Pay your dues for fake fights or I'll sentence you to fake court where I'll be the fake judge

>Pay your dues for fake fights or I'll sentence you to fake court where I'll be the fake judge

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>Kenshiro's you to death with 50 thousand pure strikes

>tfw kobe punks you but you can't sentence him to wrestle court cos he's out of your jurisdiction

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Wrestler's court? More like this guy should be in court for borderline paedophilliac obsession with a 16 year old girl who he tried to groom but ultimately scared off to the point that it sent her life spiralling into a twisted and perverted direction lmao.

Who would win?
>Prime Kobe
>Prime Taker
At Madison Square Garden?

It was LeBron. Kobe would've asked the arena security to escort this man out of his yard.

Sounds like the eternal /ourguy/ to me brother


Carder takes kayfabe very seriously so he would have had no choice but to tussle with them and get tazed

Kobe isn't tough, I'd like to see him eat a shoot tombstone.

Hey how about you Bing it pencil cock

truly badass

*gets pushed to the moon in his first year in WWF*
Did you pay your dues boy?
*gets full creative control over his character*
Oh you didn't?
*bitches to Vince about backstage shenanigans*
Well around here boy
*gets you buried for not wearing a suit*
You gotta wait your turn
*gets his friends and fellow Texans pushed as soon as they come in the door*
So you get down that liquor store
*takes time off whenever he feels like it*
And you better bring back a case of Jack for me and the boys
*refuses to put anyone over*
Don't like it son?
*refuses to go out on his back*
When maybe you ain't gonna make it in the big leagues
*comes back for Saudi money and buries a younger talent*
Mmmm don't wanna mess with me

>a professional athlete who finished games with a torn achilees isn't tough


>Warning 1
Taker tells you YOU DONE IT NOW
>Warning 2
>Warning 3
Buy the boys a round of drinks
>Warning 4
50 pure strikes (can be administered by JBL or Bob Holly in Taker's absence)
>Warning 5
Shoot tombstone

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Carder shoulda just offed himself on the spot


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mmmm wouldn't wanna mess with the 2000 year history of hokuto shinken kid

This isn't even clever. It's just a bunch of bullshit that can be disproved with a fucking google search, let alone knowledge of his history.

don't forget when he got in Vince's ear to bury Sable when she started outpopping him

This had to be the lowest point of his career

hi mark!

hi phil

>and if you're found fake guilty he'll fuck you with his fake cock.

>This had to be the lowest point of his career
>"y-you w-wanna do it?"

Attached: toughguytaker.jpg (640x360, 145K)

>Athletic freak of nature who played in torn achilles
>Tall man who fake fights and bought into his own toughness
Taker has like 3–3.5 inches on Kobe but Kobe would smack the shit out of Taker after he tires himself out on pure strikes

What's sadder, Taker making up wrestling court with himself as the judge or Taker getting bitched out and Triple H declaring himself the new judge?

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm The Undertaker, The Phenom, The Prince of Darkness, wouldn't want to mess with him

Wasn't it Jenna Jameson?

Wrestler's Court is a Social Contract that all talent agree to in order to maintain order.

>implying he didn't send a criminal referral to the NBA's Civil Law based Basketballer Magistrate

Mmmmm wouldn't wanna friendzone him.

KEK Imagine being friendzoned by a pornstar

Why is carder so cringe

What is this


kek what a bitch


It's personal, kid

Don't forget the 3 or so times he got his wife a lucrative one off storyline.

Mmm. Sucking the undertakers dick. That's how you get a push son

>ommmmmmmmmmmae wa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmo shindeiru

hi paul!

You're saying this like Taker didn't do the entire hell in a cell match vs Mankind with a broken foot, torn Achilles doesn't even hurt much unless it's fully ruptured

did he ever try this wrestlers court shit on brock?

If he did it apparently straightened him out since they're good friends and Taker always put him over in singles competition (he's 5-0 over his entire career, fun fact)

no he tried to befriend brock during the ruthless aggression era because he knew he'd have no power over him. so he "took him under his wing". faggot.

Criminally underrated post.


no, nobody ever tried any shit with Brock because he's not a faggot mark who is going to let some carny doofus who pretends to be a zombie on television bully him. Seriously, how big of a loser do you have to be to get bullied by fake wrestlers? Just fucking slap them and they'll back off, that's the story behind every "shoot" fight that has ever happened back stage.

Holy shit taker is omega level cringe.

>falls for a fake injury angle to sell shoes

basketball can't be fake

>mmm where's my water Junior?

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He should be #MeeToo'd

MMmmmmmmme too


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Taker is sooo pathetic lol

You still need to pay your MMM's.

Kobe would drop Taker in under 5 minutes