ITT: based tag teams outside wrestling

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Ding dong diddly

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Batman/Anybody manages to be based and Superman/Anybody is pretty good too

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Young blood half breed Saiyans here to work the marks

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BASED Ant working that Jeff Hardy rehab program

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Gay tier comedy

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They're protected as fuck but Red Slasher and Laser Witch are still pretty based.

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Big Dimes Chuckle Boyz
Vince. Strap. Now.

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>The greatest duo in the history of comic books
>The greatest bromance ever
>makes the nu-males seethe

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Based Bant and Kek.

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also, Big Boss and Ocelot

GOAT female tag team

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Based World's Finest Tag Team shooting on their sidecucks and working those jabronis into ding-dong diddly burying themselves.

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who is the jannetty?


Stoyetty got raped by Mean Deen in the blustery Fall of 2015.

Fucking kek

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The show they headlined is STILL the best PPV of the promotion

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Actual draws

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Kung Lao forever the janetty to Big Match Kang

basically Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins

Based Batsie doing the job for Supes

>says "I was raped" on social media 6 months after their break-up
>everyone throws shit on her and calls her a dumb thot
based or cringe


He knows his place and pays his dues.
Gotta respect him not being a mark for himself and trying to shoot on the blunder god

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Damn, Ryback looks like THAT??!

Saul was the Michaels

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What do you think about THAT Ryback?

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Big Show’s best look IMO

Big Show is a cookie-cutter who doesn't even get pissed on by 6'3" black trannies.

>The greatest bromance ever

It's always that guy on the team that you trust the least, kind of hate, and compete directly against for a spot that becomes your biggest bro in life. DC stumbled into a gem with them.

Big Boss was a top guy solo and in multiple top tier tag teams

Stoya has some, if not the best, selling in the business.

The Hidden Star in Four Seasons PPV had a pretty good draw.

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Undefeated in TLC matches.

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Top draws

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absolutamente baseado

>It's always that guy on the team that you trust the least, kind of hate, and compete directly against for a spot that becomes your biggest bro in life
>the kid who was my biggest enemy in 4th grade became my best friend in 5th grade and we spent all of our free time together playing vidya and shit until the end of 8th grade
>the kid I hated in the first year of high school became my friend and we sperged out all the time to annoy the teachers with our autism

it's sick it's piss

That bulls team was stacked as fuck, best stable in basketball ever.

Senna is the Jannetty because he’s dead.

Shaolinettys were overshadowed by big dimes Johnny Cage lately. They kinda get the spotlight again in mk11 (no spoilers) but Cage was still the one that pinned shinnok clean in mkx. Also got to actually get laid with sonya therefore having the best storyline.

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howard stern looks like that?

These niggas. Based or cringe?

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>pretty good draw
>less popular than literally-who tier Shou
They got a brief pop for their annoying as shit gimmick then got buried HARD.

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>I’ll do the job
What did Batman ding-dong diddly mean by this?

>literally who
Curved laser draws more heat than most protected finisher

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he meant he isn't a mark for himself and ready do the job for Superman
that's a stable, not a tag team

GOAT stable

based Heathers and Veronica the jannetty

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Curvy lasers does have some fucking nuclear heat.

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is this dude about to die wtf

miss him lads

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>you will never watch phil and grant deliver a post-match beatdown to ian beale while peggy cuts a promo about "ma boys dindu nuffin"

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