Why do you watch professional wrestling?
Why do you watch professional wrestling?
Because I grew up watching it.
ya mami gei lawl
I can only watch the same Simpsons re-runs so many times.
That's one long cat
Because i fucking love wrestling.
Cuz i’m a fucking faggot same reason as all of us
Started watching it two years ago because I grew tired of video games and comic books as a story telling medium.
It was cool at first but I realized that story telling in wrestling is shit 99% of the time so I'm sticking for the guys I like and for the cool shit they pull in the ring.
U a geyboi wawa
I like it
I dunno, I'm naturally attracted to the most cringe things ever
>learning Japanese
>wrestling, mostly women's wrestling
Fucking kill me
Outside of sports where I’m flipping back and forth, there hasn’t been a tv show since House that I’ve cared about enough to watch it over wrestling.
>Started watching it two years ago because
oh no no no please kys
Saw it a bit when I was young. Recently remembered about it and started watching again. I tried modern WWE, NJPW, Impact, and ROH. None of them stuck so I'm just watching WWF 1997 till I get bored. Good so far
Wrestling and Anime have a big overlap in story telling so I feel that
I can't really figure out what music to listen to either since I only grew up with video games.
What VNs?
Which group?
>Started watching it two years ago
This actually happens?
I started watching it in 2017 too. I only lasted 1 year with modern WWE.
Why did you start watching?
So you weren't much of a fan as a kid, just saw it in passing?
Growing up I lived with my mum and her fella would smash her face in. Then she turned into a man hating she bitch. Was the only thing I enjoyed.
I don't, I just shitpost on Yea Forums.
Yeah. A friend of mine wanted to get me into it. Started with the 2017 Royal Rumble as an introduction to show me the roster and explains to me how it works. I didn't had any real exposure beforehand aside from catching a few TNA episodes when I was a teenager.
Got into WWE that way but only watched the free shits on youtube and the occasional ppv with my friend. Moved to Lucha Underground when it was on Netflix and I'm getting an interest into other promotions. But I mostly shit post the board about the state of WWE. Took me a year to realize it was shit, aside from a few guys I like.
im gay and dumb
Yeah, I had some toys and a video game. SvR 2008 for the psp.
Mostly remembered wrestling as a joke though since the segments that stayed in my head were edge live sex celebration, batista raping melina, and vince car explosion.
Watched wrestling a lot as a kid. Stopped it during my HS days but came back on college. I used to watch WWE a lot as a kid but transferred to somewhere else ever since in college since I don't like the state of the company with them going PG, having shit plots, decent wrestlers not being used well, most matches being meh, and poor decisions overall is one of the following reasons why I dislike WWE. Been enjoying other promotions a lot and giving old TNA and ECW a chance. Boy did I miss out a lot back then.
I guess what made me enjoy wrestling is simply the actions on the ring with people doing cool shit while beating each other. Everything else like the characteristic of a wrestler are just the icing of the cake.
I got into it as a kid because it was funny. Everything about it made me laugh, from the characters and stories to the comedy violence of dudes hitting each other with chairs.
yeah the getting hit with chairs thing always got me too, it was just so batshit crazy
I grew up being really hardcore into wrestling. This was the tail end of the monday night wars, i was still a kid, and wrestling was at its peak in popularity. My older brothers were also into it. We would order the ppvs all the time. This was a different world.
Then wwe won the monday night wars and i grew older, wrestling became more unpopular, but i still watched it, maybe it might get better (it didnt). But i still like the concept. Because its a silly business. I like the world of wrestling. The people in it, the dirt sheets, all the sort of niche cultural terms like smark, mark, heel, face, etc.
Now im pretty old and wrestling is basically near its death. I lost hope long ago of it ever getting better. But i check in on it every now and then, like its some sort of slow motion car crash.
I'm always drunk and I have a lot of free time.
based alcoholic user watching white trash television and not going to school.
Patrician answer. Guarantee you that's half the board.
Not only that but the best part for me would be if someone was cleaning house with a chair and a bunch of guys (usually heels) would just line up and wait their turn to get smacked.
It's like in the movies when the bad guys always attack the hero one at a time, but even sillier.
For you.
to shitpost