You mean to tell me some PISSANT bodybuilder making every match a no DQ, meandering around...

>You mean to tell me some PISSANT bodybuilder making every match a no DQ, meandering around, compares with a Kenny/Okada match?


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fuckin cody sold me with this promo. Go get em brother

Attached: sonicapproves.png (254x148, 94K)

>invoking okada's name
>a guy who wouldn't go near your pissant company
oh nonono


why are so many people talking about this promo? I avoid AEW stuff purposely but is it worth my time?

yes. it's beautiful

Cawdy has to hype up others because he sucks
At his age Haitch was having 4 star matches in his sleep

>selling point is match "quality"

Their target audience is smarks anyway

great, so ROH redux this time with a bit more pyro and ballyhoo

Hnnr vs Cucktista sucked ass, user

it was better than anything cody has ever done

Not really, Cody & Goldust vs The Shieldettys is much better than people give em credit for

WWE: by boomer for boomers

AEW: saving wrestling for the future

Attached: the-future.jpg (833x1661, 1.06M)

>Cody & Goldust vs The Shieldettys
literal what

AEW aint saving shit lol. 300k niche audience.

A rivalry from 2013, the Rhodes fought The Shield to keep their job

And Gaytch vs Fagtista was worse than the womeme main event somehow

How does one develop such a refined yet terrible taste?

>is a bra and panties match better than what the women did last september 1st
I don't even know what he's referencing

>company started by the guys who ripped off everything they can from the nwo


don't forget the pissant crotch chop

>last time wrestling was popular is when WWE captured boomers
>now WWE is left with the elderly boomers while most of them fucked off after WWE downswung
>AEW is trying to appeal to the barely-existent zoomers who care about wrestling

I never notice how small Karl Anderson is.

Overhyped, I mean yeah the promo was kinda good but too much falacies to take it seriusly.

He's talking about the women's four way at All In. He's basically no-selling the WWE women's division, since nobody gave a fuck about the women's match at All In and nobody outside of WWE in the US have done anything with their women.