Left the 'E because he didn't want to put Brock over because it would hurt his gimmick

>Left the 'E because he didn't want to put Brock over because it would hurt his gimmick

Why do people always bring up Bret Hart when they talk about self marks and not Austin?

Attached: stone-cold-steve-austin-wwe-posters.jpg (549x672, 40K)

he thought the match was bigger then a TV match and should be on PPV if brock was the future. (i agree) Tho walking out was a bit 2 far.

Bret just wanted to win. Steve wanted to make money

Every single wrestler is a self mark. Even Dwayne. He may not have been one at the time but now he’s just as much of a mark for himself as anyone.

That's a bullshit excuse. Austin doing the job on tv would have both pushed Lesnar and built up a future rematch on ppv, especially if Lesnar didnt win 100% clean and they did a storyline where Austin wasn't at his best or didnt take the rookie seriously. If you want to make money you dont walk out of the company

Fuck off. Lesnar was a shitter that would have been jobbed out had he arrived 3 years earlier. Austin was right not to put him over. Austin single-handedly saved Vince’s company and he’s repaid by having a midcard nothing much at WM18 and then being asked to job to some roid freak on Raw.

It was just a King of the ring match. they had no plans to go back to it. Brock was going straight on to rock. It was going to be %100 clean. i think he overreacted but i get where he's coming from. But Hogan did the job on TV and it's not like one lose is going to kill Stone Cold

>Too big to lose on TV


>Austin was right not to put him over
Lesnar was going to get the push whether Austin put him over or not, his decision to run away barely affected Lesnar at all. Instead by staying he could have had a longer program with Lesnar or whoever and actually draw a dime or two for the company, but being the self mark he is he couldnt accept the fact that he cant carry the company anymore and should pass the torch to the new guys. The simp just didnt want to look weak in a fake fighting show

Did he beat Hogan 100% clean though? But yeah, I'm sure they didnt have any plans and he was going straight to the rock, but the rematch would have written itself and could have been done later

i mean they had a PPV between KOTR and Rock where he lost by DQ for the IC title.So putting Stone cold in that spot would of been great. And Hogan passed out in a bearhug so pretty clean

Heyman interference IIRC.

Austin's issue wasn't putting Brock over, but putting him over on free TV in a match that hadn't even been announced beforehand. He was right. It was one of the earliest examples that Vince had completely lost it.

Oh Im sure Steve would have put Lesnar over if it wasnt on tv

Look at all the other guys he put over on PPV like.....uhhhhh......

Steve does have a problem of only putting over his friends same with the rock. it's why the top8ish guys from the attitude era are all friends

Steve is a money and business guy, he was unhappy with how he had been treated in his current run and is very opinionated on these matters, his gimmick at this point was cold. To him he saw massive money in putting lesnar over at a PPV but instead they were jobbing him out over on weekly tv. Austin quit and massively regrets it because they could have worked something out.

I bet Triple H was behind it somehow. He seemed a little too invested in Austin leaving with his little shots.
>huh Shawn you gonna quit? you gonna take your ball and go home like Austin? huh?
He probably convinced Vince to force Stone Cold to job.

>b-b-but Austin was right to walk because a Lesnar match on free TV was dumb
Fuck off. He tried to live his gimmick and thought he could tell the boss what to do. He's not the fucking boss. It's not his decision to make
Vince has made countless retarded booking decisions, but at the end of the day they're his to make
Anyone who gives Bret shit for the screwjob but defends Austin for walking out is a hypocrite

Carder jobbed to fucking Kozlov clean on a random Smackdown. Just saying.
Minor interference from Heyman. He literally just held Hogan's foot down to stop the legdrop. Hogan then lost focus and gripped up Heyman, which gave Brock an opportunity to attack
It's not like Heyman smacked Hogan with a chair or anything. Hogan still passed out to a damn bear hug which made him look weak compared to Brock. That's putting someone over

>Why do people always bring up Bret Hart when they talk about self marks and not Austin?
Because fans like Austin more for being a based and entertaining megadraw, so they'll excuse any shit he did like walking out and beating Debra
Bret was a boring New Generation-era anti-draw that gained the reputation of being bitter, so people are more likely to criticize him for self-mark actions
It's not fair, but it is what it is

Literally every big wrestler is a huge mark who doesn't want to lose. I get it, it's bad that they can't see past their own ego, but I completely get it. Sometimes they're even right for not wanting to lose. But I suppose that's better than a Jericho in his last 10 years in WWE, where he lost to everyone constantly to the point where it meant nothing when anyone beats him.

I mean mark or not it would have made a lot more sense to put Lesnar over with proper build on a PPV. I understand how he went about it was selfish in a way and that's what makes him a self mark but still the booking should have been different all considered.

Unlike Steve, lesnar isn't fun or believable to watch, he's got no showmanship whatsoever. He's a retarded gorilla

that sounds like a bullshit excuse

>or believable

b8 harder

watch his heel stuff from 2003-2004. he was fucking awesome. Since he returned in 2012 he's been boring as shit. Like he got a lobotomy or something.

I kind of agree with you, but lets put it this way, in a single fall fatal four way legends match between Hogan, Austin, Dwayne and Bret, you already know that Dwayne is the one eating the pin because none of the others would EVER agree to it.

>screwy finish
t. loves watching WWE in the current year

Brock peaked as an elite heel when he was feuding with Zack Gowan, the one-legged simp.

2002 Brock was anti dimes
Steve knew this

The Rock always took falls even at the height of his career.

Nothing wrong with screwy finish if done right. Heyman intervened in Lesnar's match with Hogan but his win was still credible and didnt make Lesnar look weak, people barely remember it wasnt a 100% clean win. About rematches, I cant see the problem with that either and some of the most matches from previous eras were rematches, it has nothing to do with the current one

this. lurk moar OP

What Austin should've been pissed about, a lot more so than jobbing to Brock, was being put in a King of the Ring bracket 6 years after he won it to begin with.

KOTR is for up and comers to make a name for themselves. There was zero reason for Austin to be involved with it in 2002 either in kayfabe or in real life.

Another parallel with Bret, looking back at that year it really seems like Vince, with or without anyone in his ear, was really trying to force him out, just like Bret in 97. Austin was already known to be a bit of a brat for lack of a better word backstage and Vince had to know this would set him off.

Nah, should have been billed as Austin being unprepared, and getting squashed. The rematch could have been a revenge storyline.

That wasn't the only reason he walked, he was pissed about his booking for the last year before that and his neck was bothering him again.

Austin was right.
Bret was right.


Kane isn't.

That was because Hogan was leaving for surgery

They wanted him lose in a random show with no build up, he justy protected himself... If it was a dick move? of course, but he is FUCKING Stone Cold, the biggest draw since golden era Hogan, being a McMahon mark would have been the mistake, just watch Lesnar nowadays, he's doing basically the same that Austin did back then.

>lesnar isn't believable

u wot

Sure, but i dont see how that makes a difference here

Austin wanted to leave. His body was breaking down and because he was doing nothing but coke, pills and heavy heavy boozing he wasn't in the right mindset. He also had millions of dollars in the bank. Remember when he went to the hospital because he had "too many redbulls" before he wrestled the Rock? He was living way too hard.

He was way past his prime and couldnt carry the ratings anymore, him being over in the past was no excuse. Him jobbing on a random show wouldnt have been the best way to build things up, but him leaving the company was way worse for the business. If he did the job and stayed, they could have built something around it and as lesnar was pushed, austin would still have been a credible main event player. Truth is he is a simp who too much of a self mark to do a job on children's fake fighting show.

Old school thinking is you put a guy over when you leave for surgery so you have a program when you come back. Hulk was supposed to get his win back at Survivor Series that year

T. I'm just happy to be here no draw jobber