Impact wrestling made a YouTube video with a porn thumbnail

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with a slight alteration

ya seethe you little bitch


Attached: brazzerr.jpg (1280x720, 369K)

This is honestly BASED as fuck
Redditors will probs seethe but if they do it publically they’re admitting to recognising the thumbnail as potentially pornographic and implicating themselves as actual men

>This is an """"""""""athlete""""""""""


i meant for the porn the image is from goof ball

Jesus Christ, could they have at least tried to make that look like anything remotely resembling an actual fight? Someone jumps you while you're working out and you just throw slow ass forearm strikes? And that fucking ddt... this is the future of wrestling, folks.

>Jordynne Grace

Taya-Scarlett Ultimate Surrender would be kino.

Holy shit those strikes are pure as fuck.

give me some quality US videos, or give me some girls who like...really know how to force the girls to cum after they fight

the absolute state

Ah, I see they learned the art of Beyond Wrestling's advertising

Taya Valkyrie needs to stop with that ugly head shave.


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The production quality is a step up from what they had been doing.

That's the problem with trying to get the audience to take female wrestlers seriously as fighters. If you're looking for the sort of impact that comes from speed, power, and keen spacial awareness, it has to be men. You're not going to get a Rock and Austin segment from women.

That's not to say that women as a commodity in athletic showmanship don't have anything that they can market over men. If two men get in their underwear and flip around and grapple while the camera focuses on close-ups, you're not going to draw a mainstream audience with that. Women win out in beauty and grace of form.

>But I don't like that because my religion states that women and men are the same!

Tough. If that had any truth to it, the identitarian left wouldn't have to insist on slanderous claims of invisible boogiemen that they can never seem to point to in order to try to explain why women become LESS likely to choose highly technical, highly thing-oriented, higher stress, and higher paying work like engineering or brain surgery as economic and social liberty increases. Men are biologically designed to trade resources for sex, and women are biologically designed to trade sex for resources. Nobody epitomizes this more than the feminists, who are supposed to be the manifestation of the idea that men and women are identical, but who are obsessed with using the violence of the state to seize men's resources without having to provide sex and are leaving those female-only STEM scholarships to be picked up by male applicants due to lack of interest from people who qualify.

Just watched it and LMAO at it because it was so fucking fake. Certain times like these is when you wonder why people look down on wrestling fans who watch this trash because nobody fights like that in real life

I was tempted to try and work ya but that post is far too BASED


I already lost my suspension of disbelief when these fat bitches were in a gym. To me that part is more fake than any of the spots they were trying to do.


better than Raw


Holy worked


jesus i wish this was real porn. Impact will be the best wrestling company of they do it