To the people complaining about Charlotte always in the title picture

Charlotte is the only person in the women's division (now that Ronda is gone) that's actually believable. If wrestling was real, Charlotte would beat the living shit out of everyone with zero effort. Charlotte is the only Womens champion that's actually believable with the title. This whole Lynch/Charlotte feud is fucking cringe. Becky is half the size of Charlotte and would get murdered in a real life fight against Charlotte but they're trying to make us believe that she's on par with Charlotte and can beat her. Its no wonder the focus on the women's division is killing ratings.

It's the same with Lesnar. People complained about Vince focusing so much on Brock and always having him be champion. Guess what, if wrestling was real, Brock would murder the living shit out of 99% of the men in the locker room and be champion anyways. Vince has made alot of bad decisions but when it came to Brock and now Charlotte, he's making the right call.

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How is Charlotte more intimidating than Nia Jax or Tamina. They got the hard head gimmick

Being ugly doesnt make you believable charles

>Charlotte would beat the living shit out of everyone with zero effort.

Ember Moon would fucking maul Charlotte in a shoot fight. Asuka would also kick her ass. I'd also put money on Ruby Riot beating Charlotte in a legit fight.

>fat and skinny-fat midgets could beat CharGOAT in a shoot


>Bait as an argument

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No one cares if you think she's believable my dude. That "believability" has translated into jackshit; she is not an attraction, unlike Brock.

What bait? Charlotte is twice as big as those geeks. Size matters in the real world.

Size isn't everything dumbass. In a real fight, the likes of Asuka, Ember, Sonya, would kill her because they would know where to attack and since Charles has absolutely no experience on any kind of fight, she would make laughable amateur mistakes that would leave her open literally all the time.

So no, you're just projecting your Vince-lite fetishes here.

>Now that ronda is gone

>Charlotte is the only Womens champion that's actually believable with the title.

Nia and Tamina are WAY more believable than Charles just due to their size. It's like comparing Brock to Finn.

Natalya is also more believable due to her armature background, training, and body type. She just stuck in gimmick hell with those cat ears. Total Divas ruined her.

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Charlotte is a fucking awkward lanklet. What makes you think she can fight. I know Ember is faster, more agile and stronger than Charlotte.
I know Asuka has taken some stiff beatings from real mean (Charlotte is close) in Japan. So I know she can take a shoot punch from a person bigger and stronger than Charlotte. Brie Bella tried to shoot on Ruby a few months ago and Ruby had none of that shit. What has Charlotte done to prove she can do anything in a fight?

Asuka and Ember have no experience in any kind of fight either. Sonya and Ronda could beat Charlotte, that's it. Everybody else gets BTFO.

She's tall, my guess is that Ember and Asuka both probably outweigh her.

Also are we counting NXT?
Because Baszler would kill Charlotte in seconds.

Keep forgetting Nattie.
Yeah I would take her in a shoot fight over Charles.

And neither does Charlotte. I doubt the pampered daughter of a millionaire has ever been in a real fight her entire life.

Charlotte is just a puffy lanklet who's never done anything
Training they go through in Japan alone is enough that even Kairi would shoot kick Charlottes ass

They have training in martial arts which is more than Charlotte ever did.

I'll admit that Charlotte looks like an athlete, except for the comically large implants, but that's the extent of it. Plenty of wrestlers fail despite having a good look. When she steps into the ring, none of it transfers. Her moonsaults almost always miss by a mile. Her spears are awful. No wonder she doesn't draw.

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Watch Charlotte move, then watch Asuka or Ember move, coordination and speed mean something in the real world.


These the same morons that think fat midgets like Nikki Cross should be booked as powerhouses

They fall for “shoot badasses” like midget japs and Indy girls the same way they fell for CM Punks shit

who is this literally who?

on second thought, forget about that question, I don't give a damn

>Posting literal who twitter comments without context like we're supposed to care about their opinion

you fell for Charlotte "I can't even land proper wrestling moves if I'm not fighting Asuka" Flair, what does that say about you?

Charlotte fought cops and got tased and that makes her more real than the rest of the division

>proper wrestling moves
Have sex. Charlotte gets murdered every match like at TLC and misses no time while Becky entire face exploded off one punch

cute, wale is probably friendly with her tho

Is that a Alexa Bliss aheago?

To be fair out of everyone Ronda wrestled Charlotte looked like the most legit during Survivor Series where they were killing each other.

Nia is too immobile and Sasha/Becky/Ruby were just lolz in comparison

No, Charles attacked Ric and the cops tased her when she kicked a cop when they were trying to separate them

>Being tough is the same as being a good fighter

Being able to get your ass kicked and come back means nothing if you never learn anything. Her timing and execution have been eroding since she got called up to the main roster.

Nice thread bro

>Being white trash is a good thing

>Charlotte is the only person in the women's division that's actually believable.


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They don't, they're fake fighters

>Brie Bella tried to shoot on Ruby a few months ago

What? Details? I'd imagine If I were to rank who I think would do OK in shoot fights, Brie would be fucking dead last. (Or maybe Lana.)


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You have to admit she's big, powerful, has good leverage, is fit as fuck as far as cardio goes, and has a certain gnarly toughness about her.

like Ric Flair used to say, that's not a wrestler, that's a glorified stuntman

You can be a fake fighter and train in martial arts simp, it helps you with mobility and keeps you in shape as well as give you ideas for moves

She fought her dad and some cops

Yeah that two inches of height and barely any difference in weight between a pair of women certainly matches the pic. Of course then Lacy Evens would shitstomp everyone ala Brock

This is wrestling. White trash is supreme

There is no details because that idiot made that shit up. Brie fucked up and kicked Liv, she didn’t “shoot” on anyone

Stop referring to me as the daughter of Ric Flair! WOOOOOOO
Ima make you rake with my finisher inspired by my daddy, Ric Flair. WOOOOOO

Yeah but those two don't. A fucking white belt would cringe at Asuka's submissions

>Brie Bella tried to shoot on Ruby a few months ago and Ruby had none of that shit
Stuff pulled directly from anons asshole

It was a botch because Brie is shit in the ring. She injured Liv with some kicks to the head. I think Ruby stiffed Brie latter though I'm not sure about that part. Liv was knocked out for most of that match but still got in for a triple suplex spot. That and a table bump she took some time latter was what earned her some respect from Yea Forums.

Ruby didn’t do shit to Brie. People make up shit because it’s the Bellas

Brie was doing kicks and one of them got Liv and knocked her out. Nothing else happened

It was 2 kicks, I saw that webm reposted here plenty of times.

>vs cops

They took it easy on her. If she were black they would have shot her 26 times.

>good leverage

No she doesn't.
She's too tall and often looks awkward as fuck when just walking.

>If she were black they would have shot her 26 times.

it's not like any dark skinned wwe employees recently drove the wrong way down the street and tried to fight the cops and live

Recall Conner McGregor training to fight Floyd Mayweather? And how most boxing experts were pointing out how slow and awkward McGregor looked in the ring?...

>then steps in the ring with a guy much smaller and much older than himself

>gets destroyed

Yes you can tell a lot about a person by the way they move. Charlotte looks uncoordinated as fuck while moving around in the ring, also slow. Ember and Asuka do look like much more fluid athletes than Charlotte.

>someone post the webm of that Asuka kick on Mandy

Bitch is almost 40 and she's very agile and graceful in the ring.

Attached: zip it.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Naomi was driving, her retard husband was the one who tried to fight the cops. Good thing hes not black

Yeah, because that's the size difference we're talking about.

Or do I need to link the Hafthor McGreggor sparring video?

Thing of beauty.
Pinpoint, hit Mandy enough to make it look believable, but not hard enough to take her head off.

You mean the Mountain basically going a glorified photoshoot with McGregor?

Based. Charlotte is the only remotely athletic woman besides Ronda. Nia and the other fat chick are too imobile, while the rest of the girls are either too small or not even remotely athletic. Charlotte also has the best farts due to all the protein brap fuel she consumes.

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Nah, both Ronda and Cyborg have openly admitted they like Asuka's style. Try again.

This is what a real wrestler looks like. Control, precision and agility. A shitter like Charles would've sent Mandy to the hospital for not having control of the strength on her kicks.

Asuka doesn't use real moves you simp she's a pro wreslter. Do you actually think she can fight? She's a small old Asian lady. Damn you're a mark.

>those love handles and that fat belly jiggling
Fucking disgusting. No wonder Vince cancelled her push.

She has used triangle chokes more than once both in and out of WWE. Try harder simp, it's like you're not even putting effort.

Agreed. Mandy looks horrible

She does worked versions of real holds but you can tell from the execution that she has no actual technical ability and wouldn't be able to do them in a shoot. Real fighters can make their shit look painful and realistic even in a pro wrestling setting

>Getting gassed by a glorified photo shoot

Thanks for proving my point.

You guys are marks. She's flabby and probably in menopause. Do you really think she can fight because she used one basic ass submission? CM punk knows how to do a basic ass triangle too, are you marks going to tell me he can fight too? Any fat fuck or nerd can learn jui jitsu, it doesn't mean you'll be able to use it.

>Charles has absolutely no experience on any kind of fight
didn't she get in trouble for domestic violence during one of her multiple unsuccessful marriages?

Lmao calm down becky

where do you think you are?

Reading comprehension. Acquire it.

cringe post my man

Puncture her fake tits and you've won the fight.

He wouldn't have been dancing around with McGregor for 2 minutes. A man that size would try to rush you and destroy you in seconds. At one point he grabs McGregor, then shoves him away. Real fight he grabs McGregor, he's dead in 5 seconds.

funny considering all of Ronda's moves looked awful and fake as fuck

She fucked up again and elbowed Ruby in the mouth like a minute later. Ruby looked like she wanted to murder her. It was such a shit show.