Trying to discuss wrasslin

>trying to discuss wrasslin
>people posting avengers spoilers
Literally why?

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because people are assholes and want to fucking ruin everything for everybody.

Anyone who watches Avengers or Game of Thrones is legitimately a massive faggot

because you need to take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue

it's online bitch, just watch it

>Posting a Maga pepe
You deserve it

that's not the point, I don't even watch capeshit but It's still fucking rude to go around and spoil shit for people.
it's not cute
it's not funny
it doesn't make you look edgy and hip.
you just look like a fucking pre-teen jerk-off, with no respect. And if you think that shit is EVER going to get you pussy you're in for a rude awakening. Just have some respect

Hi Rhea

shut up you fat friendless cunt and have sex

Black Widow dies for the soul stone.
Iron man snaps Thanos out of existence then dies.
Jorah, Theon and some loli die in game of thrones
Arya Stark teleports behind the night king and kills him
Suck my dick and juggle my balls.

have sex

go back to resetera you faggot tranny

Holy shit. Reprioritize your life.

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what kinda stuff do you like buddy?

fuck you I bet no one loves you you fucking hobbit, have sex

After you suck my dick

>He says this on a mandrama board

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grow up

This, unironically, and BASED



Who gives a fuck about some watered down shitty PG movie.

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Fuck off newfag

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this. NPC behaviour

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This, I just go outside and enjoy Zorbing like a real chad

I don't watch capeshit so I don't care

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Capeshit is really just socially acceptable mandrama, there is barely a difference between the two

so now what big boi, i don't even care about marvel or got, who are you trying to impress or are you srsly larping as an edgelord

Join them.

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It's a tripfag so you'd better believe he is desperate to impress us

I only learned about the avengers movie existing from people on Yea Forums posting spoilers from it.
I only learned about game of thrones ending from people on Yea Forums spoiling it.
Garry Potter though, I read every book as it came out.