Wish you were here with us Deadie Cuckuerrero..... NOT!

kek the dead bitch

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>These pathetic simps still have to make a living from wrestling
kek what a bitch, too bad Nash failed as an actor

What's Edge's partner doing with all of those draws?

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>get paid minimum 20k to be in Liverpool and sign photos for their Mongoloid fans
Poor guys.


They don't have to, they choose to. positive these guys millionaires with the exception of DiBiase. Flair is questionable also based on that grantland article

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They needed someone to carry the bags.

Based Big Dimesy GOAT.

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Nash said he'll get $525,000 in retirement per year when he retires in his grantland article in 2012

jesus christ. Booker looks like an extra from the BET version of the Walking Dead.

Hey wolfie! No one even knows or cares about Kevin Nash

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based photo
Booker looks rough tho had to double take

He uncorks another bottle of wine. The booze makes him reflective. He talks about specific memories from the road: Watching Waltman and Levesque lay out a match together before Summer Slam '95; jobbing to local wrestler Mark Vandy at a recent independent show in Indianapolis; a brilliant promo he taped leading up to the Starrcade '98 collision with Goldberg. He'll occasionally watch that match on YouTube. "It had the electricity of a prizefight," he says.

Around 1 a.m. Nash offers me a ride, and 15 minutes later we pull up to valet. We decide to grab another drink, but the hotel bar is closed. So is room service. Somehow, he convinces the night manager to send a bottle of Cabernet to my room. It's rare seeing a giant win an argument without intimidation.

Once upstairs, Nash goes on for another hour on a variety of subjects. He talks about visiting a friend struggling with alcoholism (not Scott Hall14), extols Keith Richards's autobiography, his memories as a 4-year-old of President Kennedy's assassination, his property in St. John, his 161 IQ, and, again, money. He estimates he'll bank $525,000 yearly in retirement. "If I can't live on 525," he says, "I'm in trouble." He credits a handful of business decisions — buying early in silver and gold commodities and taking a chance on Ford when its stock was in the tank. Still, he's stressed. "The fucking peaks and valleys are so … jeez, man."

Workers will arrive early the next morning to install hurricane shutters on his home. By the weekend, Kevin Nash will be in the Caribbean vacationing with his wife and son. His wrestling career made him a multimillionaire. His acting career is taking off. It's 2:40 a.m., another sleepless night in Daytona Beach.

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what a weird photo, where is this even from?
is that ric and bret's wives? did he finally leave the black girl?

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He can't sleep cuz he can't stop thinking about 92

You wouldn’t know about this cause you’re a meet who relies on mommy to buy your trendies, but imagine turning down big money for 3 hours of doing nothing

Reminder Chris “Tony Kahn gave me $6,000,000” Jericho was at this same event.

where can I watch? I'm not watching Raw, I'd rather watch this

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>Flies all the way from US to UK to make a few grand
kek what a bitch

Get over it. Nash was right.

Here's one reason Nash will never be an Internet darling: He called Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero — small-statured, gifted technical wrestlers that lacked big in-ring personalities but were beloved by fans — "Vanilla Midgets." He now claims the comments were a double work. It drew heat from the marks that cheered for Benoit and Guerrero because they were baby faces. It drew heat from the smart marks that cheered for Benoit and Guerrero because they were great wrestlers. Even though both are gone now, he still thinks they never belonged in the main event.

"When Benoit and Guerrero hugged [at the end of WrestleMania XX], that was the end of the business," he says. "Has business been the same since that WrestleMania? Has it come close to the Austin era? Has it come close to the nWo or the Hogan era? You put two fucking guys that were great workers that were the same height as the fucking referees, and I'm sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick? Even if you're not gay, you will not watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick. That's not the standard in porno films. So you put a 5-foot-7 guy as your world champion."

He has the same problem with today's Internet heroes, Phil "CM Punk" Brooks and Bryan "Daniel Bryan" Danielson.

"They are not bigger than life," he says. "I bet they could both walk through airports and not be noticed unless they have a gimmick shirt on and the belt."

>wolfcuc worked into replying 10 times
Kek what a lolcow

"I'm never going to be an Internet darling. I could hit an 890 hurricanrana tomorrow and they'll say, 'Oh, his left knee hit before his right knee,'" he says. "You're not supposed to be 7 feet tall, handsome, smart. You're a giant, you should look like a giant and fee-fi-fo-fum around. You shouldn't know anything about art. You shouldn't be well-rounded. Look at the core of the hard-core wrestling fans. What do we have in common? When they go to New York City, do they go to the modern art museum and can't believe that Picasso's early work is not cubism? Do they know that? Do they care? Have they ever spent a day at an art museum ever in their life? Do they go to Amsterdam to see Van Goghs, then go to a coffeehouse and then go see Van Goghs again?" He laughs. "They don't. Sorry, man." It sounds like a great Kevin Nash promo.

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nash was never a star

"As far as politics goes, Kevin and I worked pretty good together as good-cop, bad-cop when we really needed to get things done in the back," Hogan says. "If we needed something done from Ted Turner or [former WCW president] Eric Bischoff or Vince McMahon or [TNA president] Dixie Carter, we'd be like, 'Kevin won't be happy if he doesn't get this. Or, 'Hogan might flip out if he doesn't get this.' We were good at double-teaming the 'enemy' in a political situation. We were ruthless."

"He's smart as hell," says "Diamond" Dallas Page. "I used to call him 'The Locker Room Lawyer.' If I let Kevin Nash totally control my career, I would have made at least another 2 million dollars."

>positive these guys millionaires with the exception of DiBiase
>all of them are millionaires except the Million Dollar Man
say it ain't so

Nash is used to double-teaming, kek

true, think of all the broads he and Hall or he and HBK used to tag team during his heyday when wrestlers were rockstars

Ted DiBiase is the only one here who didn't hold the big gold.

Everyone in that pic would kick your ass if you made fun of Eddie in front of them.

is that what you jerk off to wolfie? it's well known shawn was bisexual, btw

>Doesn't like paid vacation

t.never been on a day long flight, just think with Nash's knees - that can't be healthy

I flights never really bother me, whatever the length, but I usually juat disappear into a book.

Nash's knees though...didn't consider that.