Imagine dick riding a dead company that hasn't been relevant in 40 years

Imagine dick riding a dead company that hasn't been relevant in 40 years

Attached: National_Wrestling_Alliance_Main_logo.png (404x247, 98K)

Sorry you got btfo in the other thread buddy.

I knew the NWA shill would show up here
Are you Billy or that other faggot?

Nobody is forcing you to watch. But I rather support Billys vision who is one of the last hopes for proper wrestling and not indy flippyshitters having same coreographed match all around the card for the marks to jerk off. NWA has its own vibe and Corgan actually wants his world title to be represented by guys that look credible.

>imagine dick riding a gay tranny employing tshirt company without a tv deal

Hey faggot
As much as I hate it Corgan's NWA is doing ok right now. I'll wait to laugh at them when they fall flat on their face.

>colt cabana
>nick "the man no other company wants" aldis
Yes, clearly I am the one getting blown out

BTB living in your head rent free

Attached: nwa-corgan-696x392.jpg (696x392, 41K)

That dudes fucking mickie james and shes his sons mom. I think hes doing alright

why do people here automatically shit on anything that isn't WWE?

Rent free

AEW is even worse. Their funder is a Meltzer mark.

>fucking a horse looking roastie
>doing alright

Yea Forums is like 90% E Drones


go back to woo



They shit on anything popular to feign intelligence


Im being generous considering they cant afford a tv deal or a physical base of operations

Stockholm syndrome.

Stop crying

crunfle and rentpilled