Based Bray taking WWE to task for fucking up his new gimmick's first shirt already.
Based Bray taking WWE to task for fucking up his new gimmick's first shirt already
This is what he's complaining about
WWE has an entire merchandising division
Are they going to make him wear it on the show
Well they should fire everyone and hire an entire new division.
i wanna ding-dong diddly the abby puppet
there's no way that's a real shirt
Do not doubt WWE's laziness
they finally design a shirt without something on the back and this is it
> tfw it didn't took them an entire week to botch Wyatt's new gimmick.
wow Vince is really going all in to kill his company
WWE’s finally making some summer of 92 mech
>Vince is really going all in
holy shit
holy shit
holy shit
>All In
Literally redbubble tier
kek Based Vince knows this shitter don't draw and don't sell merch so why bother
Bray has had some horrific designs in the past
looks like crap id make in paint than post to redbubble.
>bray didn't even last the week before vince giving up on him
This I liked though
They should make more shirts like that. Most people probably wouldn't even know that's a WWE shirt. Which is what makes it better.
But Vince wants you to proudly show that you wear an official WWE® shirt.
That fucking logo ruined a billion good shirts
whats wrong with the shirt? looks like a shirt to me.
This one was the GOAT of Bray's shirts.
This. I've never seen anyone wearing a Bray shirt.
Fucking Junji Ito ripoff
This is legit one of the worst shirts I've ever seen
Please tell me this isn't real.
It looks like a fake made in MS paint since it's just the rectangle stuck on the front. They couldn't even be bothered to cut around the logo. They didn't do a single fucking thing that took the remotest effort and it looks like shit as a result.
I got this one and it's pretty awesome. It's on a thicker shirt too not like the average WWE shirts.
what does that even mean
It's a rip off of some "song" that was popular with the bulbasaurs a few years ago. The actual lyrics don't make any sense either so you aren't missing anything.
It's not, this and the Wyatt Family Squad Goals were just some rejected designs that leaked.