*debuts in a sold out arena*

>gets credited for WCW in 1998
holy fucking yikes

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Hey Chris! Still mad Goldberg raped you in the summer of 03?

Attached: goldberg rape.gif (374x282, 2.3M)

>biggest dimes magnet of 1997
>horrendously botched finish to angle
They had to do something to try to recover I guess.

Attached: crow-sting-1.jpg (642x722, 62K)

God I miss the old chamber, the new one looks like it was contracted to Fisher-Price.

nWo (Nash, Hall, Hogan) were far bigger draw than Sting in 1997. Sting worked 3 or 4 matches that year and didn't work house shows. nWo was the main draw.

And WTF are you talking about? the boitched finished only became something fans talked about after the company went under. There was zero to recover from - business was still incredible after Starrcade 1997 and if fact it increased in EVERY regard (ratings, attendance, gates, buyrates, etc.)

It increased because Sting was a bigger draw than nwo you fucking faggot.

Sting drew big quarter hours in the overrun every week

it increased because of the nWo far more than Sting.

nWo shirts were most visible in crowds. PPV advertised nWo members in top matches, house show attendance increased because of nWo. Again Sting was basically give whole year off in 1997.

Sting helped no doubt but biggest draw was by far the nWo.

Wolfie, my main man, how goes life?

overrun ALWAYS draws well.

nWo also drew big quarters. When Luger beat Hogan for title on 100th Nitro it drew a record rating - Sting wasn't on the show.

>Sting was a bigger draw than nwo
No the fuck he wasn't

I don't know why people have this strange misconception that WCW wasn't red fucking hot in 1998. The "Starrcade 97 finish ruined the business" is such an overblown idea.

it literally doesn't when you're competing with another wrestling show

Everything went up eCause Sting was champion. Everyone had Sting shirts. Sting shirts outsold nwo shirts

Sting kept nWo from getting boring, mary sue invincible villains get old fast without some kind of meaningful conflict. Fingerpoke later on was full on mary sue heel wank and we all know how that ended up.

They're intellectually lazy morons. That's why.

WCW 1998: average attendance up 46.7% (5,472 to 8,029), average gate receipts up 90.1% ($87,413 to $166,190), average television rating up 56.0% (2.14 to 3.40), average Nitro rating up 19.7% (3.70 to 4.43), average PPV buyrate up 17.7% (0.79 to 0.93), mainstream publicity & acceptance bigger than ever, record levels of $350million in revenue & pumping out over $50 million in profit; a level no promotion in history had come close to at this point.

Nope, even when going head to head with Raw, the last quarter hour of Nitro + overrun were usually the highest rated.

Attached: rating.png (688x459, 45K)

It didn't ruin the business, it was just a really fucking stupid idea to pay off the biggest angle in the company like that.

No, everyone had nWo shirts. Sting shirts did not out sell nWo shirts.
Subjective opinion doesn't make it fact. nWo was plenty entertaining with Sting.
>DDP vs. Savage
>Nash vs. Horsemen
>Hall vs. Zybysko
>Hennig vs. Flair
Luger/Giant vs. Rodman/Hogan
etc. etc.

Fingerpoke was great kickoff to an angle and increased ratings.

What's your opinion on the Bash at the Beach 98 main event? It's gotten an insane amount of hate which I've always felt was overblown (not just the match but the whole angle and promotion)

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entertaining WITHOUT Sting I meant.

It brought WCW unprecedented levels of mainstream publicity. Drew 2nd biggest buyrate in WCW history. Speaks for itself.

I agree while it wasn't the best the hate is overblown.

I think WCWs first big mistake were the Jay Leno and Warrior deals when they were at their hottest with the Wolfpac and Goldberg. Is that off base or truthful?

>Shows 98 quarter hours to win argument about 97 quarter hours
The Sting appearing at the end of the show thing is literally what started the trend of having an overrun every week

>autists still can’t cope with wwe BTFOing dubya cee dubya

stop embarrassing yourselves.
past 1997 wcw was a dog that needed to be put down.