>Built up for Years

>Best Friend & longtime Tag Partner of Cap himself
>Janettied at the very last minute
WTF kind of Booking was this?!
My Man's been done wrong.

Attached: wintersoldier1.jpg (1132x1185, 240K)

>Disney skipped the Bendis run for the shoehorned plot from 3 years ago

Can't say I'm surprised

>turns babyface
>gets made into a smiling babyface that's just happy to be there

>hurrrrrr if i combine capeshit with wrestling it will make me cool with Yea Forums xD

too bad he died

>Muh capeshit
Back to Yea Forums
Not every superhero film is shit just because the only ones you seen were black panther and captain marvel.

>that projection
Capeshit is for children and you're a drooling retard for liking it

Maybe in the past, present movies tend to reach for a wide audience to make a bigger profit.
Just because you watch the superhero movie doesn't instantly make you an obsessed manchild.
You know normies eat them up too, right?

Wrestling and capeshit are the same thing and you're blind if you can't see it.

And rasslin isn't?

>Just because you watch the superhero movie doesn't instantly make you an obsessed manchild
Yes it does.

I don't like wrestling for entertainment, I make money off of those manchildren.

I totally believe you, nigga.

So when Chad takes Stacy to see Endgame he suddenly becomes a soi drinking, funko pop collecting cuckold afterwards, does he?

Hasn’t been the same since Brubaker left the business.

What part of "yes" didn't you understand, sport?

>can't watch capeshit it's for children
>I like muh wrestling though

When did he say he likes wrestling? Stop seething because you're a manchild.

unironically this

He's the Brutus Beefcake of the MCU. Sorry OP.

Hanging around Yea Forums if you never liked wrestling at any point in time is worse than being a manchild, it's just weird.

Cope harder, manchild.

He went from the Edgy Rival into the Cheerleader

Once you go that route it's only downwards

>Manchild movies and sports "entertainment"
>Not hand in hand

have sex ya Yea Forums incel paedo.

But if would be kinda dumb for him to get the Cap rub when all he has done since turning face was shoot up some heel jobber aliens.

You want Captain America to literally be a fucking communist assassin because you hate black people so much. Rent free.



>Wrestling fans slagging off comic book fans.

This is like a fight at the retard table lads

>be the right guy to go over Thanos
>job to fucking Vision of all people

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>Gets buried right before her first big solo main event

Attached: Widow2-avengers.jpg (640x426, 35K)

Bendis is trash so

>gets the ultimate retirement angle

Attached: Steven_Rogers_(Earth-199999)_from_Avengers_Infinity_War_licensing_art_003.jpg (300x168, 5K)

He's been wanting out if the business for years.

Carol Danvers - Overpowered and overbooked (Charlotte)
Black Widow - Hot Redhead who got buried but will come back as a star (Becky Lynch)

>Could have been a main event heel
>Gets jobbed out on a b show

Attached: Dormammu_(Earth-199999)_from_Doctor_Strange_(film)_001.jpg (960x539, 97K)


>fired before is face turn and GOAT stable

Attached: RonanGotgTextlessPoster.jpg (2000x2865, 868K)

> has the most kino angle at Wrestlemania infinity war and even ends Thanos reign of terror
> turns into a comedy act a year after
He lived the gimmick and made it work but why was he buried?

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>Steve and Bucky are good friends off camera
>Steve had said for years he wanted to give Bucky the Captain America gimmick when he retired
>The time finally comes
>MCU wants to appeal to the minority demographic
>No amount of politcking can change their minds and MCU forces Steve to pass the torch to Sam instead
>Sam, who already has a decent gimmick as Falcon and who has good tag matches with Rhodes as Flying Black Men
>Nothing in creative for Bucky now

Word is Tony got upset that Thor got such a big pop at Infinity War when he interfered in the main event against the Black Hand at Wakadamania. I think Thor taking leadership over the GotG is a good move and will affirm that he should always be a top guy.

>Is the most organically over face since Iron Man
>Get almost nothing to do at Infinity War/Endgame Mania

When will this company learn to stop being so stubborn and listen to their fans?

Attached: BlackPanther5a68e754c318c.jpg (960x640, 84K)

and Bryan Alvarez said on his latest show that they're still insisting on pushing Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel as the two top faces

Wut? Nigga people wanted Killmonger over the charisma vacuum.

Calling T'Challa an organic babyface is like saying the same about Carol. They are the Roman and Charlotte of MCU.

I'd say Big Dimes Lang is the most naturally over face but hes a bit too similar to Quill. Strange should be the new top guy

Based Analysis user.

Alright Dave, run us through that Endgame main event.

Attached: bryan_alvarez.jpg (1634x1632, 247K)

When do you guys think kang the conquerer will get called up from developmental

They're gonna push based Spider-Zoomer if Tom signs a long term deal.

Kevin drive will probably change his name to the conquerer experience and fuck him up like he did when he called up the Mandarin and messed with his character unessecarily

I heard sony were trying to push a non compete

Sony will chomp at the bit once they do the Fox invasion of the MCU.

>we're the x-men and we're taking over

He wasnt buried, Steve and Tony were retiring so they got the big sendoff storylines.
Source said the comedy act was his idea after he liked doing it in ragnarok and after infinity war he pushed to join the gotg for a post-endgame storyline

>where is billionaire feige
>where is the copper man