Why is Kenny Omega such a taboo topic on this board...

Why is Kenny Omega such a taboo topic on this board? Is it just seething e-drones that won’t let people have an favorable opinion about him? Can’t cope that he joined a paki pyramid Ponzi scheme instead of signing with the carnie crew? Is it because zoomers can’t comprehend what a dime drawer is?
Whenever a Kenny thread starts, it rapidly spirals into shitposts, copes, seethes, boils, and fumes

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's popular so of course Yea Forums has to hate him so they feel special

>budget Pal Murphy

Who is paul murphy?

Take a breather, ya mark. Yea Forums isn't meant to be taken seriously

Derivative Kenny, also know as Aussie Kenny, Buddy Murphy is a 205 live shitter who never drew a penny and never made it to the main roster.

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Honestly what gets me is that literally no-one, not even Meltzer, gave a shit about him prior to WK11. And now, suddenly, he's the best ever.

A great wrestler and has amazing matches, but he's cheesy and cringe on the mic. A bit overrated too.

Kenny Omega

w/ Kota Ibushi vs. Prince Devitt & Ryusuke Taguchi (10/11/2010)
Best Bout Award - Tokyo Sports
Best Bout Award - Weekly Pro Wrestling
Best Match - Net Pro Wrestling Awards (Japanese Fan Poll)

vs. Tetsuya Naito (8/13/2016)
Match of the Year Award - Nikkan Sports
Best Bout Award - Weekly Pro Wrestling
New Japan Pro-Wrestling Best Bout - NJPW (Japanese Fan Poll)
Best Match - Net Pro Wrestling Awards (Japanese Fan Poll)
5 Star Match - WON

vs. Kazuchika Okada (1/4/2017)
Best Bout Award - Tokyo Sports
Best Bout Award - Weekly Pro Wrestling
Match of the Year Award - Nikkan Sports
Pro Wrestling Match of the Year - WON
Match of the Year - PWI
Best Match - Net Pro Wrestling Awards (Japanese Fan Poll)
6 Star Match - WON

vs. Kazuchika Okada (6/11/2017)
Match of the Year - PWI
New Japan Pro-Wrestling Best Bout - NJPW (Japanese Fan Poll)
6¼ Star Match - WON

vs. Kazuchika Okada (6/9/2018)
Best Bout Award - Tokyo Sports
Match of the Year Award - Nikkan Sports
7 Star Match - WON
Match of the Year - PWI
Highest Rated Match - Cagematch

Here are 2018's results of a popular Japanese wrestling fan poll that has been regarded by many wrestlers in the business.


3 - Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho (1/4 - New Japan)
5 - Hiroshi Tanahashi & Will Opsreay vs. Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi (12/15 - New Japan)
7 - Kenny Omega vs. Tomohiro Ishii (8/4 - New Japan)


He also received more votes than anyone in VOW's 2018 MOTY ballot.

Finally, in 2018, (9) matches of his were rated an aggregate score of 9+ on Cagematch.

>Honestly what gets me is that literally no-one, not even Meltzer, gave a shit about him prior to WK11.
It felt forced as fuck

Overrated in the ring, not to mention he's a walking cringefest. That's to be expected from a weeb faggot like him though.

alright, but how many dimes did he draw?

e-drones hate him for not signing with their precious wwmeme in favor of a new company and for helping new chad-pan gain a stronger following in the west

personally I thought he was a solid wrestler up until all the Elite sports entertainment garbage and him doing absolutely nothing with the IWGP strap while somehow acting above other talent (Best Bout Machine shtick), fucking Jay White ended up having a better title reign than Kenny which says it all

>Not knowing Friend Murphy


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His match with Naito in G1 prior to WK11 received 5-shurikens by Meltman so that isn't true. You know nothing about pro-wrestling.

Ah, I stand corrected. He had one notable showing a couple months prior to WK11.

I mean his gimmick is that he’s a faggot FF7/Evangelion mark that took the Nihon meme seriously. How can Yea Forums of all places root for a faggot weaboo who dyes his hair to look like Sephiroth?

he’s missed kenny’s true best matches by WK11 anyway. His DDT matches were god tier, and his tag match with Kana (Asuka for E-drone zoomers)

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>Better title reign
Are you retarded? 0 defenses and was used as a replacement.

But other than that, yea

t. nujapanlet that didn't watch his match with Ibushi at Budokan

More than Simpblade

>0 defenses in fake fighting
who gives a shit? he'll be champion again by next year, is young and still figuring out his gimmick. Kenneth has no excuses for that piss poor 6 month reign, he's good in the chase but absolutely shit-tier as champion

Yea Forums is a fucking anime website

E Drones never recovered from this tweet

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I’ll let you figure out why this is fucking retarded

>has no counter-argument
haha fuck off, its a fake title reign dummy I'm not the retard here

>who care about a fake title reign
>turns around and complains about a title reign
>then is ready for another shitty title reign from the same shitter from before

I think people just don't talk about him since he hasn't wrestled in 4 months.

Let's see:

- Overrated as a worker. No, he's not a Lawler, Flair or anyone else. He's just another flippy guy except...

- Dave's been shilling for him, The Elite and NJPW. Why? The more popular wrestling is, the more Dave gets paid. WWE isn't going to boom anytime soon, so Dave is betting on other people instead.

- He has one of the most annoying fanbases ever, and a lot of it comes from the fact that most fans just mirror Dave's opinions.

- He's a gay liberal. He hangs out with coal burners and he virtue signals about guns.

In other words he works you into a BOIL

Never drew a yen.

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He's super popular with smarks and is little more than overrated car crash spot monkey. You add to that cringe BTE stuff and the Elites inability to hear even slightest criticism without sperging out on twitter and a negative reaction from somewhere was an inevitability.

>can't separate fiction from reality
>being this much of a brainlet
>not an argument
big yikes

Jesus, Okada is like a whole dick taller than him. Never realized their size was that different.

Because he's not that good and you're not allowed to say that without being accused of being contrarian and edgy.

What point of getting injured and needing surgery during the G1 don't you get. Brainlet?

Kenny just lost it after 2016, Okada matches aside, his title reign was lackluster as hell, felt like that Ambrose effect, just a year too late to keep the interest flowing, and now? TNA brews more hype than anything Kenny has done all year.

Untrue. When Kenny joined BC, that was a huge get for a casual who was tired of WWE but didn't care enough to watch anything else. After that I started watching New Japan shows when I could find them and later signed up for World as soon as it came out. Kenny was never my favorite, but he draws.

>When Kenny joined BC
He was a Jr. Heavyweight and no one cared.
>that was a huge get for a casual
This was when they still had AJ as BC's ace. Any "casual fan" that started checking out NJPW at that time was doing so for AJ not Kenny.

Not true. A lot of people started watching after the Kenny turn on AJ.

I watched for Kenny and not AJ
Kenny’s Jr. Heavyweight run was better, more exciting, and more interesting than AJ’s whole run as BC’s top guy

>I started watching New Japan because of Kenny
>"no you didn't"

>weeb wrestling

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>A lot of people started watching after the Kenny turn on AJ.
But that didn't happen immediately. Kenny joined in '14 and didn't become the leader until '16. Most people didn't start watching for Kenny until after Meltz became his personal cheerleader towards the end of the G1.
AJ had more name value in the west than Kenny did at that time (still does), to act as if AJ didn't bring a lot fans to the table is silly.

He was one of the few indie guys I enjoyed because I loved his novelty matches. Plus Dave still doesn't watch DDT

Dave missed out. Kenny’s DDT phase was fantastic. It was fun and charismatic, and the novelty didn’t seem to get stale during his few years there

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he seems like a cool guy

but he has like 30 min matches. i don't have time to watch 30 min fake fights

>Whenever a Kenny thread starts, it rapidly spirals into shitposts, copes, seethes, boils, and fumes

So you decided to circumvent that by starting it WITH a seethe, boil and fume?

Dave didn't go 6 stars on him before that but he was all over him during that first G1 run.

If he was straight or he simply kept his sexuality to himself then he'd be far bigger than he is. It's a subconscious thing.

You are getting worked. He's engaged with Shida.


What's that?

kenny is based, and has done a lot for board culture, including coining the term "e drone"
he's definitely our guy

I love him
he's the 2nd best wrestler in the world

Hikaru Shida

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Who’s best?

He was the boards hottest thing until the Bucks and Cody brainwashed him on his own piss

>a paki pyramid Ponzi scheme

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Kenny Vs. Okada is the best match ever like 3 or 4 years running.

posted wrong gif, sorry boys.

>some literal who that looks like budget techno viking
that's gonna be a yikes from me, brother

>Pal Murphy

>not knowing what derivative means and implies

the who what now?

He's just a good wrestler with bad promos and hypercringe shit outside of the ring. We ignore him as best we can while he's not wrestling, which seems to be 3 times a year

None of them are better than Shibata vs Okada


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>mark awards like WON or PWI
>relevant at all
Stop living in the wrestling bubble
>a bit
He's overrated, plain and simple

I think it stems from the fact that he's going to be wrestling sub par talents in AEW for a few years, not really furthering his career whilst theres such a large established roster that he can work many dream matches in.

And he didnt make it a secret that WWE was treating him like a star in negotiations and he felt genuine respect from them.

Im incredibly skeptical with CAWDY. He preaches about the fans yet he seems to be interested in gaining accolades. Business with the NWA? Im goin' over daddeh -its my show. NJPW - Gets the USIWGP and ruined BC.

But he never put over others proprly less they gave him something first.

I wouldn’t say WWE has top tier talents. Kenny should’ve stayed in Japan if he cared about quality and his “legacy” but I guess only time will tell
Though there isn’t much time left; being that he’s like 36/37 and injury prone