MOGs your entire industry

>MOGs your entire industry
>Janetties every other era of wrestling
>makes zoomers and weebs throw hissy fits at the mere mention of it
The Chaditude Era, now THAT was wrestling

Attached: attitude.jpg (900x900, 215K)

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Somehow wrestling has devolved instead of evolving

Attached: r1.jpg (1003x383, 104K)

holy fucking DIMEOLIS

How does Terry Funk land that cover over Kane?

Eh. main event scene is amazing. Everything else is shit

>Eh. main event scene is amazing. Everything else is shit

Attached: debate me.png (495x337, 284K)

I irony of Op's comment is how upset people get when you say the attitude era is just ok. They are easily the most defensive people on this board

>I irony of Op's comment

Attached: dogdora.jpg (344x430, 14K)

You think we will ever see another time where EVERYONE on the roster is over in some capacity from the jobbers all the way to the midcard? I went to a smackdown circa 2000. And it was amazing how from the sunday night heat taping all the way to the smackdown main event the crowd was nuclear hot for everybody on the roster.


Myth perpetuated by zoomers who weren't alive to see the AE

WWE doesn't even have anyone as over as 2 Cool. There is no chance they ever reach that point again

Based WCW pulling 4.1 ratings without having to do
1658 crotch gestures
434 Obscene phrases
157 middle fingers
countless degrading matches
and awful wrestling with predictable repetitive finishes.

Funny how the opposite was true in WCW during this period.

Yeah, it only cost them about 100 million in roster salary to do that while Vince was pulling those numbers on a tenth of that.


take the redpill
>the entire shows were enjoyable and the whole card was over

You have GOT to be trolling
Tag team division was BASED
Mid-card IC division was pretty great for the most part
Hardcore division was entertaining as fuck
Women's division, while mostly garbage in terms of matches and not taken seriously in terms of competition, at least had fappable segments

Let's hear it for slave wage cucks who all want to quit now. You deserve it. You deserve it.

These are just Meltzdrones looking at the work of the matches.

The orginal smackdown theme is goat

>Tag team division was BASED
Not until the 3 teams for TLC turned up and that was inlike the last year
>Mid-card IC division was pretty great for the most part
Eh very average
>Hardcore division was entertaining as fuck
Yes it was.
>Women's division, while mostly garbage in terms of matches and not taken seriously in terms of competition, at least had fappable segments
Yeah i'll agree with that

No fan was breaking down the shows this way. The shows were wildly entertaining every Monday night. No one was sitting down with a calculator and figuring out the average star ratings of the fucking mid-card.

Pfft, Godfathers entrance alone is more entertaining than most of WWE's so called "main event" talent.

They don't understand that the show is more than a collection of star ratings.

>no psychology, workrate or 5 stars matches

nice try

>Undertaker and Kane just going out and fucking up random wrestlers matches and vignettes

Numales on YouTube and Meltzer would complain that this is bad booking if this happened today.

>Ugh, no good matches on RAW. I don't understand the point of burying the undercard

Attached: kane undertaker night of destruction.jpg (1280x720, 88K)


>Ughhh too many backstage segments, where is the damn wrestling?!
>Ughh, too much interference and DQ, I WANT CLEAN WRESTLING!

>They just made the Raw roster look like a bunch of GEEKS - and for what?

It was stupid back then too. Everything in the WWE was fucking mindless to appease the moron fanbase.


mindless reply. proving my point edrone. us WCW chads had storylines and feuds based on more than just i hate you I want that belt or Jericho spilling coffee on Kane backstage, or giving birth to hands, or tying stone cold to a giant logo for the fuck of it.

Attached: undertaker-metal[1].jpg (699x366, 25K)

ya sizzle?

2016 to 2019 NJPW is better

>every single match has a run in finish, even before kane and undertaker run in too
Pathetic booking, none of those had a finish. Kane and undertaker were a run in to a run in how fucking lazy is that?
However, what I did like
>based Gangrel no selling that faggot Edgetty's "spear", the weakest finisher move ever
>literally just a football tackle with a 2 feet running start and just kinda floats in the air
>"what a devastating maneuver!"
Based Gangrel sold it accordingly aka treating it like a half ass takedown attempt and getting up immediately if not covered

based. NJPW is great.


Attached: 1510587854736.webm (640x480, 2.99M)

numales can watch sasha banks' horseface instead.