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i can't stand for an anti american company, fuck wwe

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>smiling like that
>literally making a joke out of the oppression of women

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at least if they win they will take care of the jews once and for all

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>implying they aren't just useful idiots


snow miser lookin ass bitch

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>Steph could have passed high T genes to boys
>only had girls
kek Triple Cuck BTFO

>hair showing at the bottom
doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of...nvm
paul has inferior sperm, she needs a mcmahon

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can someone give me a quick rundown?

False flag. You pretend like you're an alpha but calling it oppression means you're not one of us after all.

You have to go to Nice for that

Why do Brits tolerate these kind of people coming to their country?

based incel

>you're not one of us

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That dress might actually be adopted from Christian nuns.

wish i coulda been there when vince made them fuck each other

do you think those rich oil guys paid to bang steph?

she paid to bang them

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The tarps even run the company now.

Terra Ryzing?


Shame she didn't get stoned.

Could her chin be any bigger

Fucking gross

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Why do Americans tolerate Mexicans?

Best Steph look

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>We work them to the bone for next to nothing
> They live in constant fear of deportation
>Only get the fattest, trashiest, leftover white women
>Get profiled by police
>Our government is building a wall keep them out

And then you have England

>Literal kaffur as mayor of Londonistan
>Knife attacks daily
>Subsidized housing for mooslim "refugees
>Can't be in possession of a butter knife because you've decommissioned yourselves on account of the shitskins
> part and parcel

I rest my case

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I don't know. We kicked their ass all the way back to mexico city for attacking us. We kindly gave them back like 3/4 of the land of current mexico, even payed for the land we gained through said war. Retards like Pitbull regurgitate the same ol tired "the border crossed mexico, the us stole our land"! When in reality Mexico only owned the land for about 15 years before we spanked them. It was owned by evil white people from Spain before then. Thats why we have cities names like los and san in them. Contrary to what retards like Pitbull think, Mexico didn't invent SPAINish.

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Fuck Mexicans they pay no taxes, they take up the majority share of government gibs by race, and they're violent ugly savages. The amount of mexican men who beat their wives and rape their children while getting piss drunk is astronomical.

Where did Pancho touch you, sweetie?

>pay no taxes
>eligible for government assistance

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>Women are the future
How does she sleep at night?

Thank you user.

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her smile creeps me out

With all the domestic terrorism whites are causing Mexicans are the lest of anyones problem

Whites take 39% of welfare while blacks take 40%. Do the math on what that leaves Hispanics, retard.

>be muslim girl forced all your life to wear the niqab
>move to the """West""" to finally escape it all
>white non-muslim women wear the niqab to show how """empowering""" it is so they can feel good about themselves

kek, the west got fucked after giving rights to women
I'm used to be a Muslim, my family still is and the women hate wearing the trash bags.

boorleg elaine benis

they make good food and do jobs the homeless white people don't want to do because white people are addicted to meth because are raised entitled that they will be rockstars and fall ard when they fail

Kek whites account for 75% of pedophiles in he US

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>fake infograph
Fuck off back to /pol/

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Pajeet, my son, it's time to study your English a little further


What im getting from this photo is manlets hate the world


kinda looks like angela white here

Amber Rayne

The Spanish are only 2nd rate Italians who are muddled with Gaul blood who think they're hot shit and untouchable because they had a imperial navy fleet that could go head to head with the English so when they came over and raped savage blood sacrificing Cultist Aztecs and some Mayans causing what we have to deal with now, a mixed race of violent machismo who are arrogant as they are egotistical

I can see why she doesnt wear turtlenecks now just look at the size of that high test chin


I think the reason WWE is really into saudi arabia is because women have to wear tarps, if most of the audience is in tarps you wont notice the the big tarps as much

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"mexican" food, authentic mexican food, is fucking peasant tier dumpster food. The only good ethnic food is westernized.

t. grew up in Texas.

Based chads dabbing all over the American welfare system

Attached: BT was right.jpg (709x400, 21K)

Oh so you're a stupid Americuck who fell for the /pol/ maymays. You could have just said that instead of typing out all that retarded shit

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Meanwhile back in America....

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Subhanallah ukhti is now in hijab. Hijra soon. Insyaallah.

>stuff /pol/tards believe

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Holy yuckola