FUCK YES. THUGANOMICS CENA vs Joe for the US strap

>FUCK YES. THUGANOMICS CENA vs Joe for the US strap

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Someone went ham on photoshop

I'm going to this live
That lineup would be pretty based desu

>nxt ladder match on mitb
>wwe championship match with rowan
i laughed.

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>3 ladder matches on one card
Is WWE unaware of the law of diminishing returns?

Goddamn what is with WWE and overstuffing their cards? 3 ladder matches? Beyond excessive.

based fakenews

where did these come from?

Member when Joe was supposed to bury cena at mania but he got himself injured 3 weeks after returning from injury?

>thinking this is real
Are you medically retarded?

Photoshop. People do that with matchcards all the time. Then take a shot of your screen and pretend a commercial played it.

The original men’s MITB was probably an honest ad, liable to change. Everything else is probably a shop

that thuganomics cena does look like him right now tho

>Big Red

>I'm reterdəd

>Rowan challenging for WWE title
the fucking state of this company
an NXT MITB match would be based though

? It looks like a 40 year old ass man ya seething dipshit

lol what 3rd world shithole you from bruh?

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based worked retərd

based 3rd world shithole dweller

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has there been any buildup or any reason at all for any of these matches to exist?

Unironically miss her.

Owens/Kofi, Rowan will be a late addition
Balor and Ali have had a few matches
Lars beat up Rey
Only one of those women are heel (Tamina) so guessing someone will turn.

Faker than takers black hair