Attached: Screenshot_20190428-081645.png (720x1440, 756K)

Go back to instagram

Attached: smile_2.png (720x1440, 653K)

What was OP trying to accomplish


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I want to jizz on her face

Jesus fuck! I thought she was trying to look like Sasha Banks. She now decides to look like Dana Brooke?

Attached: dana-brooke.jpg (777x437, 145K)

still wanna eat her pizza

Attached: pizza.webm (480x852, 1.07M)

>intentionally makes a weird face and takes a pic at an awkward angle for a 'funny' caption
Yea Forums retarded

Attached: 1445379538780.jpg (349x464, 41K)

Why do women pay tens of thousands of dollars just so a surgeon can mutilate their bodies?

Attached: 50794048_367555854025650_2769221689427010365_n.jpg (1080x1071, 113K)

I showed you my penis please respond edit needed

Attached: 57506330_598509137297531_9129339901981796227_n.jpg (1080x1080, 283K)

Dana just doesn't have make-up on here

Remember that this SKANK ruined Corey Graves family.

Attached: Corey-Graves-1743394.jpg (590x332, 43K)

Attached: 01b.png (640x400, 39K)


Based slut shaming incel user

Are you blind or just brainwashed by porn and/or the glam squad

Attached: Carmella.jpg (625x1100, 339K)

How does Carmella manage to look good and kinda cute in video, but everytime she takes a photo looks horrendous??

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What is the point of posting it if you're just going to delete it later?

why do they always eat like shit?

>they celebrate the rare occasion of eating food they shouldn't be eating by posting it so that means all they eat is shit

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

It's not rare if they do it every day.

>"LOL look at me eating!!! Isn't that cray-cray"
women were a mistake

>people here want to fuck this
You people are gross and have no standards
Gutter trash bastards

Attached: E1281CE7-7408-42A7-88A6-530BDF3A7630.jpg (302x302, 36K)

where is the incel equivalent of this pic so i can post it about you you mentally ill failure living with your mama

they throw it up afterwards ya dingus

Nope. I don't like it one bit.

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Why are women like this?

she very clearly has on a fuckton of makeup how autistic are you?

Christ, she looks like a sex doll. And not in a good way.

Attached: image.jpg (650x877, 98K)

Imagine the farts from that.

El atrocidad...
>Break up with lanklet is so bad that you go from being Cute to THIS

Attached: e08636eaf413cf9fd03492a37486fd89dbdb3e0c0f7d6a1729dfaf19f43703c0.png (245x308, 89K)

This is what happens when they don't get beat with a broomstick.

imagine the smell

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I swear Enzo, Cass and Carmella are taking turns at being jannettys

Same picture. White knights and Incels are the same kind of virgin.

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Blow up dollcore

Yep. I hope you keep BOILING about it too

Whenever i see hot women eating, i cant help but imagine that food digesting in their stomach and turning into shit that they then poop out in a toilet? I'm not even into scat either. Am i weird or anyone else?

Even at her worst Mella was always the Michaels. Not that it's hard you just need to be able to actually hold on to a job

Stop! they are already dead!

Furbys were based

This. Zoomers should kill themselves for not growing up with furbys

Cope with having absolute shit taste in "women" you pig.

Fucking drink bleach

Not coping, fapping to pics of Mella. BOILING?

>masturbating to that
absolutely yikes, don't reply to me anymore you fuckin' jabronie

Fapping to her right now as I type this. Ya sizzlin lil guy?

>people here find this woman attractive

Reminder she put this out meanwhile her and Graves were finalizing a divorce and he moved out already

Her neck
Her back
I wanna lick her boipuccy and her sack

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is this how whores eat pizza

Imagine the braps

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Based and trappilled

>ywn eat pizza in hawaii with mella in an airbnb
Feels fucking bad man, why do I have to be an incel that jerks off over wrestling and posts on here.

Attached: 1476718186686.png (1587x1600, 1.13M)

>ywn go on a secret vacation in a tropical paradise with mella filled with pizza, beaches and sex

Attached: 1387487232.png (600x559, 426K)

That's women for ya! God I wish I was a shoot faggot


shit looks tight