Are we going over? this might be the group of jobbers

are we going over? this might be the group of jobbers

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what is this? link?

>being this new

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None of my memes are in it because I didn't care enough to push myself in the thread like the others so we'll lose.

I swear to god if Yea Forums loses to /cm/ we rename the board to /Nash/ for a week.

go back

Search the hyperlink and educate yourself newfag.

It'll be real funny if Yea Forums doesn't make it out of the festus cup

>babby cup qualifiers

It's all jobbers. We're fucking bingo hallers.

>summer of 92 is a gold medal
we're goin over brother

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Who /tg/ here. Doomrider is still the undisputed GOAT

what a group of no dimes shitters

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Our lineup is shit this season, prolly gonna job.
>The redditourists aren't a meme

I believe in the summer of 92

DEAN was my favorite model, any word if we'll have it or something similar in PES '18?

I guess we'll find out soon

if we don't make it out of the fetus, heads should roll.

>Babby Cup
we are doing it literally for hotdogs and handshakes

we should tank for a draft pick desu

nigger when has Bruce Lee ever been a meme here?

Hangover from when Yea Forums was about alternative sports and not pro-wres.

>outs himself as a newfag and a redditor
Based Bruce the pleb filter

>coming to this shithole before /wwe/ on Yea Forums
glad we curbstomped the fuck out of you toy gun kiddies

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We should put based Bobbo as our goalie

bobbo is a nice meme but doesn't have that much going for him

I'm not an incel, so I don't care