Horsettys murdered

Horsettys murdered

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She’s already dead


turn out twitter was the real death + downfall of modern day wrestling

is she talking about how Yea Forums calls her a jewrat?



>live footage of Bayley

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I dont follow WWMeme twitter drama

What happened?

More like little lexi got worked by becky and bayley's banter

>I like Bliss now

Bliss has always been BASED as fuck. Love Bliss she's the fucking best.

What? Is a jewess becoming /ourgirl/?

People forget that the reason she got popular here in the first place is because she constantly BTFO the horsettys.

If only they kept up the banter on the actual shows, the thing about Sasha having a tantrum on the floor should be worked into a storyline

She's mocking Leno and Beko because they didn't suck off Kevin Dunn to get a push

Sasha and bayley threw tantrums in the lockerroom after wrestlemania, literally laying on the floor

Hi Ryan !

rent free and seething


so what does alexa have to do with it?

I think bex made fun of her

You guys know this is probably a work right?

Yeah man, now fuck off and go back


based lexi dimes does it again

>makes Sasha leave, try to quit in a seethe
>buried Bayley on RAW, probably has things arranged for her to be buried on Smackdown too
>is going to take the RAW title either from Beko or from Lacey after she goes over Beko
Thank you Bliss

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hoes mad

Stop it Alexa! You're just beating a dead horse.

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you simp, lexi has been /ourgirl/ ever since we migrated from Yea Forums to this unflushed toilet.

Becky and Bayley are making fun of Bliss on Twitter and they're right. Bliss and Sasha exchanged tweets and Bliss blocked Sasha before Sasha could make a comeback. Becky made tweets about Ember and Bliss and Bliss went and told someone in management that her feelings are hurt.

Now Becky and Bayley are joking about it and Bliss got pissy again. Bliss is the girl who plays victim when someone says something mean and goes to cry to the bosses about it

go back

fucking Jannetties absolutely ethered!

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Imagine being a mark that gets worked in this day and age

Imagine getting worked by this shit

>Bliss blocked Sasha before Sasha could make a comeback.
Bliss has had Sasha blocked for years. I also like how you ignore that the screenshot Sasha posted showed that she had Bliss muted


Guaranteed replies

Hi Mercedes

The funniest thing about all this is that Sasha's temper tantrum is hurting her friend more than anybody. Bayley is going to be buried so badly the next few months. Bayley should be pissed at her and not Alexa.

Hey ottershavemorefun, go back



Whats her problem with Sasha and Bayley? what does this stem from

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>save you a spot on the locker room floor
Fuck yes piss in my mouth

why does twitter always trigger her? is she relapsing back to anorexia?

Sasha didnt like that Alexa got into NXT based on being a fitness competitor/model and wasn't a huge mark for wrestling. They were friendly at first because Sasha probably thought she'd quit or get released but Bliss didnt't and started getting some praise in NXT so she became a cunt to Bliss.
Bayley, well Bayley had to pick a side in their latest incident that was part of the reason Sasha took her ball and went home and is also still seething about getting squashed by Bliss on Raw a couple of weeks ago

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>Leno & Becko rent free seethe about her on twitter
>Bliss notices a uptick in mentions
>sees what it is
>post something in response
>w-w-why is she triggered
Why are Becko and Leno using Bliss to hype their match that will be awful?

>why dey bully lexi?
pls no bully lexi

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Women don't like other women, especially ones that are prettier than them. Don't overthink it

they didn't even mention her. why does she think everything is about her? not everyone is kevin dunn, jewlexa piss break.

Why respond at all? It makes her seem just as childish and petty as them

This is now canon, absolutely based.


it's all a fucking work, but most diva fans are jabroni marks without a life who can't tell a work from a shoot and worked themselves into a shoot defending their waifus. Much love HH.

They're all women

>turns out twitter was the real death + downfall of modern society


If I was Vince I would work a storyline between them. If they hate each other IRL it would translate well in an angle.

Based SashA+ working this midget mark.



I'm surprised at how many people in this place believe every single thing is a work. Like these people simply don't have a life anymore because no matter if they're caught in camera screaming that all women are whores, it has to be a work.

I guess the greatest trick pro wrestling ever did turned out to be letting idiots know it's fake.

It wouldn't be the first time people have pretended to shoot on each other on twitter. Alexa and Nia worked people into thinking they had a falling out last year.

social media killed humanity


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Nia and her were involved in a program at the time. Becky, Bayley, Sasha and Alexa aren't involved on any program right now and it doesn't look like they'll be soon considering one is gone, the other is in SD and the last one will be feuding with Lacey for at least two months.

Alexa is also known to show real support for her friends on Twitter like pic related.

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Dana BTFO horsetty the other day too.

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Pffft. Billie and Peyton are /ourgirls/.

Concussion rat completely annihilated

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speaking of nia she quote tweeted alexa, and paige liked alexas tweet. i didnt watch mania but people said paige was cold towards sasha on commentary. dont know if thats true/even actually interpretable

From what I've seen it seems like Ember, Dana, Lacey, Nia, and Paige are on Alexa's side and Bayley and Becky are on Sasha's side.

And Charles is too busy stuffing her face with a burrito

>Concussion rat
Becky had a far worse concussion than Bliss in 2006 that made her take a six year hiatus from wrestling.

Fuck off Mercedes

Master Splinter absolutely BREWING

Nah it wasn't that bad, it just made her re-think her career choice because at that time there wasn't a lot of place for female wrestlers to work and make a living especially when WWE or TNA wasn't an option at the time.


>In September 2006, while wrestling in Germany, Knox sustained a legit head injury, following which she claimed to had been "suffering from extremely painful headaches, loud buzzing in her left ear and vision as a result," and was also diagnosed with possible damage to her eighth cranial nerve.
Sounds pretty bad.

I don't see how anyone would be on Sasha's side? She turned her back on them for something as stupid as a fake title. Every sane wrestler knows that it's not the strap that makes the superstar, but the superstar that makes the strap, looking at the very contrast between Asuka and Sasha shows why Asuka is very respected in the locker room. Despite what they did to her before Mania, she never quit and did her best with what she had. Look at Mandy who has been screwed out of the title so many times now and still goes out to do her best. Dana has never been anything more than a jobber and still wants to keep on.

JR says it best at the beginning of this video. Is completely disrespectful with the locker room, the company, and the fans. But at least Austin was complaining about bad booking, Sasha is complaining about not having a shit strap. Like she would be fine with the Iiconics booking as long she had the strap? Come. The fuck. On.

she was banged up but it's not like she lost her memories or killed her entire family. She talked about it in a podcast with Lillian Garcia, and said it wasn't that bad, but her mom pressured her into doing something else plus she feared she wasn't going to make it to the big leagues anyways.

that episode was the most blatant cult like episode of RAM I've ever seen

Doesn't make it any less true

It wasn't about the strap, it's about being the focal point of something. They wanted to be on RAW, SDL and NXT instead of being in multi women match with no stake or a peripheral or challenger of the month against Bex and Charles. Sasha was the most over women in the roster when she debut and sold a tonnes of merch, after putting over Charles, she is an after thought and has been doing nothing of note. I'm not saying she should quit but I understand. Maybe Vince will respect her more after this.

Jewlexa Bliss cancelled

Go to bed Mercedes.

sorry your feelings got hurt lexi

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This dude is ugly.

fucking catty ass bitches

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we'll need more rat traps

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Better than being jewish

>horsefags and bexcels are still desperately clinging to this meme
kek go back to plebbit, this is a Lexi board.

>haha make fun of me all you want guys
Holy shit that sounds like something typed through tears. Ratjew seething that Beko is the one calling the shots now.

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Based, there are only like 5 people in this thread on Beko and the Horses side kek

Sasha and Bayley got big leagued by Vince, plain and simple. They spent almost a year of time and clout getting the women's tag titles to be a thing and then dropped them unceremoniously after promising NXT/Smackdown defenses. Then they were broken up, the past (highly important) year of their young careers completely invalidated. Then they were asked to job 2v1 to a 5' tall woman with a DDT.

I'm not endorsing Sasha's behavior but I understand it.

get out of mommy's basement, get a job

I have a job, sounds like you're projecting little guy.

>they were asked to job 2v1 to a 5' tall woman with a DDT.
this was direct punishment for their childish behavior the previous night. If they had been professionals, none of that would've happened.

>Bayley = Triple H
>Sasha being black = Curtain Call

Somebody's gotta take the fall just like how HHH was buried.

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>wymyn's wrestling
>wymyn's twitter

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i have a career. sounds like you are boiling. how long until jewlexa gets a career threatening concussion?

>being this mad
>telling lies on the internet
have sex.

seething blissfag.
bet u cant see ur own pink penis

BOILING nonwhite detected

seething yaaass kween fag detected. go back to wrestlingforum/reddit

As an impartial new visitor to this particular thread and wanting to pick a side... I choose the one that doesn't have the trashy whore who fucked for drugs and had an abortion.


so you are on team Bayley? Alexa is known for sniffing coke off guerrila position cock

>a horsefag/bexcel calling someone else a yaaass kween fag

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>horsefags and bexcels get utterly BTFO
>they start sperging out like butthurt faggots
kek everytime

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did you ever get the XL size gurl?

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>trashy whore who fucked for drugs and had an abortion

he was referring to Becky, ya ding-dong diddly simp

i don't even know why that bitch is opening her roastie Seth cum swallowing mouth about Bliss anyway, she's feuding with Evans. Becky is even more retarded than retard I just almost gave a (You).

Why are you so mad? Is it because they don't make 7XL shirts?

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dat forced smile by becky hiding her repulsion

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>after putting over Charles, she is an after thought

That's part of the business though. Becky got drafted as the first woman to SDL, won the belt, and proceeded to put over Alexa in their feud. Then for over a year she was given nothing and wasn't even seen on TV for large amounts of time. Becky never complained and threw a tantrum. Eventually the division circled back to her being the focal point and she's run away with it and gotten over more than she has ever before.

Meanwhile Sasha was in that feud with Charlotte where she was one of the main feuds of the entire brand and main evented episodes of RAW and even PPVs. Then she got involved in that Bayley storyline where they were fighting one week and feuding the next, all awhile still being on TV. Then they started teaming together while Sasha still got Title matches like at the RR. Then her and Bayley won the Tag Titles and then dropped them. She's hardly an afterthought. She was on RAW almost every week. 90% of the women's roster can't say that. She can't be the center of attention all the time. With the amount of women they have on the roster, WWE has to rotate around the feuds.

She has nothing to complain about considering how badly they've treated Dana, Mickie, Ember, and Ruby. Ruby at least gets TV time as a jobber but she's booked like shit. Sasha at least wins SOME matches.

I think the problem is that WWE always find a way to keep Charlotte and Alexa involved/on TV

and is best for business

hey fags really you need to go back