? Oh wait your paper tiger ideology just collapsed. It's probably due to racism in the us, wwe privilege, etc.

are you okay

based based based

I'm not sure

It'd be cool if wwe had some of the 86 broncos cameo on the show but it'll never happen

>Refuses to be a snivelling water boy to people who have no real accomplishments trying to big league him
>Gets heat for it
Fucking state. I hop he continues to work the entire roster of manchildren into a shoot with his normal behaviour.

worked and seething e-cuck who regrets having to soap bradshaw's back

Napoleon syndrome is a real illness.

Young Lions know what they're signing up for and it's a predominantly Japanese cultural thing to be submissive to superiors. America has no basis for it and Rush never signed up to be a skivvy.

That's not carny stuff. The WWE locker room is very football-like since they have (or at least used to have) so many former football players. If you ever played football in high school or college, you'd know this is just how it is. New members carry bags for old members, and then it's passed down. You every once in a while get the brat that thinks he's above it, and he doesn't make it.

>locker room respect
Carny ass shit

Based Lio

This is what happens when a bunch of single brained jocks never have to progress mentally or emotionally beyond being 17 years old.

>soap bradshaw's back
I don't want to talk about that

You sound like you watch anime

At least he doesn't use a tripcode on

You sound like a faggot

so is this a fucking corporate company with HR, or a carny circus? Because they're trying both and its cringe

>new talent has to get the water bottles and set up the coolers
Don't these fucks have stage hands? They could get a fucking mark to do that shit too. Pay him maybe $20 for the night. Or an indie fuck. Or just get up and get their own water like a fucking adult.

>New talent
So you're telling me they made someone like AJ Styles fetch everyone water bottles when he was new to the roster? Fuck out of here.

it's all part of being a team, man. especially when your job requires you to trust your coworkers not to break your neck or tear your ACL when they mess up


this isn't accurate. If it's a one-off where someone asks Lio to help pass out water bottles, it should be done because that shows flexibility and teamwork.

You do not do it because of stupid carny bullshit. that is not how any company is run.

I've been in charge of a lot of soldiers and there were soldiers assigned to my orderly room who took out the trash at the end of the day. that was part of their duty. i would gladly help out often but that is not MY job. I have other shit to worry about.

Also this.

Respect for this niglet not bein a punk for the other miserable cucks in the back that pretend to like to eat shit because muh industry.

Seth probably carried water when he was new and he still killed Sting. This sort of thing doesn't mean shit.

Why don't they just put a cooler right behind the curtain?

WWE has a teamwork environment, but doesn't pay you the benefits of being a team player. Fuck them. Lio is making the right move not being anyones punk bitch. I doubt they made the dude from the Shield do this goofy shit.

AJ had a long career already when he got hired and already knew/was respected by a lot of the roster. lio rush by comparison main evented nu-czw for a year or so

seth didn't give sting spinal stenosis

fucking carnies

Based Nigger

>this new wrestler has to do the thing
>this new wrestler doesn't
Nah fuck that carny doublethink place
Nobody can claim to be redpilled and support that snowflake bullshit

true but lio would be bottom dog no matter what. now he's still bottom dog but all of his coworkers hate him as a bonus

AJ had been a main eventer in TNA and NJPW, whereas lio rush main evented the skate zone in voorhees NJ

they don't pay his bills. fuck them. damned if you do damned if you don't.

they actually do, you can't have a match with yourself

Still new to WWE so I don't ding-dong diddly care about those bingo halls
Whatever it takes for you to keep chugging the s󠀀oy-aid cuck


>Lio is making the right move not being anyones punk bitch
>Off TV and not even mentioned
He for sure has a lot to show for it right now.

just a reminder that the crux of this story is that lio rush is being treated like a vanilla midget by other, slightly larger vanilla midgets


Notice how Bray finally returns to TV and Lio gets pulled for bullshitting in the back.

his coworkers don't pay him guy. wtf are you smoking or have you never worked a lick in your life before? they do a dance together and set up the rings. that's their job. if your job description doesn't mention moving your coworkers luggage and being a fucking butler to them then why the fuck would you do it? you're not getting paid for that shit.

who cares if he's not on tv? he's making a decent check for coming in and sitting around in catering.

I'm not about to start sticking up too much for the dojo because it was a fucking nightmare until Tanahashi came along, but there's two main differences.
1) The guys there are trainees, they know what's gonna be expected of them, they signed up for it. It's part of their job.
2) After you graduate as a Young Lion, you actually get pushed and get treated like a star.

So you know what you're getting into, and you're actually paying dues in a tangible way and getting rewarded for it later on. Compare this situation and it doesn't really line up. Also, for the record, Aleister Black once told a story where he was doing this stuff, but Roman took him aside and said he didn't want him doing it anymore because he was a part of the roster and didn't need to pay his dues. So, uh, which one is it, guys?

>who cares if he's not on tv?
He does.

what is lio's job description, then? did he answer a craigslist ad?

You're gonna go through Hell at the dojo, but if you make it through, you'll probably have a job for life, making good money, and actually enjoying your work as a pro wrestler.

You get just as much abuse in WWE but with none of the benefits.

bit of a difference between aleister black, ex-nxt champion and lio rush, guy who gets to walk out with bobby lashley. and there's also a bit of a difference in being told you don't have to do stuff you were willingly doing versus not deliberately doing stuff because you ain't nobody's punk ass bitch

I cant wait for white people to die out

This was in May of 2017, almost a full year before Black was NXT Champion.

Mmmmm takin you to wrestler's court, you gon learn to pay your dues

Roman did that because he knew that Black was a guy that could be trusted and didn't think there was a need to "test" him

If Lio done what he was told someone would probably tell him he doesn't need to do it anymore very quick, especially as modern wrestlers don't have the same sadistic streak that a lot of Old locker Rooms had

>So, uh, which one is it, guys?
Roman is the kind of guy that wants to get rid of the carny bullshit, since he sees it as more of business. Whoever bitched about Lio not getting the water is definitely an old fogey

Vince should have pushed Lio into mid card or higher card territory when it was a long time ago. I can't believe you don't have the right to speak out any carny bullshit.

So it's more unwritten rule invisible test shit. I can't believe we're finding out more and more people want out of that locker room every day.

>higher card territory
Hi Lio

Based Lio not falling for the carnie bullshit

Yeah because bumping his neck into sawdust for hot dogs is much better than having salary and doing the occasional menial task.

>Hi Lio
Hi Vince are you gonna give me my push or not?

Missing on his duties? mmmmmmmmm how many pure strikes is that?

20 or 30 strikes.

>occasional menial tasks
You guys really are just brainwashed to eat whatever shit WWE puts out, amazing

To be fair Vince would love Lio Rush as his black bastard son he never tried to love him but now he's getting better within the company and will not take no shit from anyone, that's what Vince truly wants.

Based Lio not wanting to be a house nigger like New Day

Lio is a mess

I remember D-Bryan doing a list with favorite wrestlers and this guy believing he was talking about him instead of Mexican RUSH

>Lio is a mess

Lio is fine, he just needs to stop being an ass to everyone. Lio reminds me an insecure Shawn Michaels back in the day.

> do this stupid shit you aren't being paid to do because muh traditions
Based Lio Rush blowing this shit off. This isn't volunteer work, this is a full time job and if you aren't being paid to do it, why even bother?

Based and Liopilled

There's family and friends from Rhonda, Miz, Triple h, Balor, Ryder, Becky, etc. shown in the front row on camera on various raws and ppvs in the last year that surely hung out backstage as well.

>>Keeping your salary and not having to do shit because they're so shook of letting guys go while still being able to look your kids in the eye and know you're not vince and paul's black waterbitch.


It's almost like he wants to get fired

There's a mexican rush?

i dunno if you're being sarcastic or not but there's a not-0% chance that he is.

Was it one of the writers that got fired or mercilessly bullied because he took a pic of Taker backstage one time for his niece or some shit? WWE is as far from the real world as it gets.

Lol imagine the fucking lawsuit if he gets fired for refusing to be the waterboy and bellhop. He should play the race card

Today I'll remind them.

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your post ended with a 'a', he completed with a 'n'

>”... and then Seth Rollins kept calling me ‘boy’ and asked me where I stole my jewellery from”


>Spend a year being a water bitch
>Be given goofy stereotype gimmick
>Job for 2 years
>Get released

Good on Rush


the 1-800-injury folks roll in the dough ya simp.

>All WWE does is fellate old-wrestlers who looked out for themselves, like Shawn Michaels, Nash, Hall and Haitch
>Anytime someone realizes how stupid WWE is and tries to get themselves over like Big Cass, Enzo and Lio, the wrestlers backstage throw a fit because someone dare challenged conformity.

Lio is 100% based.

Rush is based. fuck the carny shit

This attempt to work me isn't going to take, brother.

I don’t imagine Brock doing that kind of shit when he started

not the ones that specialize in disability. that well has dried up. the 1-800-disability guys need a new gig. besides shitposting on asp.

On the water bottle shit, they can go fuck themselves. When it comes to bringing relatives and friends backstage without credentials, that is absolute NIGGER SHIT.

Enzo is 6 feet tall

Why don't a bunch of guys have heat didn't we have shit about mark henry being brought in to rat on people not following the carny code?

Even if mark Henry was there its different with Lio he a brother na mean?

vince could hire unpaid interns if he wanted people to do the bitch work. Lio is too good for that.

>Still paying dues on the main roster

Damn it, I thought there would be an end to this shit someday.

This post should be cross referenced onto boards like pol and other places where people wonder who actually attend Bernie Sanders rallies or demand free shit their whole lives and want free college, year long paid parental leave per child, 30 days vacation and 20 year fully funded retirement. You really cant argue against advertisers who box wrestling fans into low status, economic earners. Seriously look at how many people want simple, few sentence job descriptions, no extra duties no paying dues its 2019 dammit. LMFAO. Ask an engineer, lawyer, entrepreneur , or anyone successful, if you know anyone who is, what their "job description " is. If you can write your essence into a few sentences, well just good luck.

LOL yes, the many successful engineers and lawyers who were told to stay overtime to carry water coolers hand out drinks to their superiors

You just dont get it dude. It's ok because it is true there is only so much room at the top. I'm sure every successful engineer and lawyer just waltzed into top schools and top jobs. People like you believe in the "life is fair fairy " .

I don't see any evidence that this will change with AEW.

the user above you has it right. doing absurd favors for your coworkers isn't paying dues boyo nor will it get you anywhere in life. unless you're being properly compensated for your time doing said favors they need to hit the bricks and find some other mf to fuck with.

Wonder what advice these senior roster shitters who can't bring the show out of its ratings tailspin tried to give him.

based Lio telling those fags to suck it

Thank God JBL wasn't on the tour. Rush would have come back to his suitcase full of something like nacho cheese or something. He once took all the chocolate pudding from catering and filled up the suitcase of one of the rookies for disrespecting the veterans.

>t. incel neet

seethe more boomer

Lio has been wrestling 10 years. NJPW Dojo boys can't compare.

I don't understand, he's reaching for the brass ring, like HBK.
What's the difference here?

I didnt realize Roman had a job training people and deciding when they were ready to be promoted from imaginary duties

It's OK if you want to be a bitch. I don't have a job description and have too many responsibilities. I don't fucking do stuff just because someone asks me too, I make sure there's a good fucking reason for it. If there isn't it goes all the way at the end of my to do list. Eventually you run out of time and that's when you realize you need minions and people to delegate shit to. You find capable people to do the fucking grunt work or you refuse it. If you're that dumb bitch staying overtime without pay when you would rather be anywhere else then youre the bitch and that's it. If you want advancement there's places where you can get that without having to be whore. if you want money you'll never make more money than in your own business. What you're doing is ass kissing



Roman's the locker room leader now brother


>locker room morale is at an all time low

Based Big Dawg

How did we go from not wanting to hand out water bottles to your co-workers to bernie sanders rallies and tax free hands out for life?

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Are we sure this actually happened? People are giving their opinions on life and work over here, are we sure this is real. If it is, no one is surprised by this honestly. But is anyone else verifying this story? I mean we shit on Meltzer and Alvarez, so do we not question Mike Johnson as well?

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Should they wipe their asses too?
A billion dollar company can’t get interns to do it?

snagged this before he deleted it

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I think the worst thing about this due paying stuff not that new wrestlers have to do it but that new wwe guys have to do it. For example Kushida just posted about having to take down the ring and stuff and he has been wrestling for years. You wouldn't need to test if a career wrestler is loyal or willing to do the job you would need that for random ass gymnast and football players that the PC grabs. Not to mention guys that Vince or haitch want to push get let off easy like Aliester.

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based retard

>get shit for not doing grunt work
>get picked on or pushed for not standing up for yourself
>both of these can fuck you over but neither will guarantee you will be pushed

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kill yourself for doing pic unrelated

mcdonalds is more stressful then what people call "real jobs"

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trying too hard

What racism has this young black man had to fight against in his lifetime? For about half his life he has known a black president. Blacks in every government position from White House to 4 star generals and admirals, secstate secdef supreme court, down to local govt officials. Blacks dominating professional sports, making millions to bounce a ball or sing. What oppression has this black man known his life? In his lifetime?

>playing the race card

What a surprise.

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>he's turning it into a race thing

Holy Based

>racism ended once Obama became President

>normal behaviour.
some degree of hazing is pretty normal when you play sports at a high level. rookies are expected to pick up dinner tabs and carry bags for the locker room leaders for a certain amount of their first year on the team. you must have never played sports or taken part in any physical activity before.

Seriously, When did talent become craft services for the boys

The water thing after a match is forgivable and can be written off as team building. But bag carrying when they already have to pay their own travel fees is just laziness.

vince really isn't gonna let him go now, he;s gonna berry him so hard his own family wont recognize him

Lio, just bring the cucumbers. It’s dead man repellent


Watch multiple behind the scenes wwe special from the gorilla position. Never see a younger talent giving water to Reigns or Rollins returning back to the curtain.

billion dollar company and yet they can't """afford""" someone to to those menial tasks

>implying Vince isn't gonna give Lio a huge push.

No, it largely ended when 600k white men died to free the slaves. Name another country that went from minority slavery to minority president so quickly. I mean you can be nothing but a professional black man in this country, your occupation, black man.

How is it that we've never heard about the water thing before? Can't believe nobody has ever mentioned that cuckery.

So, this is an angle, like Kofi?

Whitey you can have this nigger

you neckbeards are the worst kind of faggots and it shows you never played sports or had friends. it's just some light hazing to earn your keep and become one of the boys. in the context of sports, or wrestling in this case, it's establishing camaraderie and trust. the other guys are supposed to trust this whiny little piss pot with their safety and well being in the ring. how are they supposed to do that when they can't even trust him to carry some bags or water bottles?

Exactly. Just keep reminding yourself most people here have never done exactly what you said, played sports or had a tight circle of Male friends. Or more likely been rejected by one or both. In addition to being hated by their disappointed dads and well, you get them.

All those shoot interviews over the years, and this is the first we're hearing of this? Is it just him they're shitting on? People who have trashed the company in the past like Honky Tonk Man, or people recently released like Enzo, Gotch, or Cass among many others never mentioned this as well.

>Exactly. Just keep reminding yourself most people here have never done exactly what you said, played sports or had a tight circle of Male friends
even though i know it to be true, i just find it really hard to believe. there have to be some normal, well adjusted anons here, right?

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Who the fuck knows. Doubt it.

>including Rush allegedly bringing friends and relatives backstage without proper credentials
Nig gonna nog

hes a genius for this btw. The company will have to back off and publicly lick HIS ass now.

race card is nigger tier tho.

The crux of this is if other newer wrestlers were doing it while Rush stayed away and pouted about it. If the locker room tried to make Rush alone set this up, then they are carny as fuck, but if other stars were helping to carry water and set up social events while Rush did nothing, then he is just a whiny cunt.

Im black, so therefore dont have to earn my stripes.

Dont the young lions in NJPW go through this for years?

But yeah, im black so wheres my pass.

It's more like, " I'm black, I have more than earned my stripes merely being a black man fighting racism everyday." In a country where you can literally be a black person as an occupation.

this is an explicitly detailed part of dojo (which is a simulation of SUMO life).

The guys in DOJO know exactly that being a water boy is built into this step of their career. Lio swerved on being a Carney when hes pulling 10+minute of national cable tv weekly. When half the senior jobbers in the locker room havent sniffed the front of a camera in years.

That’s a fucking shoot brother

Straight up, blacks have the easiest path in all of USA. Nothing is expected of them what so ever, and any time they show even the least bit of effort, they are rewarded bigly. C-student blacks get full rides to college. F-average blacks who can dunk get paid to go to school.

hearing blacks in America complain about 'race' is literally the most pathetic thing i can think of, for people who live in a world where it is consciously and publicly known that the game rigged for them to win, if only they show minimum effort.

This should literally be an added verse to the pledge of allegiance. Word for word. There has never been a better time or place to be black in this world than the USA.

I was thinking something sinilar. Why doesnt wwe have people who hand out water and set this shit up anyway? Oh yeah, vince is a jew.

The only small beef I have with this upon re read is the minimum effort. While demonstrably true, I feel blacks even get rewarded for NO effort. They show some, forget it, fucker is getting schools named after em.

Vince get off Yea Forums and go back to your dying company

I'm a manager and have an office and everything and while I employ a cleaning crew I still let everyone know that they need to keep their area clean. I personally make sure the entire building is clean regardless if the cleaning crew did a good job or not. It's about taking ownership of what you do. Lio's case is like many other millennials who feel entitled to everything and expect things to be their way w/o paying dues.

do not care about rush either way, but imagine a film/tv series telling the actors they have to do stuff like this because they are new. just another reason pro wrestling is the gutter of entertainment.

He’s playing it against a bunch of millionaire faggots, so it’s ok with me.
Wait with me L I O! L I O!

I use to work in a Sbux as the only Mexican in an all black staff. My black coworkers would argue and be rude with customers on a daily basis with zero repercussions. They'd drink liquor and smoke weed in the back on the clock. Everyone is too scared to call them out on their shit for fear of being labeled a racist. Blacks can get away with so much shit its ridiculous. It's never been easier to be a black person in America than today. You can coast through life getting everything handed to you while all the other races have to put in work and pick up their slack.

Say it*

film/tv series are fleeting
you can work for wwe for your entire life

Tell that to the long list of fires talent, ya fucking simp!

Damn phone.

the fuck does "keeping your area clean" have to do with Rush being tasked with underling shit that they could easily pay non-talent to do to make some fake point about humility and respect. Paying dues used to be carrying the vets bags and paying for gas and you'd get to listen to how the business actually works. The fuck gonna learn from Balor except how to be a Gay for Pay bitch?

i said can, as in it's possible, ya average iq brainletty

>Vince wants because it saves him money.
>billionaire makes wrestlers carry watercoolers and serve other wrestlers to save 7$/hr

What is wrong with his brain?

There is a reason why that man is the manager and you are not, and never will be. And even better that man can manage away and be secure in knowing people like you will never be his competitors , ever have the fire or gumption to take his job. Now back to your cubicle and let the men talk.

mexicans are just as bad if not worse than niggers. which is why we want them out of here.

No way. It's a shame there is a bullshit divide between Mexicans and whites. We are gods chosen to run this world. We wouldn't be in such close proximity and there women wouldn't be so God dam fine if we weren't meant to unite and rule the galaxy. Blacks back to Africa.

the only good mexican is a dead one or one who stays south of that border "amigo".

>Pretending to know what paying the dues was then or is now

Blacks still back to Africa though right?

they're a problem that fixes it self. mexicans are cockroaches and much more of an issue than nigs could ever fathom to be.

True. Average black man does not provide and preserve family as Mexican. Hell if government gib me dats were shut down for a month half the black population would starve

Black ghetto trash and white trash (Lio and Enzo respectively) are disgusting as fuck.

What if you had to pick one and only one race to cohabitate for life with your family?

Lio, is an upstanding man. Enzo is a fake wop. How you doin!

Can? Only Kevin Dunn has a job for life and I hear once Vince is gone, his ass is fired. Ya Jew simp!

Forgot mug gif

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It ended long before Obama was President. Generally by the 1980s but legally by the late 1960s. You can't legally discriminate against somebody because of their race.

When's the last time Lio went to a restaurant and was told "Sorry, we don't serve niggers here"? Oh that's right, that never happened to him.

Imagine cheaping out on minimum wage workers only for your performing talent to point out that fact to everybody on social media. He’s getting exposed as the carny cult leader he is no matter how many envelopes he pushes.

actually based for knowing he's above that wetback work

Imagine being a grown ass man and going anonymously to the media to complain about someone not carrying your bag. Fucking absurd. WWE is dying and this is the shit the employees are doing. Cunter and Steph sure are doing a great job.

Shut your fat, virgin mouth. He said that as a threat to the WWE. If they fuck with him, he can turn it into a racial thing. That’s a good plan. He basically bitch slapped his bosses.

Based Lio no selling carnie bullshit. Cleaning up my own shit is okay but doing it for others? fuck no.

Post to mark the bump limit

Based Lio dabbing on WWE LOL

>Bray comes back and immediately negative stories about Lio come out

Based Lio dabbing on ass licking onions boomers and their cringe imaginary rules

>Lio takes the piss out of someone losing their job.
>Wonders why he got heat.
>Gets his shot as Lashleys hype man.
>Already involving his wife backstage in the hopes of getting a reality show.
>Lio doesnt want to pay his dues.
>Wonders why everyone has a chip on their shoulder about his attitude.

> using race to your advantage
> a good thing

Yeah, I thought it was all about equality but I guess blacks just want to go " my ancestors were slaves! Give me a job!"

I would still fire his ass and let him try to sue me. Then WWE can bring in a long list of former and current black talent that actually drew dimes for the company and weren't little race-baiting bitches like Lio.

This a multi-billion dollar, publicly traded company, not a tiny mom & pop business. Why do you care about this evil company, drone?

that is actually based

thats because vince appointed him that

if those carny mooches pulled that shit on me i would tell them to pay for their own shit if they are so hungry they can suck my dick instead

does mr sheckelstiens cock feel good faggot?

Rousey didn't do that shit.

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you are the kind of person jews love

this fuck that cunt

So Dean, Roman and Seth did waterboy duties when they were new?

What about Cena in the early 00s?

Cena was one of cornette's, he would have been wise to the business and how it works

Based nigger drawing replies to the bump limit.