Don’t watch Raw tonight

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/stardom/ is the promotion general.
/oedo/ and TCS & Knuckles is where non-canon and LARP discussion goes.

I just filter them all

This. I filtered and hide all female gook threads and this place got way better

They're all the same dumb shit.

The same user makes them all and then has console wars between them. It is very weird

Based mini Hana

reminder that Rina is 12 or some shit

but they're gonna do something good to get people back after their quarterly report

gonna ding-dong diddly shoot on this

Why does Stardom hire such young girls? What’s their end game? Is it really just a wrestling fed?

we will only know Rossy true mindset after he is dead and we have the technology to analyse his mindframe

>Is it really just a wrestling fed?
I've done some research and come to the conclusion that it's a cover for a yakuza run human trafficking ring.
That's why Hana keeps throwing up gang signs all the time, it's a hint as to their true nature and a cry for help.

agua resorting to the don't watch raw threads to try and convince people to believe him lmfao kys you sad pedo

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idol industry just starts too soon

and let's not pretend Joshi is not another form of idol

I mean the evidence is pretty conclusive.

Gross look at her dirty belly button

yeah he's got a hard drive filled with pics of Japanese girls under the age of 15, fucking disgusting

thanks hana its been almost 2 years since I watched raw

hopefully gookmoot reports him to the proper authorities

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Based UgakACE!

Gooks are so gross

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