Big Mike signs with Impact Wrestling

Meltzer reported 3 weeks ago Elgin was going to sign with WWE. Tonight he showed up on Impact.

What happened? Did WWE change their mind?

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>That'll be $11.99 plus tip

i mean. Elgin is good friends with Callis so maybe he asked him to do a favor


Signing with Impact over WWE isn't a favor, it's a commitment. It's not like this was a one-off appearance.

I guess plans really do change huh.


I don't think he reported that at all.

>the last remaining viewers of IMPACT are the kinds to tune out because Elgin triggers them

hahaha this is how they finally die

He didn't report that. Only thing he said about Elgin recently was that New Japan cut him.

He never said that, he just wanted out and they ended on good terms.

The other day a friend of mine said
He said, Elgin's not really NJPW
He said, Elgin is really WWE

I said, my friend, what do you mean?
You read that in a dirtsheet zine?
Next thing you'll say Sasha's not green

How can I be sure of you?
When you know the plans are always changing
Rearranging, always changing, changing

are these alternate lyrics to you can call me Al?

Meltzer never reported it and WWE would never touch Elgin with a 100th foot pole especially with all his baggage and drama outside the ring.


I mean, you might be right, but only in the sense that Elgin's baggage will keep AEW away from him, so he's not somebody that WWE would snatch up to make sure AEW can't have him. WWE themselves wouldn't give two shits about his baggage.

I forgot about him, i'm glad he's going somewhere good for him. It was pretty brutal watching him in NJPW, he barely even got the politeness clap.

Lmao bad move exposing “Big” Mike by making him stand next to Brian Cage. Medium Manlet Elgin looked like Jordynne Grace with a hair cut

TNA are based in canada now, a lot better for Mike to travel a few miles to work than 16hr flights to Japan and back or move to Orlando .

based impact has plenty of gimmicks and angles that would trigger sjws and snowflakes. those kind of people only watch wwe.


Yeah but those are fake. Plenty of people think this dude raped a woman and pissed on one and find him so bad. Like he's the last terrifying element of what pro wrestling used to be like

Elgins so fucking based
Literally born in the wrong era

well this came out of nowhere

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He didnt.

man it really sucks how elgin got his career ruined by one woman stirring up a shitstorm against him

It's cool he's suing that bitch and making sure her bankrupt ass can never mention his name ever again