>Chelsea Green is a white woman wearing a thong on vacation
>In places that are populated by brown Hispanics and blacks
My dick is so hard now
Chelsea Green is a white woman wearing a thong on vacation
not a drop of ass there
Her arms are fucking weak.
>Some woman is doing some woman things
literal braplets, why not do some butt exercises at the gym ffs
>Ryder dropped Emma for this
What a fucking simp
Isn't she jewish?
Emma is fucking ugly too
>places that are populated by brown Hispanics and blacks
So everywhere in the USAetty?
Emma has skin AIDS now
You're crazy. Compared to this foot Emma is a goddess. Although her skin disease kind of cancels it out, so maybe Foot broad is an upgrade.
t. Neeg
I don't get it. You're talking about a woman yet you sound gay as fuck. What's the point?
>not applying psoriasis cream all over her body
Emma could have shoot AIDS and I would probably still pick her.
Hi Zack
>This is what the mind of the Western Male has been reduced to
GG jews
Based Ryder fucking Nicolas Cage
Irish pancake booty
Zack dun goofed, moar Emma
Emma got a contagious skin condition
You're trolling or very uninformed
I seriously would pick shoot AIDS Emma over Chelsea
>Chelsea Green is a white woman
>OP doesn't know what a thong is
Chelsea Green isn't white, she's a kike
is he a FOOTCHAD?
That IS a thong. you're thinking of gstrings brainlet
i keep thinking that girl has a giant ding-dong diddly dick every time i scroll past the thumbnail
>Zack dun goofed,
She cheated on him and became a pariah in the locker room. He didn't goof up. She could of been engaged and had a job with WWE for life by now like Zack instead she's stuck with taking shitty indy jobs.