Congratulations Colt Cabana

Congratulations Colt Cabana

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Cuckman Phil seething


WOooooaAaaw SoooOoOOoOOooooOo Fuuuuneeehhhh Mr. """""""""""Comedy"""""""""""" """""""""""""Wrestleer"""""""""""" sooooo WACKY LMAO XD XD :P

the state of billy

how did Big Choons Billy let this happen?

>A Dummy's guide on how to kill a title's credibility and prestige in one step
>Step 1: Pic related

Sorry El Jefe this is an American board

>Winning a midcard title in some bingo hall promotion

Mazel tov, Kikebana. That's as good as it gets for a complete shitter.

it's his second reign, dum dum

Even the Hotdog Leagues are falling apart

Wasn't he already NWA, like 10 years ago when him and Pierce did that series of matches no one gave a fuck about?

How many NWA championships does Colt need to win to be able to pay off his legal fees?


Damn, NWA title really went into a BIG downhill.

who's next?
Yano? Taguchi?

It's his first reign you absolute fucking retard

Yano and Taguchi are actually good wrestlers pretending to be retarded. Colt is just plain retarded.

>brainlets ITT mistaken the 10 pounds of gold and the NWA National belt
This is the midcard championship ya simps

so Colt already held the more prestigious title, and winning this other one is what is going to sink the NWA? Cope harder, you little faggot.

>I-I was BTFO and an absolute brainlet b-but y-y-you're a fag-g-g-got

will he drop it to CM Phil?

He's right tho

Cum Muncher Phil is too much of a pussy to actually face Colt

Colt is actually pretty based when he's not acting like a fucking goof. He's only the placeholder for Storm anyway.

Based James Storm fixing to stomp this fag out.

That was called like the 7 levels of hate or some shit. 7 levels drew 0 dimes

He's right tho

I don’t get all the hate for Colt on here... Art of Wrestling was pretty based back in the day

that's your key word right there

>Colt Cabana winning titles in 2018
The state of this simp taking bookings everywhere to pay the Punk lawsuit.

VoW said Mack had to drop it because reasons but they put it behind their paywall. Anyone catch this?

Colt would legit beat the shit out of Phil

Hes probably going to AEW or WWE. You ain't missing much.

He is going to AEW.

wasn't colt NWA Champ when it wasn't owned by big dimes billy?

It's his first he won the NWA HW before Corgan rebooted the NWA

Nah, he's incredibly fat and non athletic, even worse than Phil

Yano never had a good match is his career and I FUCKING LOVE YANO

I thought Aldis was champ? he was wrestling Scrull?

How long before Billy blows all his money on this little vanity project?

National title is midcard title.

Lagana said that they've barely used money so far on this. So doubtful he will.

Literally who?
>So doubtful he will.
Yeah, he'll probably sell it soon before he loses too much.

He's right tho

Vice President of NWA. Former writer in WWE and TNA. So faf they've done 3 shows and all have done well financially.

But keep seething.

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>over a dead promotion that draws 300 people
el o el. Okay

All time high gate in Asylum during their NWA 70 show. POP UP event sold out 1,149. Crockett Cup atleast 1500. Did you expect them to start selling out stadiums right away?

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That's nice, Lagana. No one cares

Bullshit. I watched that (for free) and no way it was that many people

Well they said they already sold more than NWA 70 few days before the event. And Cabarrus arena is a lot bigger in capacity (4000 plus)

>they said
Of course they would


You keep them out of this, they’re actually good technical wrestlers.

*tips fedora*

>National Wrestling Alliance National Champion

Billy is a retard. He blew his money thinking people would give a shit about the NWA after the 1980s

U still seethe mate? Did someone in the NWA hurt you or something?

His first mistake was breaking up Smashing Pumpkins. His second mistake is not bringing back the Big Gold.


Colt Cabana is the Kevin Smith of wrestling

>having that shitter colt go over based mack
Figured I wasn't missing much by skipping the Crockett Cup

So NEET ya forgot the year

Mack is going to AEW.

He played division 1 football