Tfw no gf who shares my mandrama hobby

>Tfw no gf who shares my mandrama hobby

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>Tfw no gf

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Same fren

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>wrestling fan girls
I can't imagine they're the most attractive bunch

>tfw had a gf but she stopped talking to me

Honestly, I'd take a 4/10 if we share alot of interests. Just having someone like that seems very comforting to me

There are plenty of QTs who get wet over Reigns or Cena.

You would be correct if it were the Attitude era and the demographic were still white trash

>tfw no slightly autistic gf who appreciates work rate and isn’t afraid to wear wrestling tshirts in public

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>want gf
>realize the whole relationship thing takes a lot of time
>decide to watch porn instead

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There are some female smarks. They're all mentally ill. A couple years back there were Jeff Hardy loving teenage girls, but I think they've all left now that the nu-world order has taken over.

Younger white trash girls can be pretty hot. The problem is solely that that demographic heavily obese.


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>There are plenty of QTs who get wet over Reigns or Cena.


Uhh i smell like piss and shit

>watches mandrama
>desire for gf
>never had sex

ya i think all of you should just kys for being born an absolute fucking loser

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I've never had a gf, but if I did have one I wouldn't want her to watch it because I'd be insecure that she'd lust over their superior bodies.

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Don't ever share your biggest passion with a SO, when they leave you and you go back to it to take your mind away from them, you'll have small triggers like "oh she used to always pop for that..." and others that will make you hate your favorite thing

That wouldn't be a problem if ya got a clue and hit the gym

My gf has at best a passing interest in the scene and doesn't care that I'm into rasslin' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I keep telling myself shes out there user.

I hide my power level with her hardcore. I make jokes or show her meme potential shit like Macho Man and Scott Steiner promos and we laugh. We watched the Wrestler and the Ric Flair 30 for 30 and she cried. Once or twice we've been flipping channels and I suggest RAW as a fake joke and we watched and made fun of it but she recognized Charlotte as Ric's daughter. I worked on a way of working a NJPW show in but it's night impossible. My current plan is long term booking that leads to watching AEW.

Wrestling in 2019 isn't man drama. It's autismdrama. Men don't watch this shit.

>tfw ghosting someone
Its the easiest way to break things off
>tfw ghosted
God dammit emily. You were supposed to be the one

Based and depressedpilled

E-gfs don't count

Holy fagola

I'm not a girl, but I look like one. We can watch your "mandrama" together and maybe I can give you head

>tfw no GF(male) that I can wrestle and have work ourselves into sticky shoot with

I'm a lesbian but I relate to this thread just want a pretty girl to mark out with when watching stardom desu

Kys tbqhwyf

Hit the gym you dweeb

>tfw no gf to share anything with
>the only women who show open affection towards me either have a family or have a boyfriend already (what the fuck is with this shit?)
i just want to talk to someone who isn't a stoner friend...

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>Be me
>new jachad
>watch wrestling with cute asian gf
>tell her how shit wwmeme is
>hit the gym
>come back to cute gf who loves my muscles
>watch luchad Libre because I love my Mexican heritage
>bean my cute asian gf
>go on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums Edrones tell me how shut wwmeme is
>make fun of them for having to watch that garbage
>show gf Yea Forums memes even if doesn’t get them
>laughs at some and gets my autistic references
Why do us wrestling chads keep winning?

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I unironically watch New Japan with my GF, even put on the comfy Korakuen shows on and snuggle up with her. It feels good guys.


Nasedo and rdepilled