How come he's the face of the company while being a midcarder at best?

How come he's the face of the company while being a midcarder at best?

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cuz he is not main draw in Shao Khan eyes

Attached: Sub-Zero.jpg (640x360, 47K)

He's a draw with casuals

I've not played mk since like deception but aren't Raiden and/or Kung Lao the top babyfaces?

Scorpion is the face of the franchise
Raiden is the brain
Johnny is the heart

He's the Rock of MK.

>works Raiden into a shoot for no reason

>Raiden is the brain
"Nightwolf, you're in charge of things here while I take earth's greatest warrior to the senate."

Street Fighter is the WWE.
Tekken is the NJPW.
Virtua Fighter is Smoky Mountain.
Mortal Kombat is the TNA that sucks @ss but keeps finding ways to sucker marks out of money to keep running.

Nightwolf stepped up to become a solid upper midcarder at that point though. His rise up the card was better than Sindels.

I mean to say that when it comes to the smart mark fans Raiden is the top guy.
Casuals think of Scorpion
Smarks think of Raiden
But at the end of the day MK wouldn't be MK without Johnny Cage

When you're over like Hanzo wins and losses don't matter. Liu Kang needs the strap to stay over and Cassie needed that hotshot Okada push, though to her credit as a worker it got over and now she can be a good consistent uppercarder like Y2J in the Cage family tradition, while shutters like Taven or Shujinko got reigns of terror with the belt and almost killed the territory.

I hate that they're pushing Cassie as a no dimes bland soldier girl like her mom when her Hollywood Bimbo Johnny gimmick was so much better.

MK is the biggest money drawer you fucking mark, no one cares what autistic fat weirdos will play for 12 hours a day years on end, the disgust FGC has for Smash is the same disgust real people have for the FGC.

Seething lmaoooooo

I'm not 12 so I don't play videogames so I don't care.

this sums up pretty well
which promotion is SoulCalibur?

>face of MK is supposed to be babyface Liu Kang led by Raiden
>Scorpion becomes more over with his program with Sub Zero
>eventually becomes the new face
>liu kang gets relegated to jobber status and then gets released in Deadly Alliance
>comes back for a sympathy midcarder run

You may say Scorpion is just for casuals and how Johnny is MK at its core but there would have never been a franchise if it wasn't for based dime drawing scorpion

2000s NWA with Rob Conway as champion.


What's Killer Instinct?


Smash is Wrestling in popular culture like the cringey ways you'd see it in televisions, movies, or memes

what's Dead or Alive? Stardom?


Rare was never rich and had to settle with getting bought out by Microsoft after Nintendo decided not to continue with them

>Marvel vs Capcom = CMLL vs AAA

Attached: hhh.png (238x343, 170K)

Go back to the general and keep orbiting that tranny, avatarfag.



>Street Fighter is the WWE
Explains why it's so shit

johnny cage, his daughter & big match kang are the top babyfaces now.

raiden turned heel in deadly alliance turned back in MKvDC and went heel again at the end of MK10.

kung laoetty was never gonna be a top guy.

UFC is Street Fighter
WWE is Mortal Kombat
NJPW is Tekken

Raiden is a tweener at the end of MKX and in 11
also, I want to cum inside Cassie

Smash is the WWE of fighting games.

>by far the most popular of the genre
>intended for kids and casuals but people take it incredibly seriously for some reason anyway
>it was good when I was a kid.jpg

Stay away from my wife

>Scorpion is The Rock
>Sub Zero is Stone Cold
>Reptile is Triple H
>Liu Kang is Michaels
>Kung Lao is Jannetty
>Raiden is the Undercarder

make me, cuck

>Reptile is Triple H
>both of them never drew a dime
checks out

>MK is the biggest money drawer
LOL no. Tekken and Street Fighter are the big boys. MK can't even draw outside of the u.s.
but if you want to talk real big dick money then Smash Bros beats them all.

Smash Bros isn't a fighting game, user :^)

I don't care go to Yea Forumseddit so I don't care what their consensus is

Erron Black unironically has potential to be the next face of the company.

>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[b] is a 2018 crossover fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd., and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch

>Shao Khan puts over his daughter
THIS IS AWESOME *clap, clap, clap clap clap*
THIS IS AWESOME *clap, clap, clap clap clap*

>Super Smash Bros.[a] is a series of crossover fighting video games published by Nintendo, and primarily features characters from various franchises of theirs.
also, which promotion is PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Wrestling Society X

MK sells like hotcakes in the US, all third world and Latin countries, Europe and Russia. Japan is a small irrelevant country.

MK is almost 4 times bigger than SF.

>kung laoetty was never gonna be a top guy.
he was in MK9, he even beat the Soul Bros, also known as the Deadly Alliance in a 2-on-1 handicap match, but Shao Kahn went into business for himself because the finish didn't work for him

Because they know single player content brings in the casuals

>Raiden proclaims Kung Lao as the next guy
>IMMEDIATELY becomes a comedy jobber
Fucking Shao Khan.

then Liu Kang stiffed Shao Kahn, however he showed up at the next PPV without a scratch
was the Outerworld Screwjob a work?


Fuck casuals, fuck balanced meals and fuck daily showers. Every form of entertainment should bring a ROH/WWE crowd .

Kung Lao was dimes in 2

>Kotal looks like a massive draw and will finally be someone capable of going over Big Dimes Shao Khan
>Give him a womeme manager then he suffers a career ending injury

One undeserved monster push doesnt make you a top guy

He's basically AJ in TNA from 2004 to 2009

>Tekken is NJPW

>Me a KOF and Fighting EX Layer player.

I guess we’re AJPW or CMLL then.

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Fighting EX is Gatoh Move and KoF is AAA.

is Kung Lao the Jinder Mahal then?

>Gatoh Move
>Not Toryumon

no matter how hard they try scorpion never works out as a babyface. it might have worked out this time if his stable with kenshi & takeda didn't fall apart. but he's too much of a natural heel.

also fuck you lui kang's heel turn was suprisingly interesting.

*slurps mokap mokha*

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>Scorpion doesn’t work as a face

Fuck off, they tried to sell him as one from the Deception Era up until the Reboot. It only worked in the second reboot, because NRS actually had some competent writers working for them. Kind of, I don’t like the woke angle they’re pushing.

I was not saying bringing in casuals is a bad thing. Capcom could learn from MK

>Reptile is Triple H
Both of them do the spit thing
Both of them think green attire looks good
None of them have ever draw a dime
Yeah bro, this comparision seems about right

>I don’t like the woke angle they’re pushing.
eh i don't mind jax using time travel to make wakanda since he's practically a jobber in the reboot timeline (he deserve something other than getting killed in his arcade ending) and johnny cage is arguably a better parent than sonya so that's something.

Reptile is Muta because poison mist

He's their biggest draw despite Nether Realms trying to bury him.

Jax went over fucking Quan Chi in this timeline, what did he ever do before? Job to fucking Jarek and go over Tremor?

>what did he ever do before?
getting stiffed by Ermac and then crying like Kevin Nash in the summer of '92

Liu Kang just went full Supercena
get ready for the reign of terror

MK12 will be a reboot, MK11 was part 3 of the MK9 trilogy

>job to some under card punk run-in who had nothing to do with with your current feud
What did he do to get that kind of heat?

>put the belt on him for 4 series
>bury him for 20 years

Why did they do it?

Attached: zombieliukang.png (174x389, 93K)

he had to pay his dues, user

D'Vorah is an unsafe worker and she did not deserve her monster heel push.

so did kung lao and look what happened to him?

beating crunchy isn't the rub it used to be.

Literally retired like 2 or 3 workers in that run

Lost my shit when The Big Red Machine Sektor did that fake seizure rib on Cass. The pyro after was pretty cool too.


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she clearly takes more after johnny than sonya in her personality, moves & interactions in MK10 & 11 while she only has the soldier girl look because sonya's only defining character traits are being a marine and her rivalry with kano.

and now that sonya's dead someone needs to fill that void she left.

liu kang was always the top babyface of MK him putting over the deadly alliance, his undead gimmick which got completely dropped in the DC invasion angle and him turning heel and taking over the netherrealm with kitana not withstanding.

At this point Liu has been heel or monster midcarder more than top Babyface. At some point you just have to accept Angle is a TNA guy.


Because the Series itself is a Janetty.
One of the better fighting Janetties mind you, but still a Janetty.

Attached: T7FR_Heihachi.jpg (640x800, 255K)

Lol. MK is far more mainstream.

And Johnny Cage is Hogan.

Killer Instinct is the real IMPACT

MK is probably closer to WCW if WCW was resurrected by WB and started giving a fuck the second time around.

He's got a gimmick that moves merch, memorable feuds, and name recognition.

Scorpion's push was organic; he was the favorite of the fans.

Liu Kang's push came from the front office. He was more over for his turkey yells than having the belt.

Dubs of factuality

I don't play fighting games so I don't care.

Wtf are you even talking about. Scorpion is like the scsa of mk. 18+

Tekken is fucking garbage.
>Get launched
>75% of your life is gone

it's more or less the opposite of what happened with johnny cage.
>either absent or treated like a joke for 8 games.
>becomes a family man and the series protagonist in the reboot timeline.

Attached: Johnny_Render_mk_11_1.png (724x1056, 1.04M)

MKX sold 11 million copies, SFV hasn't even topped 3 million copies yet. Tekken also has been outsold by MK for the past decade. Stop living in the past like WWF/WWE. SF and Tekken aren't even close to MK in being a draw.

Shao Kahn knew he wasn't ready to be the top guy.

The fighting on this shitty games looks like this.

nah, Shao was about to go down but he didn't like the finish and wanted a longer run with the strap, brother

>either absent or treated like a joke for 8 games.
didn't he die in MK3?

yeah and he got better in time for MK4 he was also absent from MKvDC but that supposedly takes place between MK2 & 3 so he could've been dead around that time.

I hate the cringey dumbass animations in these netherrealm games.
>yo I'm walking into a fight so I'll bring this random severed head with me and throw it away

he is dead in MKvDC, his tombstone is visible in the graveyard level

lot of times the animations lack logic
>Cassie empties a full clip into the opponent's chest
>kicks opponent in the groin
>kick is so powerful their spine and skull pops out
why did she shoot an entire clip into the opponent if her kick is that devastating alone?

>Fuck off, they tried to sell him as one from the Deception Era up until the Reboot.

It goes back at least to Deadly Alliance.

>Jax went over fucking Quan Chi in this timeline, what did he ever do before? Job to fucking Jarek and go over Tremor?

Right after Jarek came out as So Gay, he got retired by Jax.

He was in trilogy, in the mid card. His moves were kinda shitty, but he did the extra damage the older characters did, so that puts him above SEETHva

>works marks
>works smarks
>works anti-smarks
>works tumblr
>works reddit
>works Yea Forums
>works twitter
>works the internet
>works god
>works me
>works (You)
>works This One

Attached: Dvorah.png (630x854, 604K)

The Special Forces/Black Dragon feud was a pretty entertaining midcard act for all the wrong reasons.

>intergender matches in your main event

Attached: 54524602_402510770564351_2917591565008371715.jpg (933x387, 56K)

holy fuck...
>those chris benoits trying to break up the fight

Attached: wheezelaugh.jpg (377x264, 23K)

She’s kinda boring though. Rain could be cool

Imagine having a faction that’s literally the United States special forces from like 2000. It could’ve been a badass faction full of retro operators and bad motherfuckers. Instead we get sonya chasing after some retard with a laser eye

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I have no idea why someone made that video, but I love that it exists.

Why is Shao Kahn the GOAT heel?

I love when the crowd pops for Jax

>retires the OG scorpion
>new guy takes the mantle instead of taking the chance to let takeda reinvent himself
>whole angle is discarded regardless in order to promote the whole liu kang reboots the brand storyline
Boon is fucking senile.

For me, it's Stardom

Attached: Hisoutensoku_-_Cover_Art.jpg (400x395, 36K)

Kano will kick your ass

>always cheats to win
>when can’t cheat he gets his ass kicked
if you consider Jinder Mahal the GOAT, then yeah, Shao Kahn might be the GOAT as well

Because he has cool moves, ya simp!

Attached: 39794758-98B7-44CA-BE66-1FD44ABE70B5.gif (480x288, 2.86M)

And he also has a cool catchphrase, “get over here!”. Makes people identify with him as the Mortal Kombat guy.

He's the definition of company man, doesn't mind putting other people over.