It's another smark dream match that will be three stars at best and go way too long

>it's another smark dream match that will be three stars at best and go way too long

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I can’t believe E drones keep falling for this shit.

Fuck that gay shit.
this is what im looking forward to

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how the fuck did anyone stay awake during that trashfire signing promo

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I wanted this match in 2016 but don't watch WWE any more

>smark dream match
Who the fuck wants to see this? It's like 5 years too late, this is an edrone match

What are the characters of these two men?

Absolutely. I am sure if given the shot, they can pull off something memorable. But WWE style "pacing" is going to make this match drag ass.

Wrestler who loves to win and wrestler who wins to love.

It's Seth so no doubt it'll suck.

>wrestler who wins to love
That sounds kino actually, they need more romantic angles

>that feel when no wrestler who's attracted to a diva, but too afraid to approach her so he tries to get her attention by winning matches
>that feel when he loses an important match and just lies there crying

That was the Zach Ryder and Eve storyline

One of these guys needs to turn back to a based heel again desperately...hopefully aj so him and the club can get back together

i hope jasethy loses

Every single one of their 'dream' matches is an absolute failure but they'll never actually criticize these overrated hacks

Cena-AJ was the only legitimate dream match and it was good.

sorry buddy, its current year and wrestling isn't about cartoon characters anymore. we prefer workrate and down the earth, realistic athletes, not """"characters""""".

In your dreams, faggot

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Anyone else feel that this was the most hyped and delivered match the last 3 years? Nothings come close, even the crowd reactions show it.

Yeah, you're right, and it was all because of Cena

This match will hurt Rollins a lot if AJ fully turns heel, i hope the match ends with dq due to the good brothers and we get a proper match with a clean finish at summerslam