Are there any instances of a wrestler debuting a whole new moveset in the middle of a match to a massive pop?

Are there any instances of a wrestler debuting a whole new moveset in the middle of a match to a massive pop?

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Mick foley and why hasn't there been a multiple personality wrestler in a long time? Bray wyatt is a fat ass and doesnt count because he will still wrestle the exact same way.

Demon Balor powerbombing Bobbo to set up for the coup de grace was pretty good

The Miz using Bryan's moves

Hey fuck head what happened to your pathetic attempt to troll this board with Marvel spam? Awwww did wittle wetard tire himself out? Now fuck off back to /movies/ no one wants your shit head shitting up the board.


Is he the most over white meat babyface?

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Cringe as fuck

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Awww wutsa mattew wittle wetard you too tiyed to twoll us now? Not so easy when no one's laughing and bumping yow shitty thweads huh wetard? Fuck off dipshit.

This, woke the crowd the fuck up after Roman put them to sleep

Only thing these people popped for that made any sense. Even as a casual being dragged to it I got "it".

Worked and cringe

Awww did I give yow wittle feewings a wittle boo boo :(

Jushin Liger after turning into Kishin Liger during a match with Muta

Imagine Gulak turning face and moving like a Luchador

Not whole new but Cena in the US Open Challenge and Cena versus Bryan. Also Bray when he was face for one week b7t huge pop would be an overstatement.

Name a better build up for a heel

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BMJ doing a Canadian destroyer

>using your tag partners finishing moves in the middle of a match

Did he go into business for himself?

Capechads stay going over wrestlevirgins

Matanza in Lucha Underground had a pretty good build up and debut, he was tossing people left and right

It was the tag partner's old finishing move, and he gave Cap his blessing
Wrestling needs more long term storytelling. Was the last time it happened in WWE the Cena-Rock feud?


based and truthpilled

Closest I can think of recently would be Demon Balor hitting a powerbomb on Bobbo to setup his finisher


Kishin Liger.

The Revival busted out a bunch of dives and flippy shit in one match out of nowhere.

It'd be awesome if Viking Raiders hid their athleticism until they turned face.

The first time Velveteen Dream started ripping off Hulk Hogan he got a massive pop.

Cena vs RVD at One Night Stand, the crowd popped but still was hating Cena wrestling as hill and going off top rope to the outside, so even though it was negative it was still a pop

Gulak is a shitter no one will ever cheer for.

Cena doing that springboard stunner thing he did for a few months.

Based Yea Forumsmrade

>he thinks it's Yea Forums

Getting b& repeatedly on Yea Forums gets dull, its more invigorating to go to a theater and spoil it to real people


that was way before finn’s match
you are unhealthily obsessed with a wrestler you don’t like

Based janny

