>FUCK YES. THUGANOMICS CENA vs Joe for the US strap
FUCK YES. THUGANOMICS CENA vs Joe for the US strap
Someone went ham on photoshop
I'm going to this live
That lineup would be pretty based desu
>nxt ladder match on mitb
>wwe championship match with rowan
i laughed.
>3 ladder matches on one card
Is WWE unaware of the law of diminishing returns?
Goddamn what is with WWE and overstuffing their cards? 3 ladder matches? Beyond excessive.
based fakenews
where did these come from?
Member when Joe was supposed to bury cena at mania but he got himself injured 3 weeks after returning from injury?
>thinking this is real
Are you medically retarded?
Photoshop. People do that with matchcards all the time. Then take a shot of your screen and pretend a commercial played it.
The original men’s MITB was probably an honest ad, liable to change. Everything else is probably a shop
that thuganomics cena does look like him right now tho
>Big Red
>I'm reterdəd
>Rowan challenging for WWE title
the fucking state of this company
an NXT MITB match would be based though
? It looks like a 40 year old ass man ya seething dipshit
lol what 3rd world shithole you from bruh?
based worked retərd
based 3rd world shithole dweller
has there been any buildup or any reason at all for any of these matches to exist?
Unironically miss her.
Owens/Kofi, Rowan will be a late addition
Balor and Ali have had a few matches
Lars beat up Rey
Only one of those women are heel (Tamina) so guessing someone will turn.
Faker than takers black hair