Attitude era was good

>attitude era was good

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Ya seethe, lil guy?
Ps. 18+

I am 18 . . . . 18 inches in ya mama LMAO BTFO XD :P SUCK IT

>literally still seething cause he missed the golden age of pro wrestling
How's it feel knowing you missed out and wrestling will never be that good again?


>Finding Tosh funny
Schools starting soon kid, get ready.

I don't watch wrestling so I don't care

Why did op post a picture of itself?



>golden age
LMAO, that shit is the literal reason wrestling will never be relevant again. I dont know why you incels shill attitude era so much, it wasnt any better than today's product

Care to elaborate?

Does he still have his show? I seriously haven't watched TV in more than several years. It blows my mind when I learn some people still have cable. Mostly boomers.

>tehehehe me like young bucks! me like johnny weswing! he did the fwip again mommy! he swap the thigh!

I'm sure you think AEW will bring in another boom period :)

The numbers don't lie, kiddo. 10 million people watching wrestling on Monday nights in the late 90s vs 1 million today. Wrestling was good then and sucks now.

When the casuals who dont watch wrestling anymore think about the sport, they remember the sexism, they remember a wife beater who gor to be the top guy by beating up his boss for no reason, they remember the racism. Of course this goes even further with Hulk Hogan who is remembered as a racist old man, nothing more. People associate these things with professional wrestling, no matter what happens in the shows of today. No one is going to come back to that shit anymore

i bet ya think the latest capeshit movie is the greatest thing ever, too?

I don't watch movies.

>Avatar is the best movie ever because it had the most revenue

You should get out more. Casuals don't know any of that beside the Hogan thing.

Ya seethe, little man?

Movies can at least try to be art user. Wrestling is pure entertainment.

If you drew it means you were good at it.

Himd .. #'gross canfile. Bong --1× heh

Ah, you were just baiting

>Wrestling is pure entertainment.
Says who?

>i cant answer to his argument so i'll say he is baiting!!!

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It is a work. Like a carnival game. It exists only to make money.

inacurrate. The guy needs to be much older like
a grandpa

Incredible how people like Kevin Nash and Vince Russo brainwashed all these people saying shit like this



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Hi, Johnny.


I'm not John Morrison


Attitude era was a 3 hour cluster fuck of guys on steroids and pills. That's what made it great

Attached: mark.gif (480x356, 1.09M)

Zero subtlety. I'll give you a generous 3/10 and here's your (You).

what made it great for you is the fact that you were a little kid back then and would have marked for anything that was trendy at the time

When I bait as an SJW cuck I am way more subtle. Try harder zoomer

So why aren't kids marking like this now? Because nothing is trendy?

>it wasn't any better than today's product
It was better tv, but it wasn't wrestling. The problem is, the actual golden age of wrestling doesn't appeal to most people here because they don't actually like wrestling.

Because the show is literally unwatchable

kids are marking out at capeshit and fortnite dances and whatever people watch these days even though they are just as low quality entertainment as wrestling is or was

>attedutietties still seething

I guess you had to be there.

Attached: 1556234205233.jpg (1080x1327, 343K)

Pro wrestling was never respected and always hated by the masses. It was trash tv back then, which is shit. Today WWE is pg shit and should be put out of its misery.

The masses loved it, it’s the media that hated it, fucking smark

Fuck you Dane Cook

*bows down to BASED God Sandman*

The fans loved it, there were more fans back then. Normies always called it fake or redneck tv. Game Of Thrones is more popular than wrestling at its best, look at the ratings.

I desperately wished it was the Hulkamania era back then, but at least half the shirts were publicly acceptable

I hope this ISN'T bait. knowing there is someone this homosexual on here
makes me feel kinda better about myself.

This bald faggot fucks kids.

pro wrestling as we know it was birthed by legit wrestlers telling actual wrestling fans to suck it and then going off and appealing to the lowest common denominator by making up stupid fake moves that would never work in a real wrestling match against another trained wrestler, all so that the non-wresting fans wouldn't be bored as all hell during the matches and would buy their tickets and merch. It has never been about the actual wrestling. It has always been nothing more than a carny hustle to make as much money from as many people as possible and generally they do this by being entertaining to the masses and not to dumb smarks like you.