Who's the bitch now?

>Who's the bitch now?

Imagine how seething Dwanetty homosexual in the closet Johnson is over this. Maybe Nash's best moment.

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No one even knows who Kevin Nash is, Wolfie

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>using google trends

I can smell you from here loser

nash was and never will be cool

Looks like Nash is seething there after Big Dimes Dwayne took him back to the summer of 92 with his Big Daddy Bitch promo

Based Peoples Champion making that cum-dump seethe

still seething over your dumb assertion?

All I'm saying is Dwayne has been in Hollywood for 15 years and not once been spotted with a broad. All I'm saying.

Why does Nash and his fans think about Dwayne's sexuality so much?

Nash likes chocolate so he's praying Rocky is available.

Dwaynetty was still effected by this 2 years later

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>one of the biggest stars in Hollywood
>wasn't pictured with a broad for a time period in years
gee I wonder why?

the rock already raped him and scott hall.

kek at you trying to rewrite history and failing

Wrestling in the mid 90's was not cool. The cartoon era was passe with teenagers & young adults thinking it was dumb. When Nash & Hall came out they dressed cool, talked cool, came out with cool music, etc. That was from the influence of Nash & Hall... no one else.

No matter what your personal feelings are towards Nash & Hall. The thing that made them appeal to so many people, is they were cool. People thought of them like they were rock stars or hip hop stars

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you're story is basically all made up but a real story is Dwayne with the Jannetty hairline and gyno was scared to approach Nash at a restaurant in 2004

fake news

at least Nash isn't a coon

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Dwayne's real father is Larry Heiniemi

>Big Kev hows it going! you were great on Magic Mike! I'm sorry I avoided you in 2004, at the Firehouse, I was just so scared you'd beat me up, since you're way bigger and tougher than me. Things are going great, I get liposuction on by gyno tits every year and have people pluck my eyebrows. I have a teleprompter so I don't have to write lines on my wrist also. I'm really jealous of your hairline Big Kev, I'm a bald motherfucker lol. You know being this famous is not all what it's cracked up to be. Sometimes I wish I could go a day without being hounded by the press. It's hard living it the closet pretending my marriage is legit...oh wait I didn't mean that, it was a joke. I love my wife.

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That time Big Kev BTFO in closet homo Dwaynetty "WHO'S THE BITCH NOW!"

Rock: "What three things would you like to get in?"

Nash: "Well, I've only got 5 moves, motherfucker, so I'd like to get them all in and physically there is nothing you can do about it."

>Nash returns to WWE because Rock was failing to draw
>Rock goes off script & disrespects veteran Nash calling him a bitch
>Nash like a man confronts Rock then BTFO's him in ring in front of the world
>Rock then disrespects again Nash while putting there match together
>Nash informs Rock he'll physically knock the fuck out of Rock
>Rock runs to Pat Patterson crying who tells Rock that Nash was right
>2 years later Rock is scared to approach Nash at a restaurant and avoids him
>7 years later mans man Nash confronts Rock again and squashes their beef

The Rock's daughter is a mongoloid. She inherited Dwaynettys masculine features and high forehead. He should have forced his she-hulk ex-wife Dani who he impregnated (hmm maybe Nash was right about Dwayne being a fag) to abort the hermaphrodite.

On a related note the reason The Rock's manly ex-wife divorced him was because she got tired fucking him with a strap-on which she did to fufill his gay fantasies while he was recovering from his gyno bitch tits surgery

Nash is so much better than little Dwayne, in EVERY way. As a wrestler, Nash blows little Dwayne out of the water, no argument to be had there. NWO, anyone? Even as an actor, if you take into account that Nash stars in smaller-budget movies, his are way more profitable than the Rocks, on average. Little Dwayne might make a little more at the box office but when his stupid movies cost ten times more and have a hundred times the marketing budget, yeah no wonder. Imagine if Nash starred in *anything* with the budget and marketing of any of little Dwayne's movies, it would easily be twice as profitable and bigger hits. Dwayne can't act.

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>Who's the rape victim now?

>believes drug addict xpac
state of you

>AH, Please don't beat me up Mr. Nash. I was just jo-joking when I called you a bitch. Vince told me to say it. I know you can kick my ass in real life. Please don't kick my ass Mr. Nash. *sobs*

What did Dwanetty "homosexual" loves Johnsons mean by this?

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BASED Rock exposing these two tryhard geeks

>wears heart in his sleeve
>tells truth to his detriment
what is not to believe?


lil kev, endorsements from nobody dweebs on twatter ain't a good look.

>Nash and his fans still seething over the big Daddy bitch promo

Based Dwayne

>Nash starts angry shouting as he was scripted to do in a SCRIPTED segment
>Rock goes off script calling Nash a bitch - Nash NO SELLS IT
>backstage Nash warns Rock the next time he does that shit he'll knock him the fuck out
>Dwayne lets Nash humiliate him on SmackDown the next day because he was scared
not sure what the bald coon was exposing

I'm sure Rock thought he was being cool; I thought he was being an ass. And I'll bet money that Hogan, standing there like Rock's little brother (!), was more than a little embarassed. And possibly even as pissed as Nash.

But maybe what made Nash go off was that Rock messed up the whole segment by butting in? That the "bitch" shot was totally out of context given the circumstances? The confrontation was between Hall/Nash and Hogan. Nash was cutting a great promo before he was interrupted.

Rock was out of line, and to make it worse the remark didn't get much of a pop. Rock took any 'serious' promo he was near and turned it into 'Sing Along with the Great One' silliness. The promo Nash cut was intense as he was trying to salvage the shitjob WWE did with nWo, Hogan was playing up looking angry, Hall and Nash were into it.. and suddenly Rock comes in, whips out his dick and starts masturbating. Well.. not exactly, but the effect would be the same.

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>Even as an actor, if you take into account that Nash stars in smaller-budget movies, his are way more profitable

He was on the cover of Manor, a movie made on a budget of literal pennies, and it still bombed

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One of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life was Nash, Hall and X-Pac, the nWo you know what I'm saying? them three, Hogan and Eric didn't add nothing to them; I think they knew how cool they were and rode their coattails. I remember sitting in Seattle, Washington and I've not see anything like this since either when Hogan or Macho Man were really big, or when me and Vampiro were big in Mexico, because they'd go out there and get a thunderous response, they looked cool a shit, good looking guys, girls were going nuts, guys were loving them, because they weren't so good looking that they threatened guys like Shawn Michaels who looked like a fag"

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Nigga I ain't readin' all of that shit!

Dwayne loving ass bitch

every actor has flops ya simp

Besides Nash only did that movie so he could get his SAG membership renewed something you know nothing about

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nobody cares if you read it, kys faggot

>yo take it from me aight? Nash is cool belee dat ese.

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that isn't even Konnan

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Based Dwayne sending this jabronie into a seething rage

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>Some literal who post

Getting sad now

>does softcore porn to stay in a guild
times were hard

That's not Konnan. this is Konnan

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Just no. They were cringe and old. Austin was cool. Rock was cool. DX was cool. I was in high school from 98 to 2003 and never once did I see someone do a Nash or Hall move, or do impressions of them or shout one of their memorable catchphrases to the teachers. Not once. Even the Dudley's were more famous, it wasn't uncommo the hear a pair of kids yell 'THREE D' and run up behind someone and lift them in to a Dudley death drop. Austin was constantly mimicked and stunners were going off daily on the regular. The rock was insanely over with everyone and his many many catchphrases were repeated daily. Teacher says you're late? How late am I? Well you're ten min- IT DOESNT MATTER HOW LATE I AM

Nash n Hall are fucking nobodies and only included in the WWE revisionist history out of pity from their former understudy Hunter, who eclipsed them both in fake fortune and status.

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>Rock was cool
Hi, Dwayney Heiniemi.

Fame* fortune and status**

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I'll admit Austin was more popular with like 16+ and young men but rock was the most over with the pre teens and teenagers. He was fucking cool, he was funny the women wanted him he wore cool sunglasses and flashy shirts. The whole arena (actual full sold out arenas not 2034 people like nowadays) joined in with his promos. He was fucking cool

Nash, Hall, and Syxx were well cooler than that corny simp.

>dresses how he's always wanted
bet it was liberating for Dwaynetty

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Nigga im beggin ya to have sex

kevin nash cries like a bitch in the longest yard. what do you think he used for motivation?

He asked Dwayne for advice on being a bitch. All he had to do was stand over little Dwaynetty for him to comply. Nash is fucking based.