Widely considered the best in the world

>Widely considered the best in the world
LOL. By whom? Fatass smelly nerdy virgin indie-worshiping "HURR DURR PUSH THE SHORT SKINNY INDIE DUDE" smarks who poop into a bucket below the hole in their computer chairs because it's easier and less dangerous than risking falling through the stairs to get to the toilet? Who gives a shit? AJ Styles was always a criminally overrated wrestler. His matches are all literally the same thing, every time. He's a shit seller, he's a shit story teller, he has no concept of in-ring psychology, his "phenomenal" forearm looks like a wannabe-power ranger move a kid would attempt in the school yard, and his finisher requires too much cooperation from the opponent and doesn't look very devastating either. Yeah okay so some of his promos were decent when he was a heel and he seems like a nice guy. So what? I honestly can't even distinguish AJ Styles matches, all I can picture is him doing his shitty slap/kick combo a bunch of times, doing his powerranger stunt a couple times, and that's it. Compare that to John "Five Moves of Doom" Cena who I honestly can't stand but I can clearly remember and distinguish quite a few of his matches.

AJ Styles is part of what's wrong with the company today. A man like that should be in the cruiserweight division... not the main event scene. And all the fanboys who worship him should be publicly shamed by the Chads and jocks who look up to the REAL wrestlers, which unfortunately we don't have many of today because it triggers and frightens the beta nu-male faggots of this current generation.

Watch, nobody will come up with a good counterargument to this post; instead all the beta numale virgins will post one or more of the following:

>rent free
>in your head

Hit the weights. Hit the shower. Have sex. Get a clue.

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This is now a funny Yea Forums moments thread

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seething e-drone carter wolfcuck worked rent free in your head cringe

Nice blogpost faggot.

>Fatass smelly nerdy virgin indie-worshiping "HURR DURR PUSH THE SHORT SKINNY INDIE DUDE" smarks who poop into a bucket below the hole in their computer chairs because it's easier and less dangerous than risking falling through the stairs to get to the toilet?

wouldn't these people know more about wrestling though than anybody else? They absorb it 24/7. Like what do you know that they don't?

Where are the files?

>Widely considered the best in the world
No he's not. the only people who think he's the best in the world is workrate fags who for some reason still watch wwe when wwe has never had that many good matches.
> A man like that should be in the cruiserweight division
He's 218 pounds not 205 :p
>Why is he in the main event?
He's always on the top or around the top of merch sales and that's a good way to see drawing power tho wwe has no stars lol

>He watches WWE

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Didn't read lol

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>Widely considered the best in the world
He is considered that not only by fans but by actual wrestlers and promoters. Vince McMahon has gone on the record of saying that he wished he signed AJ Styles 10 years before he did. So go and eat a dick you simp.

...wait a minute ya ding-dong diddly tricked me!

>AJ considers Smackdown the house he built
>The Rock doesn't

Styles does absolutely nothing for me. Overrated AF

Based Comrade Austin

SmackDown live is not SmackDown!

He's not. Okada is.

He would kick your ass

I miss pre-rape fanfic Yea Forums.

the absolute state of (you)

Ya fume?

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The Rock isn't what?

Who is better than aj?
Not retired guys, tell me.

Micheals played one of the greatest assholes in wrestling. Real heat.

Didn't read lmao go back to plebbit

>inb4 literally who
not an argument


he asked for funny moments, not for cringe ones