Just put on Raw during downtime of the 6ers Dinosaurs game and that was unironically one of the worst promos I've ever...

Just put on Raw during downtime of the 6ers Dinosaurs game and that was unironically one of the worst promos I've ever seen

Attached: sami-zayn.jpg (600x400, 21K)

It's Sami Zayn, the fuck are you expecting?

I'm not expecting anything, I don't watch this shit because the entire fucking company is clueless. I kept reading on this board about how great this geek is. Is this what people want to see? No one in the crowd even reacted.

I'm a fan of Zayn but he's been god awful in his new role. These have been the most repetitive, try-hard heel promos I've ever heard. Comes off like a complete dime-store CM Punk.

>watching apehoop

Nobody on this board thinks Sami "Al Shebab" Zayn is anything but a flippy shitter lmao

There were a bunch of people saying that he's "one of the best talents in the company" on this board recently

Moslems cannot into beauty or wit or innovation or entertainment or sex appeal or charisma.

Sami is top 4 promo in the company
And obviously top 2 in ring in the company

Any segment we get of him is a gift

That isnt really up for debate. Zayn is the 2nd best talent in the company in ring and on the mic combined. The only other competition he would have is Joe and KO.
Not like this company has anyone else.

Sami is based, but holy shit that was bad. I was staring at my phone for, what felt like, an hour only to look up and see him still in the ring talking.

imagine still thinking this in 2019

Attached: 1555465735811.jpg (740x740, 91K)

post height

Who else is there in the company who is great in both ring and on the mic?
There is literally 4 guys.
Seth? Finn? Miz?

If he's the 2nd best talent in the company that the company is in even worse shape than I imagined.

Dude generico is one of the best wrestlers of all time.

Couldn't even lace Rock or Austins boots

He means in the ring.

Couldn't even lace Rock or Austins boots

But Sami has more moooooovvvveeeeezzzzzz!!!!!

finn? hell no, he's been lukewarm since his first injury.
seth sure, miz is unwatchable in the ring.
there's way more than 4 guys.
AJ up until last year was consistently better. cesaro before he gave up was way better, kevin when he wants to is better, if joe wasn't such an injury prone fat fuck he'd be ligth years ahead of them, etc.
granted the roster is extremely TRASH nowadays like said, but there's still guys that are better wrestlers than him.

Dude he hasn't cut a great promo or had a great match since being on the roster which has been years now. He has been Jannety'd by a fat neckbeard midget, and has been in some of the worst segments in recent history. He's currently not even on Miz or Uso level, wtf makes you think he can compare to the likes of Cena, Okada, Tanahashi, etc? You just want to believe something so you do despite all evidence telling you otherwise. The fact that you shamelessly try to argue with reality is why your real life is in shambles as well.

Yet Miz has been having the best matches on the last couple PPVs compared to the other shitters

i genuinely can't fucking stand sami but i know he's not a bad worker. trying to say he's the best in the world at this point though is hilarious. nearly all of his segments have been so terrible i want to shut off raw even if it's background noise.

Of course the segment sucked it was Sami being used as a mouth piece by Vince to yell at the fans for not loving Drake Maverick pissing or Roman squashing Baron Corbins midcard of evil for the 80th time

literally who has ever said that?
i guess reddit likes him or whatever

Guys nothing you can say changes the obvious.
Sami is at least top 6 in the company on the mic, arguably top 2.
Sami is at least top 3 in the company, some have even said hes better than bryan.

There is no more than 4 guys in the company that are top 5 in both in both categories.
Sami is arguably top 2 in both.

Geeks like this

Sorry second part was Sami is at least top 3 in the company in ring*

spotted the pencil neck geek

Based Human Swastika Working The Obese Smarks

Bryan 96
Sami 92
Joe 89
Ko 88
Rollins 82
Miz 82
Ziggler 82

I dont know who else there is really, AJ and finn and cesaro are pretty bad on the mic, elias isnt great in the ring, Ambrose is gone.
McIntyre is pretty good i guess.

Anyone else?

Lmao sami is literally a heel working asp, this is next level shit

McIntyre is literally OI DUNT CAREEE OIM GUNNA KIK YUR ASSSSSS M8 and your list is fucking cringe shit


Sami is great but if you think he's better than Seth, AJ, KO or even Ricochet you need to have sex immediately.

Bray is somewhere in the mid to upper 80's

based wordfilter squashing this jabroni

Just watched it
That was definietly not his material lmao