Go to non-wrestling board

>go to non-wrestling board
>thread talking about a character suddenly becoming bad
>drop some wrestling knowledge about how it's like a heel turn, a concept made popular by wrestling
>get called gay, autistic, virgin, ect
>"You know it's fake right?"
>"Back to your containment board!"

Why they hate us, bros? What makes being a wrestling fan any worst than being a nerd into video games, comics, or tv shows?

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Wrestling is for retards

We are a bunch of rubes. Wrestling has always had this stigma.

your a frogposter what do ya expect ya fuckin dork


We've gone insane and have become even more autistic after being contained in this board with such spicy OC content.

never talk about wrestling to non-wrestling fans. It just makes you look retarded because wrestling is retarded

He’s got a ding-dong diddly point you know


Because wrestling has a psychological effect on people that triggers this immense anger that stems from the fact that at one point in their lives they fell for the ruse and once the veil was lifted from their eyes they must shun it for ever having duped them. They, as an intelligent individual, feel either annoyance or stupidity for having believed in something that is so obviously fake and gay.

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the queers on Yea Forums always use wrestling terminology. That board is full of losers

Wrestling is literally for autistic people

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>"Back to your containment board!"
This is like the final board on this site that isn't completely full of numale zoomer faggot normies with tight jeans so that's okay with me
this is true

but you do know that it's fake right?

The other boards just started to use "have sex" lately.

yeah but they're retards and don't get the context so they just think it's related to sjws and twatter users somehow

This board is literally 95% autistic

Ding ding ding! This guy gets it


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Not me frend

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Based and Tommy Dreamer pilled

i've always thought being into wrestling is kinda like being into anime, you don't mention it if nobody asks about it

>tfw wrestling fan and unironically look down on people who like anime
am I bad person user?

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How do bronies get more respect than us?

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Because they have probably had sex

I don't know but it's fucking bullshit, all 5 of us should go do an nWo takeover of /pol/

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Did this piss off the japs?

Aiming a little high there champ, we’re jobbers