*pushes you to the ground and steps on your balls*

*pushes you to the ground and steps on your balls*

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how is she so perfect? Literally all the women look like shit compared to her.

How to acquire military mommy gf lads?
I'm a spic btw

Enlist in the army perhaps.

>married a beaner
>produced a le 56% with it
Don't know why Yea Forums loves Lacey is she knowingly and willingly race mixed

also looks like a tranny

>raised in a broken family full of drug addiction
>marry into race known for valuing stable, loving families

Lacey did nothing wrong

Stay seethin

>stable, loving families
>she got divorced and is raising a single daughter

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She's not divorced.

You think she told Charlotte about it?

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>someone tries to break into your home
>she tell you to stay here
>grabs a shotgun
>says something defamatory about libtards
>*cocks it*

Her daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes, she's fine.

A quick browse of her IG will show that you're full of shit.

this. Military chicks are deperate even the Air Force ones who are hotter than all of the other branches.

At least it wasn't with a bulbasaur

If you're going to keep pushing the single mother meme, use somebody plausible like Asuka instead.

She's so hot. I hope she beats Becky Cringe.

Nah, Charmutt's first five marriages were nigs

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is he the whitish spaniard type or dirty brown type

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low test

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she's so fucking sexy.

what is her gimmick? marching band dancer?

I wish she'd deliver the woman's right to my balls

sweet mommy legs

I want to sniff her powerful military lady braps

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Lacey seems to be quite popular in the Bulbasaur community


being scared of race mixing makes you sound so weak and beta.

It's not scary, it's repulsive and it's detrimental to all races.

It's disgust and revulsion, not fear.

>Just got outa church

>invites her to kick me in the balls until I pass out

Everyone wants what they can't have