Are you MAN ENOUGH to step up to the plate and take care of Bray Wyatt's neglected family?
Are you MAN ENOUGH to step up to the plate and take care of Bray Wyatt's neglected family?
Left his beautiful white family to get stink faced by JoJo on a nightly basis.
what a piece of shit
I don't give a fuck what redditfugees say. Bray Wyatt is based as fuck, and would have made a great multi-time world champion.
>names their baby Knash
Do they WANT him to get raped?
>there are people itt who think cheating on your gf/wife is wrong
>K Nash
>Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash is the father.
>product of interracial sex
what did she mean by this
Cheating on your gf is eh, a wife though is wrong. If you want to bone other people just don't get married, it aint that hard.
Incorrect. Kevin Nash has been unable to sustain an erection since a fateful summer in the early 1990s.
>I'm so excited to announce baby Knash, coming this June!
Is this a pregnancy or a movie premiere?
That's just how women talk about childbirth. They think pushing a baby out of their vajoonga is the most notable event in the world.
>he’s got the whooooole world in his hands
>he’s got the whole world in his hands
Wow, Bray is kind of a massive piece of shit
God those kids are gonna grow up without a father in their lives from such a young age. What a fucking massive cunt.
JoJo is never getting her body back, is she?
Its gonna be tough. If i were a woman id never have children. Not just because it would ruin my body and my vagina... but it just seems scary as fuck to have something growing inside of you for 9 months and feeding off you. Nah, fuck that. Not to mention the stress of raising a kid and the possibility of the father bailing. Nope, nope, nope. Fuck that. Children are a mess and they age your appearance and drain your wallet.
This, when children are involved it just becomes an all around sad situation. Anyone who unironically thinks different are mentally ill.
Nah, you have to always cheat on your gf or wife or else they will cheat on you. Bitches need to smell pussy on you.
Just when I thought he couldn't get any more based.
Maybe you should have an open relationship the if you're too dumb to keep a woman without keeping her in constant fear.
Smells like jew in here
has white children, then colonizes a 10 black girl. He is truly based!
Next is an Asian woman to complete the trifecta. Someone warn Kairi.
Eh, there's a good few pictures on Bray's IG of him hanging out with his kids. So long as he has a relationship with them, who gives a fuck if he decided to upgrade his lady?
Do you think he hates Lio Rush because he sees himself in Lio being an interracial faggot?
She's not black. She's latina.
Fuck off back to /pol/
You fuckin' simp, that's clearly Husky Harris and his wife.
It's a mocha mistake.
Hell no. She reminds me of that one fat bitch from impact.
Absolutely. There's nothing more manly then stepping in to take care of your wife's children.
Yeah but hvae you seen Jojo's fat plump ass? I'd be dicking that down everyday.
If they didn't break up the Wyatts and give him trash storylines yeah
fake ass
>i wish wish family well in all their future endeavors
I'm fairly sure that's the name of an orc I killed in Shadows of Mordor.
bray just started to feed her
nigga I don't give a shit. I'd fuck literally anything that moves.
Seething vagina
>Summer of 2019
What's bussy feel like, bros?
shes gonna get thicker you dumb nigger
>Fuck off back to /pol/