Internet nerds BTFO

Internet nerds BTFO

Attached: netnerd.png (791x656, 77K)

>dave forgets to take his autism medicine
>responds to random people for no reason

that's been the gimmick for decades user

>he took the bait
regardless, internet nerds BTFO

Tony Khan has been subscribed to the newsletter since the 90s right? So one way or another Khan is paying him.

>gets worked by random internet mark

But he's right. Just look at Dave's past and you can clearly connect the dots. He's obviously has a relationship with AEW and it's backers. That fact that he responded in this way proves that he got exposed and is trying to save face. If he wasn't connected to them he wouldn't have gotten so angry.

Attached: 45t6476474.jpg (800x450, 39K)

sounds like that mark hit a nerve

Meltzermagoo seething because he got exposed by a twitter rando

Memetzer worked into a seethe

is the WWE stock price also on tony khan's payroll?

>seething because he got exposed like big daddy kevin bitch

He's stated multiple times that he's just responding for fun.

What kind of salty boomer insult is "meltzermagoo"

Dave doesn’t understand the importance of punctuation.

Dave is doing it for free.

if anything, vince is paying him. If I was dave I woudl blow my brains out before covering Raw, yet he does every week. And lies the majority of the time and pretends it's still good.

>internet nerds me getting paid by AEW
what did he mean by this

Lmao Davetty is absolutely worked and seething

Imagine ANY journalist worth its salt answering to anyone on Twitter like that, wrestling journalism is a joke


So Dave believes the word mark is akin to the word nigger.
Is Dave aware of how stupid he looks?