What's his problem?

What's his problem?

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self-hating white liberal would be the first one

Corey Graves SHOOTS HARD on WWE booking

He’s a faggot. Ditched his family to mop out Big Cass’ leftover roastie

He probably watched Game of Thrones last night

Cringe. I hate tweet dramas from mandrama fake fights personnels.

>passive aggressive tweet directed at a vaguely defined group
holy fucking s󠀀oy

What's with all these faggots in WWE making these passive agressive shit nowadays?

>What's his problem?
He's Corey Graves

They make incel NEETs like you seethe

Based Corey working the marks

His kids love Money Mella

Izzy moved back in with JJ

They can’t outright destroy and shun fans so it’s the closest they can get

>doesn't like catering to lowest common denominator
>works for WWE
what did he mean by this

Wow that is racist as hell

Does he hate being employed? Why does this 35 year old man spaz out like a 14 year old who just watched Fight Club on social media once a month?


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>14 year old watched Fight Club

SO... back in the day, my Dad and me, and my 3 little bros were at Dads (divorced) watching Legends of The Fall. The youngest is bored out of his mind and wants to go home, so Dad leaves with him (he'll be back in literally 5 mins). But I brought over Fight Club. Pop that in right quick, my 12 and 14 year old bros love it. Dad gets home, they won't let him take the DVD out (no offense Legends of The Fall). My little bros have been assholes to Dad ever since and I even witnessed one bro talk shit to Dad, "Whatever. You are just afraid to have a near life experience.". You may joke, but Fight Club molds fragile young minds.

Attached: Is_this_faggot_being_serious.gif (367x236, 2.66M)

His (now ex) wife and he were already separated.

>Change your diaper.
Is this a knock at Sasha/Bayley, is he politicking for Mella?

what's the point of censoring the "u" if you've already written out the rest of the swear? you've already written fucking if you round up

I hope he goes through with a suicide attempt one of these days