When did JBL get so big?

When did JBL get so big?

I just remembered him being a tag team with Farooq basically some 2nd rate wrestler then years later i hear he was one of the biggest dudes in the WWE during the 00s 10s and was a massive backstage bully lol.

what was his appeal during that period and what was his gimmick?

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White nationalist youtube.com/watch?v=s9y5LSRCc04

2004-05. Worked a Million Dollar Man Wall Street Republican gimmick.

In 2004 he turned into George W Bush. Was based

He raped Edge and Brian Lawler

didn't he actually stick his finger up Edge's ass or something and Edge just laughed it off? kek, what a bitch

>a massive backstage bully

lol what did he used to do? first I've heard

who else were backstage cunts?

Benoit, Holly, Taker

I was a dedicated Smackdown viewer around 2004 when JBL's push happened. Honestly the most random and inexplicable push to the WWE title I ever saw, until Miz, Jinder and Kofi came around later on
Bradshaw was a midcarder in a tag team (APA), which he had been for a couple of years and was well-liked for
Then one night Faarooq gets kayfabe fired, and instead of walking out along with him in solidarity against Heyman, Bradshaw let Faarooq go off by himself, ending their friendship
I think it was the very next week when Bradshaw came out with the suit and cowboy hat, and did a heel promo establishing his Republican Wall Street character. Out of fucking nowhere this shit happened. He then started getting quick heel heat by speaking out against illegal immigrants, which was tied in with his upcoming feud with Eddie due to the implied racism
Not long after that, he won the WWE title off of Eddie. Crazy shit

fucking based

Basically him and Eddie were a perfect face/heel dynamic. Not just in terms of gimmick, but the fact that JBL was bigger yet still had that minor stigma of being a career midcarder up to that point so it wasn't ridiculous for the smaller veteran to beat him.

Part of the reason was Eddie wanted to drop the belt and they needed a new heel due to the immense injuries at the time. Vince wanted the JBL character to be a face.

lol was all 5hat stuff about him being a business analyst and stuff real or just for the story.

Reminder that Joey Styles knocked JBL out with one punch backstage when JBL bullied him. Sounds like a real “tough” guy to me!

JBL is a coward who’s so deep in the closet he’s finding t shirts from 1980 in there.

Nah he really does go on Fox Business and is rich in the stock market

That part was real
JBL's been on FOX News several times for business/finance-related segments

He never got big

real talk, how do you deal with workplace bullies.

there are two guys who are dicks who no one likes. yet despite them being lazy and doing their jobs in shit dangerous manner while bullying others they seem to get away with it. they're not even supervisors or anything like that either.

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Didn't he get punched by that ecw commentator?

cut a shoot promo on them and tell them to stop being pinheads. if they blow you off then pick up the nearest garbage can and start smashing them them. it won't matter if you're not shoot tuff or if ya get your ass kicked. you'll have earned everyone's respect and your co-workers will be much less likely to put up with their horseshit if they see someone else stand up to them.

There was no appeal to the fans but he raped people in the showers backstage so Vince loved him and pushed him.

Last great heel of the business desu

It was real but he got fired from Fox for doing a Nazi salute in Germany.

>fox news
lol marks

HHH didn't want to work Tuesdays
Back to leftypol you retard

His mansion in Bermuda is real ya mark

JBL was a great run. He could cut a good promo and had legitimate heat. Wasnt a great wrestler but was more than believable in brawls, which was basically all of his defenses. He had a good stable behind him and you were waiting to see him get beat but he always wormed his way out and retained the title.

He wound up being the perfect guy for Cena to topple for the WWE Title.

He was a bully in the 90s and early 00s too. He raped Edge and Brian Christopher in the showers.

More accurate than CNN: The Most Trusted Name in News!

You missed out on the best era of wwe, ruthless aggression.

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>When did JBL get so big?
When Triple H didn't want to work Tuesdays.

be as cool as rust

I had a clue back then, was white hot and in the middle of a run on top of the local nightclub scene. I remember tuning in one night and Bradshaw was champ. I’ve never been more confused in my life.


this thread maed me want to watch his run again. Is there a way to watch some RA without paying for the Network?

God forbid he tries something new

Didn't he do something to the blue meanie??

Yes he punched him for real in the ring causing him to bleed.

I shoot hated him after this
If he approached and fought Meanie backstage it would have been one thing
But to sneak-shoot on someone during a scripted schmoz when they did nothing to you first? Coward shit

BASED god forbid poster

there was no penetration, but still, on the hole, it was still a pretty anus offense

how come he did that to blue meanie?

Meanie said negative things about him in an interview after he left the company in 2000ish


Unironically the best thing WWE have produced outside of the Attitude Era

the B stands for Based