Holy shit what a geek

holy shit what a geek

Attached: ricochet.jpg (597x336, 60K)

>I flipped my pants y'all

They're all geeks.

Yes, but for some reason he is more of a draw for normies than people like Roman, normies love flippy shit.

This no-dimes faggot has the audacity to call himself the Ace and rip off Rock's moves.


He's a Tana and Rock fanboy.

Didnt Tanahashi give him permission to copy his entrance attire?

Dude could be a megastar but got dam keep the mic away from him. I don't know why Vince is so adamant that everyone talk, he's never going to find another Rock in his lifetime.

That's a cool shirt, though.

second he wins anything

>dude could be a megastar
>keep the mic away from him
Unfortunately my friend, you will have to choose one.

>Yes, but for some reason he is more of a draw for normies than people like Roman, normies love flippy shit.
Imagine believing this. Flips sell but he's a charisma vacuum nerd who may aswell be a gymnast.

Attached: 1540485844717.jpg (236x350, 16K)

That shit barely works for Lesnar with Heyman let alone an indy midget.

Not enough headlocks for ya, Randy?

I dont even like Ricochet but is the truth.
I havr seen normie classmates watching Ricochet videos om Facebook and saying that the guy was fun to watch.

(you don't tell that to people who think they know what can make wrestling go mainstream)

Why would you write a promo for Drew that bury Ricochet in the process in the first place ?

He's right you know, as everything, flipshit on properly doses is fun and exciting to watch, nowhere near main-event stuff, but it definitively has a spot on any good card.

basically his ceiling is Evan Bourne tier, but even that guy was a better talker

Rey didn't have to talk.

He unironically isn't.

Normies have no idea who this is.

t. normie

>watching wrestling

nice try

imagine watching raw.


imagine larping as a normie
fuck off

Oh wow it's the guy from the worst wrestling gif anyone has ever seen.
>watch out, I'll swipe your calf and make you back flip if you keep messing with me
>now I'll flip like six times and stare at you
And for no reason at all Hulkster was elected

The stuff Rey was doing when he came in was still relatively fresh to WWE and access to lucha/indy wrestling via the internet wasn't a thing. He also had his masks which he sold 50 billion of. Now you can just scroll through twitter and see other people doing the exact same shit he does and sometimes better shit.
The Ospreay spot with Ibushi in December, for example. Nobody even fucking remembered Ricochet did that spot with the same guy 4 years ago and it looked extra sad when he ripped off Ospreay's spot at Takeover and it looked awful.

TL;DR Rey was special, Ricochet is not.

You're actually right though, I watch this shit periodically with my mom and outside of liking the characters of roman, shinsuke, and carmella (pre-hair color change), the only person she likes to watch wrestle at all is ricochet. I have been watching it for years with her and she hasn't popped for a SINGLE other person in-ring than rico.

Attached: 70b.jpg (373x373, 19K)

Why did he shut up when Drew told him to shut up? Who wrote this shit? Isn't he supposed to be over?

Vince books faces as plucky underdogs because since it worked with Bryan it'll work with everyone else

Rick O'Shea is written to what his height is.

He had a Mexican mafia accent that added to his character, Flipochet has the personality of a door.

I like when he stands there and pretends to grab something in his entrance

What the fuck are you on?


he already had to change his finisher because his body can't take it

Attached: Missochet.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

That's some serious lumbar compression.

This "geek" will be a WWE champion within 6 months and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
It's been said the winner of the MITB this year is getting a huge push as they see this guy as a massive future prospect... obvious as fuck they're talking about Ricochet considering his age, his reactions, and the fact he's front and center in the promo picture.